RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena (Full Version)

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Tdub -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena (8/24/2014 8:47:26)

Makelyth disliked wearing shirts.

It was an odd thought to be having under any circumstance, and certainly for the situation at hand. However, it kept his inner demons at bay, and so the troubled prince fought for the distraction.

In the time before his curse had been placed, he had been perfectly content to have his clothing on in public. However, one of the many troubles created by his current condition was the addition of scales, which caught and scraped and tugged at the fabric as he moved. The discomfort created by this unfortunate condition was nearly unbearable, and so Makelyth resorted to wearing only his trousers, which were loose-fitting enough to spare him most of the nuisance.

As Makelyth completed his spin, he reflected on how difficult the maneuver would have been had he been wearing a shirt. His unsettling dragon-thoughts all but dissipated, he could now focus on the matter at hand.

Which, as it turned out, was not a great thing to focus on. His predictable swing had been countered when Zenz, in all of his dirty glory, ducked under the swinging blade. Makelyth stopped the momentum of his body by planting his left foot in the ground, and quickly brought his right leg around to keep from toppling over. It was at this point that Makelyth's right leg became the unfortunate target of a poorly located pipe, and an embarrassingly loud clang! resonated, followed shortly by a somewhat softer snarl of pain.

Once his body had been steadied, the draconic prince looked to see that Zenz had suffered a similar fate, stumbling forward and away from Makelyth. At that point, Makelyth was getting quite tired of smelling the man, and was grateful for the temporary lessening of the constant stench. Makelyth watched as Zenz provided a rather entertaining show, shaking his pants in a frantic little jig. The filthy man finally faced his foe, and opened his mouth to say what would certainly be a threatening cry of battle, or perhaps a witty insult of Makelyth's style of fighting.

"You don’t have a weasel in your pants, do you?"

This question diminished Zenz's earlier statement very effectively, meaning Makelyth was very much "off guard" when his opponent drew stones and propelled them magically towards the prince's legs. Still aching from his earlier incident with the pipe, he quickly leapt away from the stones. Unfortunately, his left leg was still in range of the projectiles. Pain shot up through Makelyth's lower leg, and he was quick to assess the damage. Two had actually made contact - one barely slicing his outer leg halfway between his knee and ankle; the other piercing his inner leg before exiting the other side.

The reptilian body works in amazing ways. To begin with, his scales had prevented both wounds from being more serious than they actually were. While reptiles are slow to heal, they handle pain surprisingly well. Grimacing, Makelyth determined that he could walk, slowly, and could even run or jump in extreme situations. Red blood slowly seeped out, but his body's natural course determined that he would not bleed out anytime soon. He would have to see a healer or doctor eventually to prevent infection and the like, but that could wait until later.

But bringing out pain also brought his anger. As his mental walls dissolved, the reptilian royal embraced the inevitable voices, allowing them to sweep through his mind.

How DARE this human believe he has dominion over the great Prince Makelyth! DEATH onto him! DEATH onto his family and honor, onto his offspring and his companions! He will pay! He will suffer! He will BURN!

Makelyth did not fight the voices. Instead, he allowed them to envelop him, growling softly as they encompassed his mind. Perhaps later he would calm down, and attempt to regain control. But for now, the demons within him ruled, and the human scum would perish. Raising his right hand, Makelyth prepared to use the magic he had so vehemently opposed at the time of his affliction. Unlike dragons, most of Makelyth's fire was produced from his hands, and the prince felt the heat as it traveled through his body.

"You want to play with magic? Hah!"

Makelyth threw his hand forward even as the man moved closer to him. The fireball he launched toward the man's chest was the more explosive type, meaning to launch his foe backwards. Contact would not actually burn too badly, but the force of being near the impact would do wonders, especially if Zenz did not have stable footing. Of course, with how close Zenz was to the prince, the force would greatly affect Makelyth as well, and so the prince made preparations just as he fired the projectile. His slightly bruised but otherwise uninjured right foot moved backwards, planting itself in the ground. He winced as he moved his left leg outward, placing his legs apart. He made himself smaller as the fireball traveled, so that he would not be off-balance when the explosion occurred.

When he was to the point where he was certain any repercussions against him would be recoverable, he waited for his flaming ball of rage to find its target. He grimaced as pain once again shot up through his injured leg, and Makelyth swore that Zenz would not be leaving this Arena.

Starstruck -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena (8/26/2014 10:11:36)

"Here, kitty, kitty," whispered Kai as Kriege dropped to all fours, avoiding the ensorcelled pastry as it flew harmlessly overhead. The loud ringing of the oncoming bear deafened her, armor grating against magically reinforced steel that only moments ago had borne the full weight of the bulky titan without yielding. The clanging of armor on piping was terrifically loud, drowning out even the sounds of the other combatants as they dueled. Kai herself had no intention of dueling Kriege, and considering how everyone else seemed to be spoken for...well, she'd just have to shake things up.


"You wouldn't happen to have a weasel in your pants, would you?"

Kai turned quizzically in response to the question, confused...and then, suddenly, as the clamor of the approaching Kriege grew louder, the blur from before sprang from what was no doubt its hiding place, like a little furry jack-in-the-box. It held glittering blades in its tiny paws, and as it drew closer it attacked with a sweeping, glittering blade made of nothing but light extending far beyond the creature itself, slicing through the air towards her dress. Kai's reactive flinch saw the first strike hissing harmlessly through the pink cloth of her dress, rainbows scattering at the point of impact. However, the beast, which she now recognized as a ferret, had already begun another strike, one much more successful. The ephemeral blade hissed as it passed underneath the hem of her skirt, cutting through the thick stocking and scoring a hit on her padded ankle.

The shopkeeper screamed.

The sound was more than a yelp, it was a cacophonic screech that mingled with and surpassed the clanging of armor on piping. It was the scream of a woman who has loved and lost, the shattered, broken sobbing of a lady who, even when revenge was found and justice exacted, could not find peace within herself, the fearful howl of a girl, lost and alone, seeking meaning in her life. It was the dead and the living. It was the wretched, harsh sound of pain. And after just a short second, it stopped, a blessed relief for the crowd of spectators, replaced by a choking cough as the cloud of particulate washed over her back, scouring and scratching before it passed by and clattered among the piping. Physically, Kai was left unharmed, but a vicious, cold anger filled the recesses of her dark heart.

Moving as though totally unharmed, though a black, viscous something oozed from the gash on her ankle and dripped to the floor of the arena, Kai lunged away from the little critter towards the top left corner of the arena; it had landed on a nearby pipe with its hair standing on end, dissolving into a blur of light in an already criminally over-lit arena. Kai felt her eyes burning as the sustained brightness began to take its toll on her senses. She was not meant for brightness of this kind, but she would bear it a little longer. Kriege was almost upon her, and so she ran, staying mere steps ahead of her rampaging enemy but gaining distance at a rapid pace. Jumping on the conveyer belt for a boost of speed, the slender shopkeeper dashed at top speed along the moving surface, not checking behind her to even see the location of the bear nor caring where it was, as long as it wasn't where she was.

With swift, sure movements, almost as though executing a plan she had thought of months ago, Kai vaulted from the platform into the corner, stumbling on a pipe as she made her landing and running out into the open space of the corner proper. A brilliant flare scored the space behind her, its burning smell clear and bright against the acrid aroma of the acid pit. She quietly thanked the Lord of Darkness that it had not struck her.

She was standing for the time being in a space clear of pipes, with several dangerous-looking spikes extending from the wall in the corner. Kai was careful to avoid these; the Arenas were never free of hazards even beyond those presented by other entrants. Perhaps these spikes shot out from the wall if touched. Perhaps they were magically sharpened. Either way, as her dripping ankle reminded her, she could not afford to sustain more injuries.

As soon as she had caught her landing, Kai dropped her purse and pulled a sword from her scarf. The transition from cloth to steel was natural and instant, though jarring. With a flourish, she extended its hilt to reveal a magically telescoped shaft as long as she was, with a deadly-looking, wickedly sharp blade at the end. Twirling it experimentally, she dropped fluidly into a fighting crouch, dress not seeming to impede her movements at all, eyes flicking from competitor to competitor with an unreadable expression on her face.

And with a sudden movement too fast to be believed, she pounced.

Kai’s blade whispered through the air, quiet as the shadow that slipped across the arena, keenly honed edge carving a trail through the empty air. Her target, a girl with a brightly burning dagger, was locked into a duel with a bird-faced woman, whose daggers darted quickly of their own accord, buoyed no doubt by the forces of Wind. As Kai followed through with her strike from behind, her body turned and lashed out with her uninjured foot, executing a full turn to land securely on her feet. The shopkeeper’s naginata was raised threateningly, prepared to block any incoming strikes, and her stance was relaxed but cautious, prepared to deal with oncoming threats.

Siruiz -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena (8/26/2014 12:50:29)

As Zorad ran towards the filthy man and his mutant opponent, he noticed the woman jumping towards the two fighters in the corner. Not really concerning himself with the people farthest away from him, he glanced at the bear, which appeared to have dropped down to avoid a projectile.
"Must focus. Follow the plan." Zorad whispered to himself, although he could barely hear it over the roar of the battle.

The two fighters were locked in combat, and as expected, it appeared the mutant was winning. Zorad was approaching fast, nearly close enough to strike the filthy man. Suddenly, the mutant launched a ball of fire aimed directly at the mans chest.
"Looks like the mutant has had enough" Zorad thought, and then realized something about his stance. The dragonic man was preparing himself for impact, which indicated that the fireball would cause an explosion.
Although the fireball would only hit the man, the resulting explosion would surely harm all those in the area, including him. Not everything was going according to plan after all.

Zorad sprinted towards the two. “There's just enough time.” Zorad thought. Zorad pulled out his whip, when suddenly he tripped on the pipes.
With a holler of effort, he still managed to strike out with the tentacle, hoping to strike the man's leg. That way, the man would collapse, and the fireball would pass by him harmlessly, preventing an explosion that would surely harm Zorad. It would, if everything worked, still give Zorad the opportunity he needed to continue his plan.

Bastet -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena (8/26/2014 19:13:56)

Between her leap reaching its target and it moving out of the way in an unnaturally quick manner, Ayohin had very little time to determine if her attack hit or not. Waiting was something she hated, but she had to postpone observing her assault’s effects on the mysterious knife-thrower until after she managed to get back on her feet.
The pipes weren’t exactly on top of her list of the best objects to land on: she had hoped her opponent would cushion the fall for her. Out of time to think, she went with throwing her dagger on the ground and landing with her arms raised to protect her face. The force of the impact made her groan, but she knew she had to get up or suffer a counter-attack.

Slowly massaging her newly-acquired bruise, she got up just in time to hear Bird-face declare that he was done wearing gloves. She couldn't stop herself from commenting on that.
“If you haven’t washed your hands, I’d rather you keep them on.”
The chuckle her own joke provided her with was stopped short as soon as she heard the familiar whistle of the Kaa S’satta’s flying daggers, though it was difficult to determine where they were coming from due to the smoke and the general confusion.

She finally managed to track down the direction the knives were coming from. As they were, for some reason, gliding towards her at a slower pace than the ones that came before, she simply ducked to avoid them. Seemingly aimed at her head, they were easily dodged.
“I think you’ve tested my reflexes enough, Bird-face… will you let me test yours, instead?”
She took a few steps forward to recover her scarlet dagger once more, easily recognizable among the maze of pipes due to the flaming blade. Bending over to pick it up, though, ended up accidentally saving her life due to the swing of the naginata, aimed too at her upper torso, missing its intended target by sheer luck. When she realized what happened, she instinctively dashed away from the blade that had attempted backstabbing her with an almost cute “Eeep!”

Rebalancing herself, she observed her would-be assassin as she backed away and assumed a combat pose: a black-haired woman dressed in pink, wielding what looked to be some kind of polearm.
She pointed her dagger at her with one hand and smiled warmly.
“Hey there, would you mind warning me the next time you attempt assassinating me? By the way, I like your dress.”
She knew her original sparring partner wouldn’t waste time taking advantage of this situation, so she just kept an eye in the direction she last saw him and thought up a quick prayer that he wouldn’t attack her. She also knew that she wouldn’t survive two people assaulting her at the same time.

salene -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena (8/26/2014 21:51:33)

Raz' Fizo frowned as he saw the daggers miss, and go gliding gently over the woman's head. Obviously he still needed to restore a little feeling to his hands before he could proceed to make another attack. Ayohin had obviously landed with all her weight in her arm, meaning she would probably be weaker on that side in the upcoming fight that was sure to ensue between the two. As well as this, she seemed to be preoccupied in picking up her dagger, instead of focusing on the threat directly in front of her. Raz' Fizo was about to pounce, when a long naginata swept through the air, right above the head of Ayohin as she retrieved her sword. The next moment, Ayohin was up again, scrambling for safety, and away from another deadly attack from the spinning naginata. All of this was certainly interesting, as both of them were focusing on the other, leaving Raz' Fizo an opening to attack. However, something about how Ayohin was acting made it seem like she was prepared to fight either of them, meaning it was probably a smarter bet to help Ayohin take down the slight woman in the pink dress who was emerging from the smog that hung around them. AS Raz' Fizo made his final decision, he sent the two daggers that had recently been going for Ayohin, straight at the woman, although this time the daggers were flying full force, one veering towards her right arm, the other towards her left, prohibiting escape as well as movement, and aiming to pin her by her arms. Also deciding that Ayohin was still a viable threat, he shot himself backwards a little farther, distancing himself from the fighting. As well as this, he shot a large blast of the polluted air towards Ayohin, aiming to blind her, or at least momentarily block her vision. "One more thing... Once I am done with you girl, the only thing staining my hands will be your blood." Raz' Fizo cawed at Ayohin, preparing to fight either of the woman.

Geddesmck -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena (8/27/2014 11:18:30)

The hot water stripped him of his protective layer of grime, its clear surface stained brown within moments of his submersion. In the past he wouldn’t have dreamed of washing off the dirt; it had served as a last line of defence in his days of combat. But now combat was the last thing on his mind. He allowed himself a content sigh as his muscles relaxed and his eyes closed, enjoying the reward for his hard day’s work.

“I knew you were back. I could smell you.” His eyes opened and a small smile was born on his face.

“It’s rude to walk in on someone in the bath, love.” She didn’t really understand that; to a child concepts such as privacy were alien. The little girl, four years old already, had a grin plastered across her face. She also had about a field’s worth of dirt coating her entire form. “Oh, for the love of… Now I’m going to have to make you a bath too. Where’s your mother?”

“She’s in the kitchen, we just got back. She told me to start getting a bath ready,” he watched a cunning idea born behind the girl’s green eyes, “but if you’re in the bath I can’t. So I can go play outside some more!”

Zenz laughed, although he knew he shouldn’t encourage her. “I think not little one, if you get any dirtier you might turn into mud.” Her eyes widened at that and Zenz wasn’t sure if the idea excited or terrified her. “Go to tell mum that I’ll start readying the bath for you, okay?” She nodded enthusiastically and turned to run to the kitchen.

“Love you daddy!”

“I love you too Petra.”

The little sandstorm didn’t even get close to the hatless woman before she leapt away. He would have been more disappointed, but at least he’d found the weasel’s position. He’d have to make sure he didn’t lose track of it again though. Kriege and the weasel were both nearby, but the target of their attention was currently unclear. The blue man however had his eyes fixed firmly on Zenz. The sandstorm buzzed furiously as it changed directions, aiming to harass the blue man. The little particles of sand would bite at him and annoy, although probably not doing much more than that. Still, it should distract him and discourage any further advance for a time.

The little stones he had propelled at Makelyth had done some small damage, but it seemed that more than anything they had served to infuriate the strange man-dragon-thing. He stretched out his hand and seemed to snarl. “You want to play with magic? Hah!”

A ball of flame materialised from the enemy’s palm. A detached part of Zenz noted that at least he knew what element Makelyth represented now. A much less detached part of Zenz’s mind was more preoccupied with the thought “Oh Lords, a fireball!”

He could dodge, but in this arena he was afraid doing so would trip him again and leave him at the mercy of Kriege. Or worse, the pants-invading trickery of a weasel. That left him with one possibility.

The dirt that caked Zenz’s form quickly coalesced into a second skin of solid rock. It happened in the space of a blink, one moment the earth-aligned swordsman stood before his foe, the next he was replaced with an extremely detailed statue.

While protected in such a way, Zenz was immobile and unaware of his surroundings, so he did not notice the whip that struck his petrified leg. He could not, however, fail to notice the concussive blast that impacted on his stony armour. The sheer weight of his rocky exoskeleton was enough to keep him upright, but even so, he was pushed back several inches by the force. His teeth rattled and the breath in lungs was forced out. He was quite certain he did not want to experience that again.

There was no way to breathe while cocooned in the rock, so Zenz had mere seconds to decide on his next course of action. He ran through a mental tally of his assets. First, he still had command of his little sandstorm, but that had already been given a task. Second, he had the little shards of rock that he already shot at Makelyth, they were scattered amongst the pipes behind his foe. Finally, he had the rock armour itself. A quick plan formed itself.

With a mental tug he pulled the little stone shards towards himself, hoping to once again catch Makelyth with them, but this time from behind. Simultaneously, he made the armour around him explode into a shower of fast moving debris. The little explosion was uncontrolled, but it created a significant area around Zenz that was naught but dust and fragments of sharp stone.

Even before the dust settled Zenz was lunging forward towards Makelyth’s position with his sword extended, aiming to skewer his foe before he could react to the confusion created by Zenz’s multiple attacks.

“I don’t play.”

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena (8/28/2014 15:09:30)

Pitch, timbre, intensity; these were all subtle nuances within the complex expression of the human scream. Even the complex intonation of the most heinous screech was usually tailored to specific cause-and-effect. But to a F.E.R.R.E.T.? Screams were the effect caused by their assaults, and the Lightsplitter took neither pleasure nor discomfort from the racket which resonated from her slight frame. Nor did its attention linger upon it, for once the scream was registered, it was summarily disregarded in favor of other, more important sounds picked up by its robust audible sensors. Its ears pricked at the soft sounds of pooling liquid oozing onto the ground, but that too was swiftly tuned out in favor of something far more important. The seismic quality of rhythmic thumping of paw on metal, with its attendant rattles of chain and clanking of plate, demanded attention over drama for it carried the quality of impending danger.

The Vastaa was an interesting being, from a ferretine perspective one of equal parts pure bulk and armor plating. Certainly there would be some form of weakness to be exploited by the infinitely smaller construct, but it would also be an opponent with far less margin of error to face. It had been disregarded so far by the charging behemoth as well, all to the good were it to decide to take advantage of the sudden absence of the shopkeeper to lash out at the next nearest target. Yet for all the analysis working through difference engines and flywheel cogs in the constructs clockwork brain, a single scenario subroutine planted deep in its psyche short-circuited the entire process rather abruptly.

One does not provoke a bear. It ends badly, and usually with quite the mess.

The F.E.R.R.E.T. was not about to override its base nature to suddenly engage Kriege, much to the possible disappointment of the wealth of spectators behind their one-way walls. In the Finals, were they both to reach that vaunted grouping by advancement, perhaps its Will and Calling would be forced into that decision. For now, each ponderous step of earthshaking might gave the construct different ideas. Its frame shrank slightly, emulating a soft exhalation, before the F.E.R.R.E.T. flowed back onto all fours into the space vacated by Kai. Onyx eyes spun, not quite watching Kriege pass onwards in his lumbering rush towards the other duel nearby, that of Zenz and Makelyth. Vision tunneled downwards, focusing intently on the sway of the protective chain mail along the Vastaa’s hind legs. It began hopping sideways, waiting, timing each motion against the percussive rhythm of pawfalls onto piping. Reaching out with its left paw, natural claws straining to strike just right…

Metal sparked against chain, then the minute construct felt itself yanked clean off its paws and into the air. Twisting its body to ride the slack, the ferret scrabbled up with a series of leaps and bounds to perch tentatively upon Kriege’s lower back. The feeling of undulation from organic muscles moving a mass of that size...the F.E.R.R.E.T. failed to conceive any grace in the motion. There was power, plenty and in gross excess, but none of the agility that the construct had been raised in knowing. As it carefully picked its way forward against rushing wind on such a perilous “ground”, it looked ahead to see what Kriege could see. A plan crystallized in its head. Unlike bears, which it was warned away from on principle, dragons, drakes, drakels, and other form of dragonkin were something that every model of Project F.E.R.R.E.T. had been borne to tackle.

An object in motion tends to stay in motion, and denied stealth, the construct knew that motion was its best friend. Just as Kriege neared the duo of Zenz and Makelyth, the F.E.R.R.E.T. leapt off the Vastaa’s shoulder, struggling for as much height as it could get. Its leap wasn’t directly towards either, however, but between them as the roiling flames of Makelyth’s fireball closed the distance. The ferret tucked its body in on itself, not quite a ball, and spun lazily in the air in a somersault when the unstable spell exploded outwards. Heat washed over its metallic frame, flash-melting the tips of swathes of fur where an organic would be singed, and interrupting the shimmer about itself.

Had it leapt straight towards Zenz, the damage by flame might have been greater still. Yet the construct had chosen its place in the air well, despite the inconvenience of gaining purchase upon the Vastaa’s shoulder spikes to do so, and had gotten above the origin of the blast as it had desired. The shock wave pushed at the lightweight frame, taking away its forward momentum almost entirely by pushing it hard upwards and to one side, back towards whence the fireball had come. The F.E.R.R.E.T. had to spin more, from the recoil, and it puffed out its fur as it charged its pawclaws with generated photons as it waited to hit its apex.

The secondary shock wave of dust, dirt, and a storm of rock shards was unanticipated. While the extra burst of momentum pushed the ferret’s arcing leap over Makelyth’s head, percussive rock had more success than flame in damaging the construct. What little debris actually connected with the Lightsplitter bent metal and cracked crystal. Fur stuck out oddly from the impact of several small stones, denting the underlying plating and damaging the robust internal mechanisms. Its longer crystal blade, the same that had scored deep on Kai's ankle not moments ago, cracked along its length even as an inch was snapped clean off. Others, though still secured beneath its fur, became pitted and marred. There was an awareness at the level of subconscious of the damage, a knowledge that its movement wouldn't be quite as swift and organic, but there was no pain to be felt. Just cold logic ,acknowledgement of fact, and elimination of other avenues of assault.

There was also an absence of the distraction of pain. Losing the reach of its longer blade would create difficulties, but the game of reach was never going to be in its favor. What it had already had drawn would have to serve, simple as that. Importantly, the pair of “claw” blades came through undamaged, and had begun to glow from the power kept in confinement within the crystalline matrices. It took the construct a few moments, a span of several heartbeats in a human, to judge its new arc and take aim. Had the ferret's thoughts distilled to a few choice words rather than a flow of information and calculation beyond a sense of language, they might have been And...there, optimal! With a flick of its tail and a roll of its shoulders, the F.E.R.R.E.T. slowed its spin just enough to bring the glittering, charged blades in its right paw in a sharp slash towards Makelyth’s head.

Liquid drops of light, each a riotous ruckus of rainbow, shot out from the blades in a scattered spray towards Makelyth’s scaly hide. There was even the sweetly scintillating sound of sizzling as Light displaced air in lethal purpose. None of the drops were that damaging, much more akin to minute pebbles thrown out of a sling really, but in quantity they could hurt. Possibly debilitate were Makelyth to glance skyward - or would it be steam-ward in this deadly arena? So too was there a recoil as the magic carried nothing for concepts of mass, pushing the ferret backwards and steam-wards. Gravity would not be a kind mistress to the construct, when its ersatz flight finally came to an end, and physics reasserted itself, but subverting the physical reality had its perks in making it a hard target to spot amidst the haze of light above.

Elsewhere, a girl clutching a homemade doll with a very fancy scarlet robe draped across its cornhusk skin, burst into giggles at the sight of a flying ferret flinging rainbows. “Wheeeee~!”

Kellehendros -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena (8/28/2014 19:05:02)

The thing that flashed and twirled at the edge of his vision turned out to be the burrowing rodent that Kriege had remarked just before entering the Arena. It seemed the critter was something of an acrobat, whirling through the air with miniature blades slashing. The creature’s weapon connected, and the woman in the pink dress loosed a scream. It was loud, rather irksomely so, even to the ice bear’s single remaining ear. The screeching did nothing to endear Kai to the Vastaa, who found the shopkeeper’s inability to bear the pain of the injury another mark against her.

While the woman certainly screamed as loud and shrilly as a Kotka at the slice, it seemed to do little to impede her ability to move. That was somewhat surprising as Kriege rumbled forward, only to find that the diminutive human was able to slip away from him. She darted beyond reach, trailing a tarry, black substance, and fleeing for the strangely moving bits of floor that lent speed to her flight.

It was but more disappointment, which the Vastaa was coming to expect from Kai. The ice bear found that he had no wish to pursue the woman further. She ran, pelted him with strange baked goods, and would not stand. There were other foes to fight in the Arena, and it was time that the Vastaa turned his attention to them.

His slanting charge had carried him across the Arena towards where Kai had been, and that proved fortuitous now. The attack had carried him in the direction of the other competitors by virtue of the shopkeeper’s proximity to their fights. He could have redirected himself to chase the woman in the pink dress with some effort, but it would have been a shame to waste the momentum he had already accumulated along the way.

Thus instead of squandering such a resource, Kriege put it to use, and continued his raucous, rolling charge over Kai’s former position, closing upon Zenz and Makelyth. That decision was, of course, somewhat complicated by the sudden appearance of a ball of fire that crashed into Zenz as the filthy man went rigid and statue-like.

Things happened rather rapidly after that. A shimmering, scrabbling something darted across the corner of Kriege’s vision, seeming to soar off his shoulder. The ball burst into a torrent of expanding flames. Another competitor, a strange thing with blue-hued skin, crashed to the pipes, a whip licking out and lashing across Zenz’s immobile leg. Then, between one step and the next, the rock-encrusted man seemed to shatter apart, exploding into a cloud of dust and stone fragments that billowed and swirled, mixing with the expanding globe of dying flame.

By now too close to stop or appreciably slow his forward momentum, Kriege did the only thing he could in the situation. He lowered his armored head and committed to the assault, plowing into the obscuring haze. Flames washed over him, deprived of most of their strength, but still retaining enough thermal fury to singe the ends of the exposed fur about his face. Fragments of stone clattered and pinged off his armor, though one of them cracked into his mouth, slipping through the scarred remains of his left upper lip and chipping an incisor. Kriege snarled, the sound swelling to a roar of rage as he bulled forward.

Lowering his shoulder, the ice bear aimed to clip Zenz, faintly glimpsed through the dust as he lunged at the human-Kaarme thing. There was no time to slow and observe the result of the attack, however, for another target presented itself. Kriege burst from the cloud of dust and fire, a roaring nightmare trailing streamers of smoke as the remnants of fire rippled over his heavy armor uselessly. Bellowing, the ice bear rampaged forward, claw-tipped paws the size of dinner plates hammering the floor unmercifully has he sought to overrun the proned blue-hued man, intent on trampling and breaking the strange creature beneath a heavy tread.

Tdub -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena (8/28/2014 22:15:04)


Pure, concentrated, unrivaled rage was in complete command of Makelyth's mind. As he braced for impact, his frantic eyes flitted back and forth in the same way a trapped lizard would search for an escape route.

The next few moments would have been much more unpleasant had he been one hundred percent reptilian. The perfectly meshed human brain worked alongside the hostile dragon, searching for things draconian eyes would be unable to process. The corner of his eye caught a small movement, and the logical assumption for any species in a situation like this made itself clear to him.

He was under attack.

Makelyth's form clawed its way over a pipe faster than could be expected, just as Zenz's skin seemed to literally grow a covering of stone armor. That was the last thing the prince saw before his fireball made contact, and the world temporarily shattered into tiny pieces.

Or, it could be said that tiny pieces shattered the world. To begin with, Makelyth's instinct had been correct, as the tiny pieces of stone that had previously been scattered out returned. This was the least of his concerns, and his previously small form as well as his fast reflexes saved him from all but a small glancing blow from one of the rocks. His main concern for a moment was the next round of tiny pieces.

Had Makelyth been facing the other way, he would have seen the stone-covered man seemingly explode from his rocky prison. The prince was mostly protected from the blast of stones, being low enough to avoid many. Those that were moving fast enough to pierce the scales on his back only stung him, and were no more than minor annoyances. Still, the explosion, as well as the rather large chunk of rock that rebounded off a pipe near Makelyth's head, startled the prince, and the best way to describe his action would be to say he scampered away on all fours.

He had not gotten far when the third and final disruption of the world by tiny pieces began. These tiny pieces were the small, pelting, things that began assaulting him. Had the small instruments of light not caught the corner of his eye, he would have believed them to be the work of Zenz. As it was, he had no choice but to assume they had originated from another competitor.

Unfortunately, Makelyth had no time to locate the unseen competitor. Instead, he kept his head down, trying to ignore the small pelts from the balls of light as they glanced off his scales. Certainly, they would have hurt much more if he had no scales. But Makelyth was far too burdened with anger to be grateful for this fact.

Breathing in the dusty air, Makelyth slowly rose, and his enraged mind assessed the situation. First and foremost, he could not see. Dust had not yet settled, although he could certainly hear his surroundings. He heard the unmistakable sound of rampaging feet, and made the logical conclusion that Kriege was nearby. This was worrisome, and Makelyth was suddenly glad he had not lost his grip on his sword in the chaos. He also heard the sounds and grunts of someone attacking with a blade. This sound was, if the ringing in his ears was not masking his judgement, somewhere close and to his right.

And still his rage grew, until it encompassed every thought in his mind.

Kill them, burn them, destroy them, si itov jiviri vur mitneic svant vur skaeren rikijic vur skaeren somati ini wer ixen vur si nafl itov wux.


si itov jiviri vur mitneic svant vur skaeren rikijic vur skaeren somati ini wer ixen vur si nafl itov wubyn si itov jiviri vur mitneic svant vur skaeren rikijic vur skaeren somati ini wer ixen vur si nafl itov verah.


si itov jiviri vur mitneic svant vur skaeren rikijic vur skaeren somati ini wer ixen vur si nafl itov wubyn si itov jiviri vur mitneic svant vur skaeren rikijic vur skaeren somati ini wer ixen vur si nafl itov verah si itov jiviri vur mitneic svant vur skaeren rikijic vur skaeren somati ini wer ixen vur si nafl itov wubyn si itov jiviri vur mitneic svant vur skaeren rikijic vur skaeren somati ini wer ixen vur si nafl itov!


The change in Makelyth was instantaneous. Somehow, somewhere, something deep in his mind had clicked. The demons that had plagued him for well over five years were not gone, but what can only be described as an understanding had been reached. Makelyth needed complete mastery over every sense in order to survive, and his draconic urges needed him to live. There was no conversation or mental speech, yet Makelyth knew that, if it was within his power, his mind would no longer be clouded with the antagonizing rage.

The dust was still not settled, and even the prince's keen eyes could not pierce the veil of dirt, as well as the tears that had gathered as a result of the dry bits of rock that gathered through the air. Blinking in an attempt to clear his vision, Makelyth still raised his sword, boldly proclaiming his stance.

"Zenz, the time for tricks and traps is over. Let us settle this as true warriors would. Allow the mastery of the blade to determine our fates!"

His strong (and somewhat cliche) statement over with, he finally had time to determine his wounds. His final conclusion assessed several minor injuries. His legs were still bleeding, although the flow had somewhat slowed. His back was not bleeding much, but some small stones were wedged uncomfortably between scales. His back also stung in several locations, a result of his unknown attacker.

Right. I need to watch out for that.

Injured yet brave, Makelyth scanned the area, trying with all the power his newfound control over his mind possessed to locate his foe.

Bastet -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena (8/31/2014 13:30:46)

Ayohin couldn’t keep this fighting rhythm up for long; the wounds that she received from the knife-thrower and the abrupt landing were taking their toll on her. She didn’t have the time to rest, though, as a new opponent had just popped up. Standing there with her knife pointed towards the black-haired woman, she wondered if Birdie would force her to wage a war on two fronts. This suspicion was mistakenly confirmed when she heard, yet again, Raz’Fizo’s daggers whistle through the air. She turned to face the Kaa S’satta and to try and determine the path his sharp edges would’ve taken towards her, but this turned out to be to no avail: the blinding airblast shot by him took away her sight and forced her to crouch down.

This is where I die. I have no way of knowing where the knives are coming from. Heh, I wish I could’ve been killed in a more glorious manner.

Smiling to the thought, she attempted cleaning her eyes of the dust the current had brought up. Even after she restored her own sight, she waited as the whistling seemed to close in on her, though she eventually became impatient. She opened her eyes and got back on her feet, only to notice the daggers were flying towards the still-immobile woman. Her sparring partner spoke once again.

"One more thing... Once I am done with you girl, the only thing staining my hands will be your blood."

Ayohin was almost moved by what she thought was Bird-Face’s attempt at keeping the duel between them a one-on-one affair. Now grinning for a different reason, she headed off for the feistily-dressed intruder. Walking slowly at first, she took notice of which part of Kai’s body the gliding blades were targeting: both of her arms. She didn’t want to risk accidentally taking a hit from her original opponent, so she decided to both trust and warn him.

“Birdie, let me handle this. Sit in a corner if you want, I’ll be right back with you. I don’t like interruptions when I’m dueling.”

She had no idea if he would hear what she said, but she picked up her pace anyway and charged at the mysterious woman. The knives were, for once, on her side. They helped by distracting Kai, forcing her to dodge them in her unnaturally fast and graceful manner. Ayohin finished the charge with a two-handed overhead swing, and Kai was caught unready. She raised her naginata to attempt a block, but it was far too late. The dagger’s vicious fire ate through the wooden shaft of the polearm and broke it, with Ayohin committing to the strike until it hit Kai’s left shoulder. Had she used a conventional weapon it probably would’ve been an instant kill, but the dagger was unable to inflict lethal damage. Nonetheless, Kai screamed as she was forced to crouch on the ground by the force of the hit.
Ayohin, however, didn’t spend any time waiting: right after landing her the slash she prepared to kick the darkness-aligned woman, and she did. The kick was aimed to stun more than to injure, but having received it straight on a cheek was sure to have hurt her as she was thrown onto the ground.
Ayohin pondered whether to finish what she started or to leave her alive, but she put that thought aside as she felt the need to begin a conversation with her new opponent. All this time, she hadn’t broken her grin.

“Thank you for the fight, but next time warn me before striking, okay? I’ll even take your scarf as a keepsake; I like it.”
While unwrapping the scarf from Kai’s neck and taking it for her own, Ayohin whispered to her one last sentence.
“Try to make it out of here alive.”
After wrapping her new scarf on her mouth and nose, to lessen the effects of the arena’s stench, she looked at her weapon as the flames disappeared rather quickly and the blade flashed white as it extended to become a long-bladed, wicked-looking dirk. She wasn’t ready to pay again the tribute of blood the flames required, though, and so she simply began walking past Kai’s body. She planned to take the long way around the conveyor belt construct in the middle of the arena, and go looking for new opponents. Maybe even enter a fight from an unexpected angle.

Bird-Face probably needs a break anyway, I’ll give him one. Play too much with your toys and they break.

salene -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena (8/31/2014 14:39:14)

Raz' Fizo smiled as the smog hit Ayohin. He didn't want her accidently running into the path of his daggers, so he had tried to temporarily incapacitate her with the vicious smog. It had worked perfectly. As Ayohin ducked below the oncoming blast, he had time to shoot two daggers towards the woman with the black dress. As the daggers curved through the air, creating small ripples, Raz' Fizo slowed his breathing. "I can't handle another big fight. My hand stings like the fire of Aus'mito, and my shoulder is to numb to move. I need a moment to rest before I can make another assault on either of the girls. But if they choose to attack me, this all could be over." As he thought this, he heard his opponent from somewhere in the back of his mind. “Birdie, let me handle this. Sit in a corner if you want, I’ll be right back with you. I don’t like interruptions when I’m dueling.” He smiled as she said this. "Your wish is my command." He said, as his daggers curved out of the way, in order to let Ayohin take on her opponent head on. Contrary to what she said though, he inched away from the corner, intending to reach his lost daggers, and then to start a new duel. He could tell Ayohin was tired from their fight. She breathed heavily, and her movements weren't as quick as before. She had spunk, and he wanted to save that for his final kill. SO, picking up the dropped daggers, Raz' Fizo moved silently through the arena, searching for an opponent, like a hawk searches for prey.

Geddesmck -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena (9/1/2014 8:53:29)

The blade sliced through air, but did not make contact with his foe. That would have been Zenz's biggest concern, if not for the fact that he was thrown off his feet by several hundred pounds of angry bear. One of Kriege's shoulder spikes had cut into his side, a graze more than a cut, but it was painful. His body fell in a tangle amongst the pipes, his sword skittering out of hi grip. The only thing he could be grateful for was the fact that it seemed the charge had been a glancing blow. A glancing blow that would leave a spectacular maze of bruises over his body by the time the day was over.

He'd seen the weasel's acrobatic display, but for the moment his attention was focused on preventing himself from becoming a messy smear across the pipes at the hands (...paws) of Kriege. As Zenz's struggled to right himself and regain his composure he considered the situation.

His magical attacks weren't being effective. Makelyth had dodged most of the more dangerous debris and projectiles that had come his way. In fact, very few of his attacks seemed to have done more than irritate those they had been used against. Maybe it was time to change his tactics somewhat?

"Zenz, the time for tricks and traps is over. Let us settle this as true warriors would. Allow the mastery of the blade to determine our fates!"

He got his feet under him again and cast his gaze about for his sword, but couldn't spot it among the chaos that was the floor around him. Pipes, dust, sand and rock littered the floor in the little corner of the arena he occupied.

"I'm not a true warrior. I'm a miner," Zenz smiled, extending his magical power into the earth all around him, pulling everything he'd already used into one mass. The little sandstorm abandoned it's harrying mission and joined the new creation. It was nothing fancy, just a rock slightly bigger Zenz's head, but it was very heavy.

With a heave of mental effort he lifted the newly formed boulder into the air above him with his powers. Suspended in the air it began to move quickly over Makelyth's head. "And as a miner I know that falling rocks are what are really dangerous." He let the rock drop, hoping to crush his foes head.

With the floor cleared somewhat, he was able to notice his blade quickly. "Ah. There you are."

Kellehendros -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena (9/1/2014 21:19:03)

Unfortunately for the blue-skinned man, there was really very little time for him to react. Kriege emerged from the obscuring dust and smoke, an armored Goliath whose paws descended like the judgement of the heavens themselves. The prone figured screamed something unintelligible at the great ice bear, and lifted a staff in a pitifully token defensive gesture. Unless the staff could defeat gravity itself, the man’s fate was already decided. Zenz fared better, merely ricocheting off Kriege’s side, taking a gash from the pauldron’s spikes rather than being impaled.

The outlook was rather more grim for the blue-skinned man. The first blows to land were from Kriege’s armored front legs. Metal met coral plating, and the light plating gave way, breaking with sharp, detonating pops almost like the shattering glass or porcelain. Kriege’s gauntleted right paw slammed into the blue man’s shoulder, crushing coral and pulping bone, reducing the joint into a mass of shattered flesh as splintered bone was driven through the muscle. His left foreleg impacted the staff, breaking it with a high, sharp snap, and then smashing through the coral protecting the man’s midriff; the weight of armor and bear crushed coral and ribs, applying enough pressure to burst organs.

Continuing forward, Kriege’s front right paw came down again, giving the downed man’s hip the same treatment as his shoulder had received. The ice bear’s left rear paw, at that moment, encountered the blue man’s face. While not sheathed in heavy, protective metal like his forelegs were, the Vastaa’s unencumbered rear legs were tipped with vicious claws. Those claws flexed, sinking into the delicate skin about the prone man’s face, and leveraging Kriege’s bulk forward as he continued his charge. The results were… to be expected.

The remaining damage caused to the body of the prone man was redundant, and Kriege crushed an arm and shattered a shin before finally drawing up and sapping his forward momentum. Clattering to a halt, the ice bear rose on his hind legs, his breathing only moderately faster than his normal pace. Towering over the Arena again, the titan turned and considered the battles raging through the noisy, noxious space.

And then the Vastaa smiled. Staggering towards him, tripping over one of the pipes in her haste to get away from some other attacker, was Kai. From somewhere, the woman had procured a polearm of some variety. It took Kriege a moment to recognize the naginata, a weapon favored by his southern Vastaa relatives, one that his second wife, Shen Lan, had told him about. The haft of the weapon had been broken, and Kai clutched the broken end in one fist. Her scarf was missing, and she looked rather disheveled, clutching one hand to her shoulder to staunch the flow of blood leaking from a wound there.

Roaring, the ice bear lunged towards his foe, slashing at her head with the blade attached to his left arm. To her credit, though wounded, Kai responded admirably. She ducked aside, dropping the hand that had been holding against her wound in favor of clutching the broken haft of the naginata with both hands. The diminutive shopkeeper slashed at Kriege, using both hands to get additional leverage. Metal grated on metal as the head of the weapon screeped over Kriege’s breastplate, leaving a long, steely gash in the metal. It was more damage to his armor than some Vastaa had done. The ice bear could respect that, more so as Kai twisted, turning her wrists and drawing the cut across and up, driving the head of the naginata up and wedging it into the armpit joint where Kriege’s chestplate met his pauldron.

The attacks were borne of desperation, for Kai obviously had no desire to stand paw-to-paw with Kriege. Unfortunately, jamming the naginata blade into the joint of the ice bear’s armor, while limiting his ability to move his right arm, did nothing to hinder his left. Twisting his wrist, the Vastaa slammed the blade attached to his left arm into Kai’s ribcage. Thin pink fabric did little to protect against the assault, and the slender merchant’s entire frame shook at the tremendous, rib-splintering impact, driving a high-breathless scream from her.

Unfinished, Kriege flicked his wrist, twisting and hurling the broken body of his adversary to the pipes. The ice bear dropped to three legs, bracing against a pipe with his left foreleg while his right hand opened and drew back. Metal screamed in protest as the blade of the naginata impeded his movement. It was not enough, however, to stop the Vastaa. His paw crooked, forming an open claw that he plunged forward, tearing into Kai’s chest. Burrowing through flesh and bone, his claws quested through the broken mess of the woman’s ribcage in search of something. He found it a moment later, and with a roar of triumph reared back to his feet, gory trophy in his grasp. Kriege displayed Kai’s heart for the spectators of the Arena to see, bellowing as his fingers closed, pulping the organ. “Who is next?”

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena (9/2/2014 15:03:27)

The passage of wind gently ruffled metallic fur as the F.E.R.R.E.T. breached the the cloud of steam that lingered above the arena. Moisture wicked away heat, spreading and cooling the construct’s frame with soft pops and tings as metals returned to more normal tolerances. Its lazy tumble after firing off a Scatter shot made the moment seem almost pleasant, almost peaceful. Even faintly reassuring, as the soft suffusion of light surrounding its chassis caused a trickle of restored photonic energy into its reservoirs. It was a moment of rest in a battlefield of chaos, but one which would be undermined by the mistress gravity soon enough.

A sudden and insistent tug stole the F.E.R.R.E.T.’s momentum, usurping the honor of beginning its fall from that fair and all-encompassing mistress. The construct was twisted this way and that, its onyx eyes whirling in alarm. Portions of fur ruffled around sites of its recent damage, metallic strands snapping off as embedded rock shards tore free under Zenz’ influence. Even motes of dust tore free of its hide in an impressively violent manner, furthering its tumble and correcting its arc such that the construct was being actively pulled towards the rock forming over Makelyth’s head.

Panic is a biological response; the rapid mechanical impulses provided by the very real sense of alarm were moderated by concerted direction. With such little distance to cover between it and the growing boulder, it twisted its hips and shoulders this way and that. The lack of purchase for the airborne construct meant its corrective motions failed badly, considering it could not anticipate when remnants of Zenz’s earlier explosive burst would work themselves free from its undercoat. With a soft thud it sprawled out on the floating orb of stone and sands.

The sensation of ground beneath it gave it no sensation of comfort or relief. Rolling to its claws, in started to hop and scrabble against the rock. What little of its purchase became scratched or gouged simply filled back in elsewhere, but the frantic movements kept the ferret from being trapped by yet more materiel as the boulder finished its formation. It was almost a relief when the rock stopped aggregating in midair and simply fell away, bringing the F.E.R.R.E.T. along for a perilous ride toward its intended target.

First it had fought against gravity, then a magical compulsion of Earth’s domain, and now gravity once more was exerting its influence towards a rapid descent. Were it capable, the F.E.R.R.E.T. would have felt both nausea and revulsion for the yo-yo of forces acting upon its diminutive frame. Instead cogs churned out calculations, flywheels relayed increased data to difference engines, and logic gates clacked as the construct considered its options. They were the opposite of plentiful, and the boulder itself ruined its original plan to mitigate its fall. It twitched its long whiskers, hissing softly, and pushed itself off and away from the boulder with what strength it could.

Much like leaping off of a falling elevator, the net effect on the speed of its descent was almost nil, but the arc would take it away from the scaled Makelyth below. It stretched its paws out, clockwork reflexes working on a level beyond thought to bestow an almost feline quality as the floor loomed ever closer beneath it. The landing was jarring and sudden, for all the ferret’s preparation. Its limbs crumpled as it rolled with the impact, trying to spread the momentum through the entirety of its frame and limit acute stress damage. Such was a bit of reflexive wisdom, but even with a frame robust enough to compensate for much greater than biologic stresses of its natural counterpart, springs snapped and cog-teeth shattered. Internal systems in careful alignment shifted out of phase. Though diagnostic spells would take time to categorize the damage and slave the self-repair functions to restorative work, they were sluggish on the level of enchantment rather than active casting.

A sense of loss more grave than pain filled the constructs mind as it worked its paws back beneath itself. The movements were jerky, halting and sputtering as gears slipped and the mounting damage interfered with motion. Its left forepaw could not extend fully, so it let the broken crystal blade slip from the nerveless paw. Staggering to one side with a limp, it would watch the others for the moment, needing more information while flexing its systems to determine how degraded its capabilities were. Teeth clicked, then its mouth opened as its fur, in clumps and patches, slowly rose to stand on end.

The construct would find vengeance for this.

Tdub -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena (9/2/2014 20:58:42)

"Is the catapult ready?"

The question seemed to startle the young man standing by the contraption, who jumped slightly and began shuffling through his notes.

"Uh... Yes, sir, prince, sir. The stone is in place and the beast is on course, uh, m'lord."

Makelyth smiled, and brushed his brown hair back into place. "No need for the formalities, just the facts, mister...."

"Geoffrey, sir."

"Geoffrey. How long until the dragon flies into range?"

"Our scouts report it at ten minutes from location, sir."

That means ten minutes until peace is shattered once again. Turning to continue his rounds, the young prince stopped when Geoffrey interrupted his thoughts.

"Pardon my asking, sir, but why do we use the catapults against the beasts? Isn't it a little risky, if we missed?"

Makelyth turned to face the young man again, and carefully answered the questions.

"Well, our people have done all the calculations necessary, so missing is not too much of a danger. As for the use of the catapults, my father has often said that the best place to fight a dragon is on the ground. And if you cannot bring the dragon to the ground..."

Makelyth turned yet again as several of his people began shouting and pointing at the horizon, where a faint silhouette had appeared in the air.

"You bring the ground to the dragon."

As the sounds of battle echoed around him, Makelyth continued his attempt to locate Zenz. Without warning, dust began to leave the ground and air, seemingly being pulled to a certain location. Even the dust that had settled on the draconian prince's skin began to move in that direction. Stones that had found a place on the ground now rose to a steady glide, not as fast or harmful as before. Soon, Makelyth was able to make out his surroundings easily, and he quickly caught up on what had been happening.

Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, the blue-skinned creature that he had noticed upon entry of the Arena was most certainly dead, in a mangled heap on the floor. The only being in the Factory capable of creating such a bloody mess was Kriege, and Makelyth began searching wildly for the beast, fearing for his life. Fortunately, it seemed Kriege was occupied with the black-haired woman from before, though the battle was quickly turning in the great monster's favor.

The two competitors that had entered after the prince were no longer fighting each other, and both appeared to be wandering around the Arena. I do not believe that's any way to gain a Lord's favor.

Makelyth once again could not locate the small creature from before, although it was becoming obvious that the thing was the only competitor who could have launched the Light-based attack on him earlier.

Finally, Makelyth's gaze locked in on Zenz, who was the one responsible for the shifting of the earthen bits around the Arena. As he continued the gathering, the dirty man began to speak.

"I'm not a true warrior. I'm a miner." It was a fairly obvious statement, and Makelyth knew that he should not have expected much of a fair fight from the man. Once again, Zenz was utilizing his Earth magic, forming all of the rocky debris he had created into one large mass. Still, Makelyth stayed where he was, unsure of the miner's intentions.

As the construct of earth and stone began quickly hovering toward Makelyth's head, the prince became aware of Zenz's plan. The man was not going to throw the rock, as previously thought. Instead, the ball of pebbles and dirt was simply going to be dropped on Makelyth's head, almost in the same way boulders were used to bring down the dragons during the war.

"And as a miner I know that falling rocks are what are really dangerous."

Makelyth was moving before the sentence had truly been completed, yet even then his tail was barely clear of the stone before Zenz's creation met the floor of the Arena with a jarring clunk. Or it may have been a crash. Or possibly even a clang. Whatever the sound, Makelyth was far too busy dodging pipes and readying his sword to pay attention to the noise created.

“Who is next?”

The cry drew the reptilian royal's attention away from his mission momentarily. A quick glance verified Makelyth's previous observation: Kriege had the upper hand over the woman, and was now issuing a challenge while holding a bloody sack of unidentifiable flesh. While the great beast's offer was tempting, the prince knew he had more pressing matters to attend to.

These matters happened to be the filthy man standing before him. Lunging forward, Makelyth cleared the final pipe between himself and his destination, ignoring the pain in his legs. His sword jabbed out, hoping to bite into Zenz's neck. At the same time, he grabbed the knife strapped to his far left hip, and held in in his left hand, preparing to use it should Zenz counter his strike.

At this point, Makelyth was once again able to truly feel the voices in his head. While he reasoned that he would not be overcome with the rage in foreseeable future, it seemed as though the aggression continued to feed his inner demons. The cursed prince could only hope the antagonizing whispers would not become unbearable.

Kellehendros -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena (9/4/2014 20:43:18)

Kriege flicked his wrist, clearing the worst of the bloody remnants of the formerly life-sustaining organ from his clawed gauntlet. He glanced around the Arena, snorting contemptuously as his challenge went unanswered. The Vastaa had heard so much of this contest, and he found that he was sorely disappointed so far. They had no honor. Perhaps the more honorable entrants had been placed in other Arenas.

That was an annoying thought. The ice bear flicked his surviving ear, perhaps to drive that particular line of consideration away, and flexed his gauntleted paw. Some people, Kriege reflected, were more pleasant when they were no longer among the living. That certainly was the case for several of the Koira mutts that he had known. He suspected, on the whole, that it would be the same with the other combatants here.

The Vastaa grunted. So be it. If the other competitors did not want to give him their attention, he would have to persuade them to pay attention to him. His dark eyes flickered down for a moment, and he smiled. The expression revealed a rather alarming number of rather alarming fangs. It just so happened that he had the means at his disposal to make his argument convincingly.

Bending slightly, Kriege reached out with his gauntleted fist, clawed fingers digging into dead flesh and lifting. The ice bear straightened up, Kai’s limp body dangling from his massive right paw. The Vastaa snorted, his dark gaze returning to the battle between Zenz and Makelyth, as the strangely humanoid Kaarme lunged towards the miner. Kriege waited for a moment, and then hefted the corpse over his head, his left arm rising to join his right in bracing the weight easily nine feet off the ground. With a huff of effort, the ice bear hurled the body at Zenz and Makelyth, the impromptu missile pinwheeling through the air.

The scarred and ruined remnants of his parted left lip quirked upward again, as the Vastaa added unnecessarily, “Catch.”

Bastet -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena (9/5/2014 13:25:31)

This scarf is actually pretty comfortable, I hope I won’t have to give this back to the girl. Then again, I defeated her in fair combat while she attempted backstabbing me, she probably owes me a favour for that.

Walking around the arena, Ayohin managed to observe it without interruptions for the first time. She kept walking around the conveyor belt-like construct and was almost mesmerized by the cloud of steam hovering above her head.
She also managed to track down the source of the stench: the grate in the exact center in the arena looked like it held some sort of corrosive liquid. Deciding it was best to step away from it, she moved a bit closer to the outer walls and turned her head back to the ongoing fight.

The first thing she saw made her grimace, the corpse of the petite woman she had incapacitated just a few moments ago was soaring through the air towards two other fighters. It made her sincerely feel sorry for the girl, even though she wasn’t even sure she was alive. Sighing under her scarf, she promised she would keep it as to not forget her first defeated opponent in the arena.
Lowering her eyes to the corpse defiler, she noticed it looked like an ursine humanoid. She knew the type, but an interest in such creatures never sparked in her. It looked battle scarred, but underestimating an opponent like that one’s strenght would’ve been a grave mistake.

An edge was necessary; a searing edge in this case. Ayohin’s hands ran down to the leather belt that connected the piece of mail armor on her torso with the one that covered her legs down to her ankles. Baring the skin above her right hip, she drew her own blood again. The second stage of her trademark weapon wouldn’t require a copious amount of blood, but having to deal with yet one more wound would impair her movement further. Nonetheless, she closed up the armor joint again and appreciated the sight of the playful movement of the flames upon her blade.

She would avenge the girl, but wait until the bear was distracted. Getting close enough to the fight that she could intervene at any time but attempting to conceal herself until she made her move, she decided that this wasn’t entirely about glory anymore.

salene -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena (9/5/2014 21:04:03)

Raz'Fizo smiled. Ayohin was long gone, off to fight the large bear like creature that patrolled the arena, killing contestants like fish. It truly was a gruesome sight, but perhaps Ayohin would be able to deal with him. In any case, Raz'Fizo did NOT really feel like taking on the white Goliath. So, instead he set his sights on different prey. And this prey was much hotter.

As the dragon prince Makelyth sailed through the air towards the earthen competitor, Raz'Fizo drew his daggers around him, creating the "Iron Wings" Ayohin had described previously. The wings sliced through the air around him, creating small currents of air that shifted his hood back and forth. Then, with a sudden grinding of metal, and a spurt of vicious wind, Raz'Fizo shot towards the prince, daggers flashing. The moment he was near to his target, he could smell the mixture of fire and earth that hung around the arena. Neither element was a friend to air, so Raz'Fizo regarded both with a detached and aloof air. "Wind is OBVIOUSLY better." he thought with a huff. "No competition." As he thought this, three daggers flashed out, blurs of silver racing for the back of the head, the neck, and the torso of the dragon hybrid. Each were slightly to the right or left of the others, in order to make escape more difficult. As soon as the daggers has left Raz'Fizo's hand, he was off again, moving swiftly throughout the arena, a ghostly white bird, searching for fresh meat.

Geddesmck -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena (9/6/2014 8:09:27)

His attack had failed, but Zenz wasn't too concerned about that. His attention was instead focused on the corpse that had been flung his way. It was a rather ghastly form of assault in his opinion. But from what he'd seen, Kriege seemed to lack any sense of mercy, subtlety or basic respect. Although perhaps that was the reason the great armoured bear had just killed two competitors while Zenz hadn't even managed to drop a rock on Dragon-boy's head.

Makelyth, for his part, seemed pretty insistent using various pieces of pointy metal to relieve Zenz of his life. Considering that Zenz's sword was out of reach, and the majority of the protective dirt that had earlier saved him was now part of the useless rock that had failed to bludgeon Makelyth, his insistence was proving to be rather perilous.

The weasel was, for now, not much of a threat. It had somehow becoming momentarily caught up in his rock, but the fall from that height had seemingly dazed it. Zenz couldn't work out how it had got caught up with the earthen debris, unless he had an untapped ability at weasel-o-mancy that he had failed to adequately develop until this point in his life. A question, and opportunity, for later he decided.

The rock had represented about two-thirds of Zenz's available manipulatable material, and now it lay to far away to be useful against Makelyth of the amazing flying corpse. Luckily, the bag at his side had enough for one desperate manoeuvre.

The sack exploded out wards as it's contents spread of in front of Zenz. He crouched low as a small, slightly curved wall of rock formed between him and Makelyth, also managing to interrupt the graceless fall of the hatless girls lifeless fall. The Champion-cum-miner took the small, sharpened shovel from his belt and lunged forward.

Even as he lunged he thought he heard metal scrape across the top of the rock wall. The space directly in front of him lost its solidity and turned to sand as Zenz's arm and makeshift weapon burst through it, aiming to leave cut through the scales on Makelyth's legs.

Zenz didn't notice the little wooden statue that had occupied his now-ruined bag fall to floor and roll under a dense tangle of pipes.

Ryu Viranesh -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena (9/7/2014 13:55:44)

Suddenly, out of the blue, or whatever the dominant color was at the time, multi-coloured sprites appeared, hovering down at rapid speeds to choice contestants. The swarm wiggled and writhed onto them, seeking entrance into the contestants through their ears, mouths, nostrils, and making the fighters emit a glow most spectacular from their eyes, ears, mouths, and even noses...

Their bodies grew transparent, the strange lights taking over everything, making them impossible to see, the light (the contestants?) rose up slowly, finally exploding into a gazillion of little marvelous pieces.

The Lords had made their pick, their chosen champions would proceed to fight the Final Battle of the Tournament...

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