Major Skill Changes to Introduce a passive skill tree! (Full Version)

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Remorse -> Major Skill Changes to Introduce a passive skill tree! (9/4/2014 4:26:08)

Hey guys,

So while I was making a passive skill tree:

I was thinking, what other changes would have to occur in order for this to be introduced?

Firstly I would like to talk about why they removed passives from the skill tree in the first place,
This is because they said, it was to much of a priority to take, their was no downside, they were a "must have".

Now the removal of passives hasn't even resolved this issue!!

And arguably it has been all for nothing, why?

Because free costing skills such as battery-backup, static charge, and certain skills such as mark of blood, static smash, static grenade,
Have the EXACT same issue as passives, these skill are just of a "must have" as passives were, and they, like passives have no downside (with the exception of mark of blood with an energy cost.

So with all of this in mind, I would like to propose the following changes to go in conjunction with the passive tree skill change I have made:

Before I start keep in mind that passives will be introduced to do what the removal of some of these skills used to, eg. removing mark of blood will be made up with the re-introduction of a blood-lust style passive.

Ok so I will begin:


-Static Grenade on BHs are removed and replaced with EMP as it formally was,
WHY? Static grenade has no down side and in return in this current energy focused meta becomes a must have, I aim to not only make this skill not a must have but also change the energy constraints the current meta has, and to do this classes such as BHs need to have the free cost must have skill removed, do not worry I have given BHs passives that can make up for energy in other way so they will not need a gain, also I intend for this to be a slight weakness to BHs (energy gains) in order for them to have other benefits.

-Static Smash on Merc is removed and replaced with atom smash,
For the same reasoning as replacing static grenade for EMP for BHs.

-Atom Smash is replaced with Static smash on TLMs and given a small hp cost (10 hp per level of the skill)
This is because I intend to remove battery back-up and this will compromise other changes and combined with reroute will allow them to keep the strength of being good at energy control. The HP cost makes this skill have a downside and will slow the spam-ability as well as lower the energy constraint issue this meta has.

-Assimilation is given a small HP cost (10 hp per level of the skill)
Like static smash, this is to give the skill a downside and lower the spam-ability.

-Static Charge is given a small HP cost (10 hp per level of the skill)
Same reasoning as assimilation.


-Battery Back-up: This skill is removed but in return the tech mages and TLMs receive a reroute style passive plus other passives will allow them to keep the strong energy control advanatge these classes have,
Also removing this skill will make the caster builds have easier counter-ability healthy for better balance especially at lower levels.

-Mark of Blood: In return blood mages and BHs, are given a small bloodlust style passive, the removal of this skill will stop it being a "must have" in their skill tree and will also stop the overpowered combination of stacking it with their passive version.

-Hybrid armor: To make up for this mercs are given a passive version like before so they can have their tanky nature returned to their identity.

-Plasma armor: Same as hybrid armor

-Mineral armor will need to be changed

Overall effect?

Every class has exactly 1 skill removed allowing for the introduction of a new skill for each class or a different idea I have in mind.

All skills will have a cost,

With all these changes the huge constraint we have on energy and "must have" skills should be greatly lowered hopefully offering many more opportunities for variety, and all the passive additions some more sorted to niche builds will definitely add to variety.

With 1 skill from each class being removed what will we do with the excess skill points?

Well they could either
-Give each class a new skill
-Allow us to somehow "level-up" our weapon skill core activate-ables, this would take a lot of coding and work however it will then become a universal skill across all classes which can be "leveled up" to be improved.

What do you guys think of these changes?

Let me know if you have any issues with it you want cleared up or why you think it won't be a good idea,

Thanks, Remorse Less.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Major Skill Changes to Introduce a passive skill tree! (9/4/2014 19:32:53)

Well if something costs 0 EP it doesn't necessarily need a health cost for a tradeoff. It could have a different payment like Def/Res, or have a side effect like a decreased rage gain or something.

But anyway, this idea would just limit the amount of times they are used per game (because they are more costly), but in the end they are still must-haves due to their effect.

I do like the ideas on the Passive Skill tree, though.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Major Skill Changes to Introduce a passive skill tree! (9/4/2014 20:01:20)


-Static Grenade on BHs are removed and replaced with EMP as it formally was,
WHY? Static grenade has no down side and in return in this current energy focused meta becomes a must have, I aim to not only make this skill not a must have but also change the energy constraints the current meta has, and to do this classes such as BHs need to have the free cost must have skill removed, do not worry I have given BHs passives that can make up for energy in other way so they will not need a gain, also I intend for this to be a slight weakness to BHs (energy gains) in order for them to have other benefits.

Supported, but for a different reason. Because EMP is just a lot more fun to use. Static grenade does have a downside: It's literally trash. You have to have tons of skill points invested in it to drain a desirable amount of energy, the amount of energy it returns isn't too favorable, and you get no rage when using it. A level 2-3 EMP grenade chunks off so much energy it's amazing, and costs very little energy while requiring only a small number of skill points to be effective, making build paths far more flexible.


-Static Smash on Merc is removed and replaced with atom smash,
For the same reasoning as replacing static grenade for EMP for BHs.

-Atom Smash is replaced with Static smash on TLMs and given a small hp cost (10 hp per level of the skill)
This is because I intend to remove battery back-up and this will compromise other changes and combined with reroute will allow them to keep the strength of being good at energy control. The HP cost makes this skill have a downside and will slow the spam-ability as well as lower the energy constraint issue this meta has.

I would love to see atom smasher return as the 2-turn CD, 60-energy cost spammy skill which annoyed the heck out of everyone.

DeltaNoob123456789 -> RE: Major Skill Changes to Introduce a passive skill tree! (9/5/2014 1:30:08)

Supported, Because I feel like this might help improve the game a bit

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