RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (10/12/2014 9:17:15)


Shadowfire Axe of Curses

MC Fire Axe.

*85/81 damage ~ -4 BTH on all normal player attacks and wepaon Specials.

The Special is three hits, Ranged Fire.

MC: Has the same effect as the Shadowscythe Breaker. Remember that this weapon is Melee-only, so you can ignore the Magic stuff on that page. The only difference is that the poison is power: 2.2 (as a multi-elemental bonus), and Fire-element monsters are immune (instead of Darkness).
Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	153
Base	6	9	11	14	16	17	19	21
Rand	5	9	12	13	15	18	20	22
BtH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19

Proc	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20
SBR	2.52	4.48	6.62	8.78	10.81	12.52	13.74	14.35
SLS	1.66	2.98	4.3	5.62	6.94	8.26	9.58	11.1
SBtH	5	13	21	30	38	46	51	54

MCPrice	39	117	739	5758	46217	372410	3002287	24205166
MCSell	19	58	369	2879	23108	186205	1501143	12102583

Omni Knight Blade

MC Fire/Energy sword. Click the blade handle to swap Fire<->Energy. Click the handle blade to swap Melee <-> Magic.

No Special, so *1.09 damage.
Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	153

Base	4	7	9	10	12	13	14	16
Rand	9	13	16	21	23	26	30	32
BtH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19
Proc	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0

DPrice	25	75	470	3665	29411	236989	1910546	15403288
DSell	12	37	235	1832	14705	118494	955273	7701644
Got these. ~Carandor

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (10/12/2014 9:25:01)

I think you got the toggles reversed, when I tested the omni knight blade the blade was magic/melee and the handle was fire/energy.

RMC -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (10/12/2014 12:11:45)

On that note , could the swap spots be reversed in-game so they correspond with the info-subs ? clicking the blade is much easier than clicking the handle (especially if you have a pet that you can click on) and you're only going to toggle the weapon type once (if at all) anyway.

Tumulus -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (10/12/2014 16:11:19)

[&:] I second that, trying to toggle sword element on Tortress is quite troublesome, especially with a toggleable shield equipped too.

EDIT: Mkay. ;_;

Ianthe -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (10/12/2014 17:30:36)

Whoops, sorry, I got that backwards.

And no, it's not going to be switched.

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (10/13/2014 4:54:30)


Omni Knight Blade

«0% Proc Melee Fire sword. Mastercraft; can be swapped between Fire and Energy damage. Can be swapped between Melee and Magic mode.»

Location: Can be upgraded through Ballyhoo's Heromart Rewards page - [link=URL]Omni Knight Blade[/link] shop
Type								G
Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150
PowLvl	10 MC	30 MC	50 MC	70 MC	90 MC	110 MC	130 MC	153 MC

Price	25	75	470	3665	29411	236989	1910546	15403288
Sell	12	37	235	1832	14705	118494	955273	7701644

Type: Melee
Element: Fire
Damage	4-13	7-20	9-25	10-31	12-35	13-39	14-44	16-48
BTH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19


  • All normal Player attacks deal *1.09 damage due to lack of a Special.
  • Click the handle to swap between Fire and Energy damage.
  • Click the blade to swap between Melee and Magic mode. In Magic mode, it does 75% damage.

    Congratulations on completing the Artix Entertainment 12th Anniversary event! This potent weapon will change between melee and magic when you click the blade, and between fire and energy when you click the hilt!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Description and image thanks to Zeldax. Additional thanks to Dreiko Shadrack, DarkLore, In Media Res and Darius.


    October 10, 2014: The weapon was released.
    ... --, 20??: The weapon became rare.
  • Got this. ~Carandor

    Carandor -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (10/19/2014 7:32:08)

    Lyre of Lyrics
    You managed to "persuade" one of the Moglins to sell you one of their instruments. It'll be a useful weapon for you, so long as you have enough Charisma to sing better than that motley crew!

    big E -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (10/19/2014 19:00:08)

    Better late than never, but - I'm guessing the old Water Drop Mace went Rare when the updated Water Drop Flail series came out? I can't find it in either of the listed locations.

    Carandor -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (10/20/2014 5:06:10)

    Claimh Solais
  • Other versions of this weapon:

      • [link=URL]Mizuchi's Light Z[/link]
      • [link=URL]Mizuchi's Light[/link]
      • [link=URL]Apam Napat's Shine[/link]
      • [link=URL]Poseidon's Gleam[/link]
      • [link=URL]Neptune's Glint Z[/link]
      • [link=URL]Neptune's Glint[/link]
      • [link=URL]Aegir's Sheen[/link]
      • [link=URL]Chalchiuhtlicue's Flash[/link]
      • [link=URL]Sedna's Lustre[/link]
      • [link=URL]Claimh Solais[/link]

    This blade shines with an irresistible light!

    Spear of Lugh
  • Other versions of this weapon:

      • [link=URL]Mizuchi's Forbearance Z[/link]
      • [link=URL]Mizuchi's Forbearance[/link]
      • [link=URL]Apam Napat's Constitution[/link]
      • [link=URL]Poseidon's Stamina[/link]
      • [link=URL]Neptune's Heart Z[/link]
      • [link=URL]Neptune's Heart[/link]
      • [link=URL]Aegir's Resolution[/link]
      • [link=URL]Chalchiuhtlicue's Grit[/link]
      • [link=URL]Sedna's Mettle[/link]
      • [link=URL]Spear of Lugh[/link]

    A legendary spear taken from a legendary warrior. It shines with such unstoppable power that your opponent will be left shaking in its boots!

    Shadowfire Axe of Curses
    This mighty axe, entrusted to you by Artix, is one key to a mystery! It contains a part of a curse that once befell the Prime Fire Orb - and you can inflict that fiery curse upon your foes!

  • Ianthe -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (10/22/2014 13:59:11)


    Random sweep for the old smbDoll, 'cause it's timely. Not releasing it again.

    Attack is two hits, -10 BTH ~ *85/75 damage. *1.02 for no "Special-special"

    Description for both is: A cute little doll that might be a child's best friend. She packs a magical punch for your enemies though!
    Level	100	135
    Type	-	-
    PowLvl	100	135
    Base	9	11
    Rand	19	22
    BtH	13	17
    Proc	100	100
    BowBR	400	505
    BowStat	760	991
    BowBTH	12	16
    Price	119251	4599098
    Sell	59625	2299549


    Better late than never. Got this. ~Carandor

    Carandor -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (10/23/2014 17:40:28)


    Artix Doll
    This mysterious doll looks a bit like Artix! It can unleash beams of light at your foes and deals bonus damage to Undead enemies!

    Galanoth Doll
    This mysterious doll looks a bit like Galanoth! It unleashes an unearthly chain that deals earthly damage, and will deal greater damage to Drakel and Dragonkin, and even more to Dragons! And deals even more if any of those are aligned to Wind!

    2 hit attack for both Galanoth and Artix Dolls.

    Sentari Edge
    A powerful weapon used by the Sentari warriors, a tribe that fights as though one with the wind.

    Sentari Katana
    A powerful weapon used by the Sentari mages, a tribe that fights as though one with the wind.
    Got these. ~Carandor

    Ianthe -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (10/23/2014 21:54:17)


    Copying Kam's dev notes:

    Artix/Galanoth Dolls

    Magic 100% proc weapons. No real special, so *1.02 damage. Both of them trigger, so *0.95 downstate. Against Undead, the Artix doll does *1.1 damage. Against Drakel, the Galanoth one does *1.05 damage, if they're also Wind element, it does *1.075 instead of *1.05. Against Dragons, the Galanoth doll does *1.075 damage, if they're also wind element, it does *1.15 damage instead of *1.075.

    Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	153
    Base	3	5	6	8	9	10	11	12
    Rand	7	10	14	14	17	19	21	24
    BtH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19
    BowBR	130	190	250	310	370	430	490	559
    BowStat	166	298	430	562	694	826	958	1109.8
    BowBTH	1	3	6	8	11	13	16	19
    Price	36	107	672	5235	42016	338555	2729352	22004697
    Sell	18	53	336	2617	21008	169277	1364676	11002348

    Level	55	107	143
    Type	Z	G	Z
    PowLvl	70	110	153
    Base	8	10	12
    Rand	14	19	24
    BtH	9	14	19
    BowBR	310	430	559
    BowStat	562	826	1109.8
    BowBTH	8	13	19
    Price	2350	247556	12600
    Sell	Z	123778	Z

    Sentari Edge/Katana

    Standard Wind weapons.

    Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	153
    Base	4	7	9	10	12	13	14	16
    Rand	9	13	16	21	23	26	30	32
    Base	3	5	6	8	9	10	11	12
    Rand	7	10	14	14	17	19	21	24
    BtH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19
    Proc	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20
    SBR	2.52	4.48	6.62	8.78	10.81	12.52	13.74	14.35
    SLS	1.66	2.98	4.3	5.62	6.94	8.26	9.58	11.1
    SBtH	5	13	21	30	38	46	51	54
    Price	36	107	672	5235	42016	338555	2729352	22004697
    Sell	18	53	336	2617	21008	169277	1364676	11002348
    Got these. ~Carandor

    Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (10/25/2014 11:57:40)


  • Sentari Edge = Done!
  • Sentari Katana = Done!

    Sentari Edge

    «Melee Wind sword.»

    Location: [link=URL]Sentari Armory[/link] shop*
    Type								G
    Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150
    PowLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	153
    Price	36	107	672	5235	42016	338555	2729352	22004697
    Sell	18	53	336	2617	21008	169277	1364676	11002348

    Type: Melee
    Element: Wind
    Damage	4-13	7-20	9-25	10-31	12-35	13-39	14-44	16-48
    BTH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19

    Hits: 3
    Type: Melee
    Element: Wind
    BR%	84	149.33	220.67	292.67	360.33	417.33	458	478.33
    LS%	55.33	99.33	143.33	187.33	231.33	275.33	319.33	370
    +BTH	5	13	21	30	38	46	51	54
    Rate: 20%

    *You must first buy the Raffle Ticket to get any items from this shop.

    Note: You only need to buy 1 Raffle Ticket for 100 Z-Tokens to gain access to the Sentari Armory shop.

    A powerful weapon used by the Sentari warriors, a tribe that fights as though one with the wind.


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Description and image thanks to Carandor.


    Special starts off with:
    Type								G
    Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150
    PowLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	153
    BR%	252	448	662	878	1081	1252	1374	1435
    LS%	166	298	430	562	694	826	958	1110
    +BTH	5	13	21	30	38	46	51	54
    With three equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/3 damage.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.


    October 23, 2014: The weapon was released.
    November ??, 2014: The weapon became rare.??

    Sentari Katana

    «Magic Wind sword.»

    Location: [link=URL]Sentari Armory[/link] shop*
    Type								G
    Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150
    PowLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	153
    Price	36	107	672	5235	42016	338555	2729352	22004697
    Sell	18	53	336	2617	21008	169277	1364676	11002348

    Type: Magic
    Element: Wind
    Damage	3-10	5-15	6-20	8-22	9-26	10-29	11-32	12-36
    BTH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19

    Hits: 2
    Type: Magic
    Element: Wind
    BR%	126	224	331	439	540.5	626	687	717.5
    LS%	83	149	215	281	347	413	479	555
    +BTH	5	13	21	30	38	46	51	54
    Rate: 20%

    *You must first buy the Raffle Ticket to get any items from this shop.

    Note: You only need to buy 1 Raffle Ticket for 100 Z-Tokens to gain access to the Sentari Armory shop.

    A powerful weapon used by the Sentari mages, a tribe that fights as though one with the wind.


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Description and image thanks to Carandor.


    Special starts off with:
    Type								G
    Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150
    PowLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	153
    BR%	252	448	662	878	1081	1252	1374	1435
    LS%	166	298	430	562	694	826	958	1110
    +BTH	5	13	21	30	38	46	51	54
    With two equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/2 damage.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.


    October 23, 2014: The weapon was released.
    November ??, 2014: The weapon became rare.??

  • Sentari Edge = Done!
  • Sentari Katana = Done!
  • Got these. ~Carandor

    Ianthe -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (10/28/2014 16:15:45)


    Update: the Shadowfire Axe of Curses Lv10 is now Lv5:
    Level	1
    Type	-
    PowLvl	1
    Base	5
    Rand	4
    BtH	1
    Proc	20
    SBR	2.08
    SLS	1.33
    SBtH	3
    MCPrice	35
    MCSell	17
    Got this. ~Carandor

    Ianthe -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (10/30/2014 15:53:03)

    Pumpkin Dicer

    Standard Magic Fire sword.
    evel	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	153
    Base	3	5	6	8	9	10	11	12
    Rand	7	10	14	14	17	19	21	24
    BtH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19
    Proc	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20
    SBR	2.52	4.48	6.62	8.78	10.81	12.52	13.74	14.35
    SLS	1.66	2.98	4.3	5.62	6.94	8.26	9.58	11.1
    SBtH	5	13	21	30	38	46	51	54

    Ianthe -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (10/31/2014 18:28:42)


    Eukara Doll

    Triggers on enemies with 0 or less INT and deals *1.1 damage. Does *0.95 damage otherwise.

    EDIT: *1.02 damage for no Special-special.
    Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	153
    Base	3	5	6	8	9	10	11	12
    Rand	7	10	14	14	17	19	21	24
    BtH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19
    BowBR	130	190	250	310	370	430	490	559
    BowStat	166	298	430	562	694	826	958	1109.8
    BowBTH	1	3	6	8	11	13	16	19
    Price	36	107	672	5235	42016	338555	2729352	22004697
    Sell	18	53	336	2617	21008	169277	1364676	11002348
    Level	55	107	143
    Type	Z	G	Z
    PowLvl	70	110	153
    Base	8	10	12
    Rand	14	19	24
    BtH	9	14	19
    BowBR	310	430	559
    BowStat	562	826	1109.8
    BowBTH	8	13	19
    Price	2350	247556	12600
    Sell	Z	123778	Z
    Got this. ~Carandor

    overdead -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (10/31/2014 18:57:51)

    @IMR: I see no price tag for dicer. Does that mean there won't be a permanent version?

    Right. ~IMR

    Carandor -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (10/31/2014 21:02:38)


    Eukara Doll
    This mysterious doll looks a bit like Eukara! It can summon dragonflies to strike your foes and it will deal more damage to creatures that have no intellect!
    Got this. ~Carandor

    lh47 -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (10/31/2014 22:49:51)

    Why does the description say it does more to 0 Int, but the stats say the opposite?

    Because I can't read. The in-game description is right. ~IMR

    Ianthe -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (10/31/2014 23:27:19)


    I just got the Lyre of Lyrics fixed up.

    "bow"/"wand"-like weapon. Uses CHA instead of INT. It's Magic now. Deals *1.02 damage for having no Special-special.

    Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150
    Type	-	-	G	-	Z	-	-	G
    PowLvl	10	30	54	70	100	110	130	153
    Base	2	3	3	4	5	5	5	6
    Rand	9	14	21	22	27	29	33	36
    BtH	1	4	7	9	13	14	16	19
    BowBR	130	190	262	310	400	430	490	559
    BowStat	166	298	456.4	562	760	826	958	1109.8
    BowBTH	1	3	6	8	12	13	16	19
    Price	36	107	672	5235	7400	338555	2729352	22004697
    Sell	18	53	336	2617	Z	169277	1364676	11002348
    Got this. ~Carandor

    Ianthe -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/2/2014 21:08:11)

    I FINALLY finished fixing up the old Akriloth Blade. I've been working on this since September.

    Fire-element Melee Sword. No Special, so *1.09 damage.

    Click on the blade to transform into Akriloth.

    Guardian-only, but instead of a Guardian boost, it gets a free MCing.
    Level	20	60
    Type	-	-
    PowLvl	20	60
    Base	6	9
    Rand	11	20
    BtH	3	8
    Price	220	7444
    Sell	110	3722

    thedarkened -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/2/2014 21:23:01)

    thanks for the update. will it ever get higher tiers, though?

    Probably not. At least not until we get new art, if ever. ~IMR

    Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/3/2014 1:51:05)


    Eukara Doll

    «100% Proc Magic Wind weapon.»

    Also see Eukara Doll, Eukara Doll G, Eukara Doll Z

    Location: Mogloween [link=URL]2014[/link] » The Dollmaker » The Dollmaker Part 2
    Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130
    PowLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130
    Price	36	107	672	5235	42016	338555	2729352
    Sell	18	53	336	2617	21008	169277	1364676

    Type: Magic
    Element: Wind
    Damage	3-10	5-15	6-20	8-22	9-26	10-29	11-32
    BTH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16

    Hits: 2
    Type: Magic
    Element: Wind
    BR%	66.3	96.9	127.5	158.1	188.7	219.3	249.9
    Stat%	84.66	151.98	219.3	286.62	353.94	421.26	488.58
    +BTH	1	3	6	8	11	13	16
    Rate: 100%

    Does *1.1 damage against monsters with 0 or less INT. Does *0.95 damage otherwise.

    This mysterious doll looks a bit like Eukara! It can summon dragonflies to strike your foes and it will deal more damage to creatures that have no intellect!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Description and image thanks to Carandor.


    Starts off with:
    Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130
    PowLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130
    BR%	130	190	250	310	370	430	490
    Stat%	166	298	430	562	694	826	958
    +BTH	1	3	6	8	11	13	16
  • Does *1.02 damage due to lack of a "real" Special.

  • With two equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/2 damage.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.


    October 31, 2014: The weapon was released.
    November 13, 2014: The weapon became rare.

    Eukara Doll G

    «100% Proc Magic Wind weapon.»

    Also see Eukara Doll, Eukara Doll G, Eukara Doll Z

    Location: Mogloween [link=URL]2014[/link] » The Dollmaker » The Dollmaker Part 2
    Type	G	G
    Level	107	150
    PowLvl	110	153
    Price	247556	22004697
    Sell	123778	1100234

    Type: Magic
    Element: Wind
    Damage	10-29	12-36
    BTH	14	19

    Hits: 2
    Type: Magic
    Element: Wind
    BR%	219.3	285.09
    Stat%	421.26	565.998
    +BTH	13	19
    Rate: 100%

    Does *1.1 damage against monsters with 0 or less INT. Does *0.95 damage otherwise.

    This mysterious doll looks a bit like Eukara! It can summon dragonflies to strike your foes and it will deal more damage to creatures that have no intellect!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Description and image thanks to Carandor.


    Starts off with:
    Type	G	G
    Level	107	150
    PowLvl	110	153
    BR%	430	559
    Stat%	826	1109.8
    +BTH	13	19
  • Does *1.02 damage due to lack of a "real" Special.

  • With two equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/2 damage.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.


    October 31, 2014: The weapon was released.
    November 13, 2014: The weapon became rare.

    Eukara Doll Z

    «100% Proc Magic Wind weapon.»

    Also see Eukara Doll, Eukara Doll G, Eukara Doll Z

    Location: Mogloween [link=URL]2014[/link] » The Dollmaker » The Dollmaker Part 2
    Type	Z	Z
    Level	55	143
    PowLvl	70	153
    Price	2350	12600
    S <48h	2115	11340
      >48h	1175	6300

    Type: Magic
    Element: Wind
    Damage	8-22	12-36
    BTH	9	19

    Hits: 2
    Type: Magic
    Element: Wind
    BR%	158.1	285.09
    Stat%	286.62	565.998
    +BTH	8	19
    Rate: 100%

    Does *1.1 damage against monsters with 0 or less INT. Does *0.95 damage otherwise.

    This mysterious doll looks a bit like Eukara! It can summon dragonflies to strike your foes and it will deal more damage to creatures that have no intellect!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Description and image thanks to Carandor.


    Starts off with:
    Type	Z	Z
    Level	55	143
    PowLvl	70	153
    BR%	310	559
    Stat%	562	1109.8
    +BTH	8	19
  • Does *1.02 damage due to lack of a "real" Special.

  • With two equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/2 damage.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.


    October 31, 2014: The weapon was released.
    November 13, 2014: The weapon became rare.
  • Got these. ~Carandor

    mega000200 -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/6/2014 15:33:07)


    Clockwork Scythe

    Level : 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 150

    Price (Gold) : 36G, 107G, 672G, 5235G, 42016G, 338555G, 2729352G, 22004697G

    Type : Ranged
    Element : Wind

    Damage : 2-15, 3-24, 4-30, 5-36, 6-41, 7-45, 7-51, 8-56

    DESCRIPTION: Time is on your side when you wield this wicked scythe. The can channel the power of the ages to blast your enemies apart!


    Got this. ~Carandor

    Ianthe -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (11/6/2014 20:40:19)


    Ancient Daito

    Melee Earth sword.

    Special is two hits, Melee Earth.

    MC: +4 BTH on all attacks

    Level	3	23	43	63	83	103	123	143
    Type	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    PowLvl	41	50	62	76	93	113	133	153
    Base	8	9	10	11	12	13	15	16
    Rand	15	16	18	20	23	27	29	32
    BtH	5	6	8	10	12	14	17	19
    Proc	10	10	10	10	10	10	10	10
    SBR	7.56	8.84	10.57	12.41	14.59	17.08	18.63	18.77
    SLS	3.71	4.3	5.09	6.02	7.14	8.46	9.78	11.1
    SBtH	17	21	26	32	39	47	51	54
    MCPrice	605	935	1705	3575	7535	9240	11330	13860
    MCSell	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    Got this, thanks. ~Carandor


    Clockwork Scythe

    Ranged Wind scythe. -3 BTH ~ *85/82 damage on all attacks.

    Special is two hits, Ranged Wind.
    Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	153
    Base	2	3	4	5	6	7	7	8
    Rand	13	21	26	31	35	38	44	48
    BtH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19
    Proc	15	15	15	15	15	15	15	15
    SBR	2.8	5	7.36	9.76	11.95	13.94	15.31	15.82
    SLS	1.66	2.98	4.3	5.62	6.94	8.26	9.58	11.1
    SBtH	5	13	21	30	38	46	51	54
    Price	36	107	672	5235	42016	338555	2729352	22004697
    Sell	18	53	336	2617	21008	169277	1364676	11002348
    Got this. ~Carandor

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