mark of blood (Full Version)

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a non varium player -> mark of blood (8/11/2014 5:31:38)

this skill is op. bm and bh just keeps atacking without any turn to waste while simultaneously getting hp back.
make it work only three turns not four.

FameFortune -> RE: mark of blood (8/11/2014 5:38:57)

it already got nerfed so hard stop whining

past - passive = dont have to active + free + last forever

present - active = cost a turn to activate + cost energy and more as u lvl it + last 4 turns - but if your playing 2v2 your partner can attack that person to gain hp aswell

a non varium player -> RE: mark of blood (8/11/2014 5:48:53)

cost a turn to active? what turn? it works from the moment it is activated

FameFortune -> RE: mark of blood (8/11/2014 5:50:32)

i mean you have to use a turn to use it....

a non varium player -> RE: mark of blood (8/11/2014 5:53:52)

every atack needs a turn to use it... lol?
it should work for 3 turns not four

FameFortune -> RE: mark of blood (8/11/2014 5:55:40)

lol y it used to last forever

a non varium player -> RE: mark of blood (8/11/2014 5:58:05)

"used to" is not excuse that it should be. it should give hp back for 3 turns to the user like his ally. its is op in 1v1.

FameFortune -> RE: mark of blood (8/11/2014 6:04:30)

nerfing something too much isnt good besides a lot of people want it back the way it was (more powerful)

amu1 -> RE: mark of blood (8/11/2014 6:05:56)

yes you are right bm is op thses days -_-

a non varium player -> RE: mark of blood (8/11/2014 6:07:53)

too much?
it is op in 1v1
even its description says hp back for 3 turns. 4 turns is too much in 1v1

FameFortune -> RE: mark of blood (8/11/2014 6:26:15)

Jeez when did you start playing ED? Ever since I started playing during beta I was a tech mage and I was completely OK with blood lust. When blood lust became mark of blood a sudden boom of higher lvl people becoming bms occurred. Anyways be more concerned about battery back up being too op. In my opinion I find reroute to battery backup hardly a nerf - instead of getting a little bit after getting hit now you can gain 375 energy every 5 turns.

a non varium player -> RE: mark of blood (8/11/2014 8:32:06)

what does it matter when i started.
i started this is thread for mark of blood not battery backup
mark of blood is op it gives u simultaneous hp back without wasting a turn while battery needs a turn to use not to mention energy killing skills are there
so i am going back on topic which u diverted
mark of blood should be 3 turns hp back not 4

comicalbike -> RE: mark of blood (8/11/2014 8:36:07)

i agree bm op and ch cant even get enough to beat the boss

Mother1 -> RE: mark of blood (8/11/2014 9:13:52)

Currently the flavor build I see i focus 4-5 blood mage using high strength strike builds with mark of blood and energy parasite. Off topic I warned about what would happen if they gave energy parasite 85% damage but on one listened and now we have strength builds using it now.

However if you nerf this move it will affect all levels that use it not just the group you are hurting in. If it is a problem use a shield seeing at it is depending on damage output. This helps me sometimes depending on the person I fight.

a non varium player -> RE: mark of blood (8/11/2014 9:29:35)

i understand it affects all levels but some nerf is needed here even my blood shield which lasts 5 turn has close to zero effect because they have P gun and bludgen, which can be used 4times while the blood shield is active, no good there
going defensive against them is a certain defeat as they just keep getting hp back and while this all is going on rage favours them and its all over for the player going defensive

Mother1 -> RE: mark of blood (8/11/2014 9:50:52)

So if the problem is that offense is more rewarding than defense then shouldn't it be offense itself that takes the nerf? Cause of you nerf mark of blood does that solve the original problem? No it doesn't all it does is just weaken it for everyone while the original problem still exist.

Solve the original problem which is offense and the move itself takes an indirect nerf and won't be so harsh in effect.

a non varium player -> RE: mark of blood (8/11/2014 11:49:58)

offensive is favouring everybody

but mark of blood+ offense = op bm's. even their energy getting skill dont need to waste a turn.

you strike gets hp back gets energy back gets rage. what is bad here? 85%? thats like 40'ish less damage with huge rewards

mark needs 3 time hp back i dont think it will affect too much with all the level
its cumulative effect will be positive

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