RE: Ember's Somethng or others (Title a Work-n-Progress) (Full Version)

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Ragsrun -> RE: Ember's Somethng or others (Title a Work-n-Progress) (12/14/2014 17:49:12)

Hahah. Yer startin' to know my quirks, afb. ; )
Also, how cool is it that you've attracted an OS fan artist over to here? Helloooo to ChaosRipjaw!

I CAN say that I'm not going to give you a hard time of this new Safiria piece. It has more character and personality since the eyes and nose are better defined along with clearer cheekbones. There's a certain "intensity" to 'em as y'mentioned on dA, especially on the final pen drawing. So now she's not just smiling vaguely at the viewer—she has an air of imperial superiority and ferocity. (Though I have a feeling that Oishii [or is it Tomix this time?] has made Safiria look a bit more like a doll than a ruthless queen, hah.) P'raps next time, you could try accentuating the chin too.

And then...there's the hair. I think I'll just second ChaosRipjaw's suggestion of drawing tufts. It'd be a little more similar to how y'drew Wonder Woman. Or maybe you're trying to move away from that?

[Edit: I'm sorry, I snatched the first post of page 2. Congraaaats.]

afb728 -> RE: Ember's Somethng or others (Title a Work-n-Progress) (2/6/2015 2:24:26)



I decided to draw men a few weeks ago, and this was one of the results. The other four are still in progress (as part of a series) but they're slowly coming.

The hair could be more decisively drawn, but it's also white, so I got to escape some of the shading.

What do you think?

EDIT: Also, apparently this was a Freudian slip, because I put the link as the title. I finished book one of my DF story. You should totally read it and give feedback. (Shameless self-promotion is shameless.)

Also, I'm on twitter now.

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