=OS= Beta Release Thread 150 - Read the first post! (Full Version)

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Skurge -> =OS= Beta Release Thread 150 - Read the first post! (8/29/2014 14:14:21)



Frost Dragon & Void Mage!
Posted on August 22, 2014 by Nulgath


Void Mage and AQW Frost Dragon!
I'll be updating and releasing at least one of the AQW characters below in the coming weeks. Void Mage will get a Legend form later: Void Archmage!

AQW Character Release Winners:
  • Chaos Drakath
  • Frost Dragon ( Releasing! )
  • Grimlord
  • Doomknight
  • Vordred
  • Gressil




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The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 150 - Read the first post! (8/29/2014 15:43:20)

Just to add to something to what you said, HeroSmash never had much of a plot. They had one release two years ago where they introduced the villain named "Clock Blocker" and ever since then it's only been PvP updates and more items. I guess that's more than Oversoul has though. And I say they should only take it down if they plan to work on it. I still enjoy playing it and would hate to lose everything I've done.

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 150 - Read the first post! (8/29/2014 15:48:18)

HS gets a lot of story related content just not on fridays so its not posted with the rest of the updates and they don't update the design notes as much as they should HS has a lot of stuff going on as far as a plot goes though.

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 150 - Read the first post! (8/29/2014 15:51:21)

Has the villain ever been seen again? Is it actually the main plot or just some random side stuff?

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 150 - Read the first post! (8/29/2014 15:55:50)

Its story related stuff mixed with side quest like AQW.

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 150 - Read the first post! (8/29/2014 15:59:48)

I guess I'll take your word for it, but I don't think the villain ever returned.

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 150 - Read the first post! (8/29/2014 16:02:11)

I think you killed him first mission or he might be seasonal.

Since REV drew his original pre servant of Nulgath form will we get it in game?

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 150 - Read the first post! (8/29/2014 16:07:29)

No, he was never killed and he was supposed to be the main villain. Rewatch the cutscene in Pleasanton Oaks if you can. As for getting Revontheus' form, that's up to him.

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 150 - Read the first post! (8/29/2014 16:09:18)

REV gave a lot of the stuff he did already to Nulgath back in stress and alpha phase so Nulgath can put stuff in game that REV drew a while back if he has it saved.

Skexis rank up is suppose to come next month right?

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 150 - Read the first post! (8/29/2014 16:27:26)

I wouldn't really count on it. Nulgath also said there would be new versions of Revontheus and Xmas Fiend last year. Then again, there's not that much to add, so it's possible.

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 150 - Read the first post! (8/29/2014 16:29:15)

Wasn't it confirmed thought skexis and void champion would get rank up every year on OS birthday till they reached legendary form same as with the pirates on TLAPD?

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 150 - Read the first post! (8/29/2014 16:35:07)

It was only said that it would happen the same way that Revontheus would get a new version last year, so it may not happen. They have no one working on the game now, so you can't expect anything at all. The only one working on it is Nulgath, who can't put out releases since he's only an artist/animator and he's also working on other projects.

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 150 - Read the first post! (8/29/2014 16:40:40)

Yeah but Nulgath drew Skexis and the pirates he could do rank ups for them I don't expect REV to get one though or they could just delay the releases for them like last year.

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 150 - Read the first post! (8/29/2014 16:47:53)

I'm just saying don't get your hopes up. Nulgath needs to get coders to add anything because there's no one but him and his two friends who make music (Dilligaf/Klunk) dedicated to it. He could just choose not to release it, but he probably will since he just has to add art to already made Skexis art and doesn't even have to really change the animations.

Skurge -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 150 - Read the first post! (8/29/2014 17:30:19)


I'm just saying don't get your hopes up.

An evolution to a preexisting character isn't asking too much, even in OverSoul's current condition. I think Nulgath should be able to pull it off, but I guess time will tell. [>:]

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 150 - Read the first post! (8/29/2014 18:58:42)

Oh, hey, Skurge, could you update the PvP ids? Thanks in advance.

Done. Thanks for the reminder :) ~S

elite dark slayer -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 150 - Read the first post! (8/29/2014 19:09:15)

I guess we ALL know what I'll be using, despite the flaw of boring animations.

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 150 - Read the first post! (8/29/2014 19:45:16)

Who? I hope pumpkinlord rank up is out for nuetral tournament. Also since lighting has no dual elements are they banned or not?

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 150 - Read the first post! (8/29/2014 19:51:08)

Time Gentleman. I guess it doesn't really matter if dual elements are banned for this tournament, but I believe Mritha said that they would be for the future.

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 150 - Read the first post! (8/29/2014 20:07:20)

Looks like they decided to go with best of three matches this time also just a little tip running two 202 on engineer instead of a nuetral 500 cards better with his super charges.

I was using dwakel today and he's a pretty good character but the damage out is a problem just like I said take on average 2 - 4 more turns to finish off an opponent at the same level vs Volt engineer who whose average fight last 4 - 6 turns after charging to 19.

As long as you have over 3000 health you should be ok in the tournament.

elite dark slayer -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 150 - Read the first post! (8/30/2014 0:56:54)

Lvl 15! Yay! Best of luck guys. No dual element? What about neutral CC?

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 150 - Read the first post! (8/30/2014 6:49:34)

That's fine.

megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 150 - Read the first post! (8/30/2014 7:51:45)

Hey's heres a thought, though i'm no sure if it's possible:

Why not have AE hold a official OS torunamentc for some sort of grand prize?

Hear me out:

The code to do so while very dirty is already in game. (That one tournament last year.)
It costs AE nothing prize aside.
It gets popularity for the game if advertised which means more poeple.

Just change a few rules to make thing fairer on new people or ask people to use lower leveled chars via honor system and you are good to go.

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 150 - Read the first post! (8/30/2014 8:07:46)

Rolith did the pvp tournament system last time would need him to help. Also its just a lot of work that wouldn't be profitable for OS with the first tournament being a way to test the pvp leaberboard and people now knowing how to flood the board to gets 100s of wins in a hour people would be more mad then anything. Also if it did get more people server might crash it was messing up with a little over 100 people when Frost Dragon came out.

megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 150 - Read the first post! (8/30/2014 8:14:43)


Rolith did the pvp tournament system last time would need him to help.

Not really. Either the system is already in the game in which case it would just need supervision, or it was a outside thing that still works with OS, meaning that you could get any coder to just keep a eye on it. I'm sure even with OS doing badly AE can spare a coder for five minuites to make sure everything's not destroyed.


Also its just a lot of work that wouldn't be profitable for OS with the first tournament being a way to test the pvp leaberboard

As far as I know, the code already exists and is in game from last time. Minimum work at worst.


nd people now knowing how to flood the board to gets 100s of wins in a hour people would be more mad then anything.

I'm pretty sure this is not a thing. Besides, they have way of picking up such cheating. Odds are if you are getting 100s of wins in a hour it's not legit and can be disqualified.


Also if it did get more people server might crash it was messing up with a little over 100 people when Frost Dragon came out.

Could be a issue, but I say it's worth the risk.

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