Ranloth -> Real Talk: EpicDuel Storyline (8/17/2014 14:30:15)
*totally not stealing the 'Real Talk'* OWA has already covered missions content and rewards, so the last thing on the list will be the storyline itself. This is purely for feedback, and it will be taken on board when writing the missions up. (where applicable) The vast amount of ED's storyline can be found on Forum and Wiki alike, as opposed to having it in-game, which is a bit trickier to do. For newer players, they will not be aware of it as soon as they start playing, or in fact, they may never see the storyline thread or look it up on the Wiki. Our job will include expanding the less used NPCs who have little to no backstory, which does mean more missions. Ideally, we want as much of the story to be in-game as possible, without having to search for it elsewhere just to know what's going on. Valestra, Habuki, Raymus and Naomi - these four NPCs have been recently revamped, story wise as well as challenge, and given more backstory. Other NPCs in-game will end up getting similar treatment in due time. Whilst we're not looking for ideas on how to expand them, we want the missions (story) to be enjoyable to read through, and relatively easy to follow. So few questions for you guys: Do you prefer the story to unfold as you progress through the missions (i.e. Raymus' chain), or something more straightforward (i.e. Naomi)? How about references to other AE games (where possible), or real-life events? Preferences in terms of the story - serious or non-serious, comedy or some drama, etc? Longer chains - with plenty of information to take in but spaced out so it's easier to follow - or shorter - with more information to take in at once and leaving some questions unanswered? And so on.