Mighty Shadow Gogg (Full Version)

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Dragoon23 -> Mighty Shadow Gogg (8/6/2014 0:04:16)

Mighty Shadow Gogg
House Guard

Location: Legend of Lore: Challenge Gauntlet 2
Element: Neutral
	Z	Z	Z	Z
Level	103	118	133	148
Price	1030	1180	1330	1480
S <48h	927	1062	1197	1332
  >48h	515	590	665	740
Adds [link=URL]Mighty Shadow Gogg[/link] (103, 118, 133, 148) to guard your house.

This shadow has taken on the appearance of a gogg! And to make matters worse, this one seems a lot stronger than normal shadow creatures....


Additional thanks to Koree. Write up and Image thanks to Bu Kek Siansu.


March 3, 2014: The house item was released.

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