Eye of the Unholy (Full Version)

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Koree -> Eye of the Unholy (9/7/2014 3:17:36)

Eye of the Unholy

«A miscellaneous item with varying effects, based on your Knight training.»

Location: Level 55 and 75 versions can be found in the Advanced Knight shops of each kingdom (Rennd, Granemor, Deren, Stormfallen). The others can be found in the level 10 Knight class quest.
Level	55	75	95	115	135	145
PowLvl	55	75	95	115	135	148

Price	279	2201	17696	142617	1149775	3264682
Sell	139	1100	8848	71308	574887	1632341
Activation: 0 turns

Effects: Improves blocking and the damage you take from certain element is multiplied by the listed amount, based on the kingdom in which you received your Knight training*. If you are level 5 Knight or lower, your are unable to equip the item**.

Light	*0.7	*0.65	*0.65	*0.6	*0.6	*0.55

Melee	6	6	7	7	7	7
Ranged	3	3	3	3	4	4

Dark	*0.7	*0.65	*0.65	*0.6	*0.6	*0.55

Ranged	3	3	3	3	4	4
Magic	6	6	7	7	7	7

Earth	*0.7	*0.65	*0.65	*0.6	*0.6	*0.55

Melee	6	6	7	7	7	7
Magic	3	3	3	3	4	4

Fire	*0.7	*0.65	*0.65	*0.6	*0.6	*0.55

Melee	3	3	3	3	4	4
Magic	6	6	7	7	7	7

SPCost	38	43	44	49	50	54

*Your allegiance to «Kingdom» causes the Eye to lower «Element» damage you take by «Percentage»%!
**You must pledge your allegiance to a kingdom to be able to use this item!

This powerful artifact grants elemental resistance and boosts your blocking abilities based on the kingdom to which you have pledged your allegiance!


Image, description and pop-up messages thanks to Dragoon23. Numbers thanks to Kamui (via Dragoon23).


October 13, 2013: The item was released.

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