Skill Cores Inserted to Items (Full Version)

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theholyfighter -> Skill Cores Inserted to Items (9/7/2014 8:04:20)

For the sake of variety and trying different builds/equipments, come on and change the Skill Cores system.

I propose it to be 100~500 credits cost to move a Core from one to another.

It should be ______ credits to REMOVE and FREE to insert.

Of course, the BEST option is FREE to remove and insert, but I highly doubt that'd be possible.


Only with those Cores that you can buy in shops. Nothing to do with promos.

Mother1 -> RE: Skill Cores Locked to Items (9/7/2014 10:31:43)

Not supported.

The system was made this way purposely and explained that it would be this way so certain phase promo's as well as old promo's wouldn't lose their identities. Doing this would defeat the original purpose this system was put into play.

theholyfighter -> RE: Skill Cores Locked to Items (9/7/2014 11:16:08)

I'm not asking for supporting, and what does that have to d with phase promos?

All those above are only for Cores that can be bought independently, nothing to do with promos.

I'll add a few more description to prevent misunderstanding.

I Underlord I -> RE: Skill Cores Locked to Items (9/7/2014 12:33:22)

I wholeheartedly support the ability to remove and reapply unlocked cores, though a cost of 250-1K credits for removal seems excessive. Perhaps a price of 100 or 150 credits (or maybe 100 for passives and 150 for actives)? After all, upgrading to an unlocked level and retraining an item cost only 100 credits (and retraining stats and skills a maximum of 250), so rearranging cores that cost quite a bit of currency to purchase shouldn't itself be overly expensive.

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