DeathGuard -> RE: BMs way OPed (8/17/2014 20:52:13)
Skills that are strong won't make a class "overpowered". The misuse of the term is one thing that's giving a bad impression to the whole thread. No build in ED has been "OP'ed". None. Every single of those builds were beatable. Just as every class has always been beatable, no matter what build they use. Yes, they are builds that are too strong due to the strong synergy in their class' skill tree, but doesn't means it turns to OP if your build can't defeat it. Lets remember your experiences are subjective, and may not be the same as others. Most of the people here have been pointing how strong BM is, but they have also post how they have manage to beat BMs. The so called Caster build of TMs is strong too(not OP), but it is beatable. You just need the right build that matches not only your current skills and strategy, but also how you use the core weapons/items you have to make it work. I fought some Tank Tech Mage using Pyro Fly and when he disabled my Static Grenade right after I used it, I thought I was doomed for but I was completely wrong. I forced him to keep healing or wasting his energy until I could finally use Generator, heal myself and start to kill him once again. I survived with around 200 hp in that battle. It wasn't that the player was weak, or that his/her build was weak, rather the strategy I used to beat him is what outstand him in battle giving me the win. And if you think I'm a high rank, sadly, I'm not. I'm Rank 4. If you say some skill makes some class too strong, I could say Smoke also does the same but that's not the case. Smoke is the strongest of the 3 skill debuffs currently in-game imo. Not only it gives you more chances to be able to block, but also it gives you more chances to connect and to deal more damage with physical damage. In Malfuncton's case, you are able to deflect his attacks and also to deflect as well as giving you less chances to get your attacks deflected and deal more damage with energy damage but once you stop using deflectable attacks, it won't serve you that much. Intimidation is special in its own. It debuffs part of your strength, and that prevents a lot of incoming damage from builds base on STR, but it doesn't gives you the extra damage as Smoke or Malfunction. To be honest, I had be interested if it not only affected your STR but also SUP. e.g. If Intimidate does -42 strength, the percentage could increase the -% it currently does to both stats. If that occured, lets say a buff of 7%, it would be split btw the two stats. 42/2= 21 + (42)(0.07)= -24 to support and strength. I think it had prove useful to put Intimidation almost on par with the other skills but that's just my opinion. My point is that even if Smoke proves to be stronger than other debuffs, it doesn't makes BH certainly stronger or "OP" than other classes just for having that skill. It isn't an enough reason. Parasite is indeed strong and could have some little nerf on how it works, but it doesn't makes BM "OP" at all. Also About Azrael's Gun, the so-called "Violet Cheater Gun", it isn't part of your current problem. It is helpful in some cases, but it also requires 175 energy which is enough for a heal or even to shield/debuff so that's a deficit to the user's own energy. It was nerfed already, quite the times and still hasn't been prove to be one of the main reasons of BM being "OP".