Power Hour (Full Version)

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kaierti -> Power Hour (8/25/2014 11:35:01)

Hi all. first i must say for team big thanks for double hour weekend. on saturday and sunday there were 700-800 people. (now there is again only 200-350 without power hour). im glad about that. my wish is that continue this present on weekdays too. or change 1 vs 1 24 exp in all battles. and 48 or more exp in 2 vs 2 battles. on Power hour time i upgrading Ranks so fast. in 2 days i can grow 10k Experience. i think this is so good if there will be all time 1 v 1 24exp and 2 v 2 48 + more exp. or continue even 1 month please include weekdays all days. thanks a lot

suboto -> RE: Power Hour (8/25/2014 13:18:51)

I perfer they make 2 more legend slots for exp and credits. Possiblely a npc rank i feel that would be cool.

Justingbieberfangirl -> RE: Power Hour (8/25/2014 13:18:54)

Well if they would do it permanently it would hurt the game as before there werent power weekends and there werent just 2x the xp...
So old time players would have played more to lvl up while the new guys would have it easier.

Also this encorages people to use fast kills builds with decent %.

And if your class is weaker (up) then it is almost pointless as you dont get 2x the xp nor credits for loosing.

So no i do not support the xp boost and it is a horrible idea.

P.s. This also would remove quiet a lot of point in varium which already is almost worthless (the boost now gives you 2x the credits and 2x the xp but with the weekend there would be less point to buy the boosters and even if you would buy them then they would just increase your xp/credits by 1/3rd instead of half)

And as i am in a hurry then there are a lot of spelling mistakes so please forgive me.

Mother1 -> RE: Power Hour (8/25/2014 13:37:03)

If this is a suggestion than this should be in the suggestions part of the site.

As for the idea itself not supported.

This idea would also cause massive lag on the weekends also due to players going after NPC to get their 100 wins as well. When the lionhart boss came into play I remember having massive lag on this guy even with the best ISP and computer due to so many people battling him at the same time. (the AE server) Power weekend when they do happen causes this to happen.

Scyze -> RE: Power Hour (8/25/2014 16:13:18)


This idea would also cause massive lag on the weekends also due to players going after NPC to get their 100 wins as well. When the lionhart boss came into play I remember having massive lag on this guy even with the best ISP and computer due to so many people battling him at the same time. (the AE server) Power weekend when they do happen causes this to happen.
AQW is a game where you just battle NPC's most of the time, haven't experienced lag in a long time.

Mother1 -> RE: Power Hour (8/25/2014 16:23:06)

@ Scyze

AQW =/= Epic duel

The games are run and maintained by two different staff teams.

It has been shown when too many people do the same action within the game in a certain area the game will start lagging. A good example of this was when we were having the last war and people were dropping their bombs all at the same time. Even with a great connection, and computer there was massive lag because of this.

This has also happened with NPC's in the pass when enough people grind on the same NPC's at the same time. This was why they made it you can only battle 100 NPC's per day with wins. To discourage excessive NPC grind which caused the original lag.

Power weekend would encourage more NPC grinding by the masses which in turn will also increase lag in the game due to too many people grinding on NPC's at the same time even with the best internet and PC's.

Scyze -> RE: Power Hour (8/25/2014 17:14:00)

Then why did you bring up:

(the AE server)


AQW =/= Epic duel

The games are run and maintained by two different staff teams.
But AE uses the same kind of servers right? That's like having football shirts for the same team with different sponsors on each shirt during a football match.


It has been shown when too many people do the same action within the game in a certain area the game will start lagging.
Server lag? What if it's your ISP lagging out because of multiple things going on? I didn't see any lag when I played the last time.


This was why they made it you can only battle 100 NPC's per day with wins.
When I bothered to play, I remember being able to continously play after the 100th game. Only rewards are no longer given, drops were still possible. Unless it's changed, IDK.

BTW, having the best ISP in your country doesn't mean it's the best overall.

suboto -> RE: Power Hour (8/25/2014 17:29:54)

@mother this why i suggest 3 tiers for legion and exile to break thru in each war.
that will split the population of both alignments in 2 different locations rather then at end all in same spot thus being a massive lag.

Mother1 -> RE: Power Hour (8/25/2014 18:24:41)

@ Scyze

I brought it up because I remember being told there are 3 kinds of lag. Server lag, computer lag, and ISP lag. I don't play if my ISP is weak, and I clean my computer cache every day before I shut down so the first two aren't the problem. Also my computer is still new, and I only open one window at a time so it isn't my Computer or ISP.

Also I remember many times in the past that the game itself did lag due to two much data being processed in a certain area at one time. A good example of this is when people are spamming war bombs on the same screen where a lot of people are. So much data is being processed that it caused everyone in the area to lag, and there is no denying this.

The same thing happened with NPC in the past with one example being the lionhart boss. I asked around and it wasn't just me experiencing that lag at the time when everyone was trying to beat this boss. Many players experienced lag so bad that it caused the boss himself to skip.

I even remember asking sometime ago why did the staff lower NPC wins down to 100 per day, and I got the same answer I am giving you from the tester. There were enough people grinding for credits doing NPC consistently where the staff noticed the game Itself was lagging so to discourage this they made what was suppose to be unlimited credit rewards limited once again.

Power weekend due to it being continuous power hour encourages this and as a result will cause players to lag when enough players grind on the same NPC's.

When I find the thread where I asked and got these answers I will link you to it. However, that is my reason for not supporting this and I will stick by it.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Power Hour (8/25/2014 18:48:06)

This is pretty much like asking for all the credit prices to be cut in half.

ND Mallet -> RE: Power Hour (8/25/2014 18:59:04)

@mother and Scyze Battles in ED are way different than AQW. In AQW, you aren't running a new process(I think that's the right coding terminology) each time you fight a monster. But you do in ED. In fact, a while back there was a bug where NPC battles never truly ended even long after the player left the screen. That quickly added up and caused massive lag on the servers because of all the people doing NPCs and it meaning that there were essentially thousands of battles running at a time even if there were only 300 or so players logged in.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Power Hour (8/25/2014 19:01:10)

If anything, I say Staff should do Power Weekends every other weekend to benefit all players. @Dual Thrusters Well that wouldn't be a bad idea, they are insanely high. You have to pay 6,000 credits to gain a 2% extra chance just to strike your target. Or 30,000+ credits to fully level up one new weapon if you're a high level player.

Mother1 -> RE: Power Hour (8/25/2014 19:08:31)

@ isaiahthemage

His point is that too many power weekends will have a negative effect on the game due to too many players getting double rewards for 3 days straight. This right here would not only make player gain huge amount of credits, but would have a backlash on varium sells due to people getting huge amounts of credits over every weekend.

Doing something like this could very well have the negative effect of inflation on prices just to keep Varium a short cut. Not a very good alternative in the long run seeing as we had this once before when omega started.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Power Hour (8/25/2014 19:11:09)

@Mother1 Yeah that's true, but I still think we should get another power weekend in the future. Just make it happen very rarely like once a month and I don't think it would cause any problems.

Mother1 -> RE: Power Hour (8/25/2014 19:24:37)

It happens after every war is complete. Once a month compared to 4-5 times a month (There are sometimes when we do have 5 weekends in a month) is hardly game breaking in the credit area. Where as 4-5 times a month while beneficial to the players as I pointed out could have those negative effects if players get too rich too far.

On the days I went for the 2 vs 2 and fame LB I played all day with only 2 hours that had power hour within them. On each of those days my credit totals went up by 30,0000 - 40,000 credits and this back in delta when credit rewards were not only lower than what they are now, but back before power weekend existed.

Meaning I got this with only 2 hourly boosts without credit boosts.

Image if I went for a leader board now with not only the credit increase but power weekend at my disposal. This would mean I would be able to get 60,000 - 90,000 credits if I output the same effort. Image me going like this for 2-3 days. That would be 120,000 - 270,000 credits if I am going hard like this and this would be in one weekend. now times this by 4-5 that would mean if I output the same amount each power weekend I could get 480,000 -1,350,000 credits within a month just with the weekends. This isn't even including the weekdays.

That is a massive amount of credits to and if enough people got this amount every month you can kiss varium sells good bye unless as I mentioned inflation happened which in turn would screw over anyone who can't farm like that.

 I deleted the post you've responded to so I'm merging the two. ~Battle Elf
@ Kaierti

Know why everything is so expensive now? Because they made just about everything buyable with credits. Omega nerfed Varium's power and reduced it to a short cut. Varium must remain a short cut other wise it has no more use. Power weekend every weekend would interfere with Varium being a short cut which will cut into varium sells.

Like it or not Varium sells must be made and anything that can cut into sells no matter how happy it would make the masses won't be done. Because why would anyone who buys varium buy it if they can just farm up enough credits to get what they want especially during power weekend?

Also those numbers are what I got when I played all day going for dailies. While you might not be able to get that amount hardcore players can. If any of those hardcore players were people who buy varium and they gained massive amounts of credits then there goes your varium sells from those people.

Battle Elf -> RE: Power Hour (8/26/2014 9:17:45)

Hey guys,

This thread turned sour very quickly. There is no discussion of Varium vs. Non Varium allowed in the ED GD and flaming is not allowed anywhere on the forums. I've already deleted some of the posts but I'm going to go ahead and lock this up. Let's try and have constructive conversations instead of personal attacks and criticism. Remember to stay on topic and feel free to refresh yourselves with the ED GD Rules.

Battle Elf
ED GD Archknight

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