Amethyst Guard (Full Version)

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Dragoon23 -> Amethyst Guard (8/8/2014 1:02:56)

Amethyst Guard

«Water shield. Mastercraft; has a built-in Cure Poison spell, it either removes active poisons OR it gives you Poison Immunity.»

Also see other item of the Amethyst Set: Amethyst Sunder

Location: Given automatically to players who purchase the 12,000 Z-Token package. Buying the package also gives access to the Amethyst Armoury shop. The version of the shield is based on the level of the character.
Player	0-59	60-79	80-99	100-119	120-139	140+
Shield	50	70	90	110	130	150
PowLvl	54 MC	73 MC	93 MC	113 MC	133 MC	153 MC

Price	739	5758	46217	372410	3002287	24205166
Sell	369	2879	23108	186205	1501143	12102583

Melee	7	8	11	13	15	15
Ranged	7	8	11	13	15	15
Magic	10	11	13	15	16	17

Water	-18	-21	-22	-23	-24	-25
  • Click the shield to use the skill* to remove active poisons** from your system OR to get Poison Immunity***.
    • You can't use the skill if you don't have enough SP****.
      SPCost	116	159	209	265	326	392
      If you ARE poisoned, skill only attempts to Cure Poison:
      • You cannot cure Poisons 16 or more levels above this item's PowLvl.
      • If the poison is 5 or more levels above you, then [Penalty] = (12-PoisonLevel + PowLvl + 4) / 12, to a minimum of 0.

      • Value of Healing is [Healing] = 0.85*[Penalty].
      • Value of Poison is [Poison] = [Duration] * [Power]/10.
      • If [Poison] is less than [Healing], then you're completely cure the poison.
      • If [Poison] is greater, then you reduce the poison's Power by [Healing]*10/[Poison Duration].

      If you are NOT poisoned, skill only attempts to grant Poison Immunity:
      • If the monster is 16 or more levels above this item's PowLvl, then the Poison Immunity fails.
      • If the poison is 5 or more levels above you, then there is a (12-PoisonLevel + PowLvl + 4) / 12 chance of gaining Poison Immunity for one turn.
      • Otherwise, you automatically gain Poison Immunity for one turn.
    ****Click on the shield to cure your system of poison! This skill costs «» SP.
    ****The spell cures the poison in your system!
    ****The spell will protect you from poison for one turn.
    ****You need «» SP to use this attack!

    A mystic shield made of amethyst, it provides great protection against Water and Magic attacks, and can be clicked to cleanse poisons from your system! Use it with the Amethyst Sunder to take even less damage from foes' attacks!


    Numbers and additional thanks to In Media Res. Description and image thanks to Carandor. Write up thanks to Bu Kek Siansu.


    March 28, 2014: The shield was released.
    August 28, 2014: The shield became rare.

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