Please implement allcores into Vendbots inventory (Full Version)

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The berserker killer -> Please implement allcores into Vendbots inventory (9/7/2014 9:13:01)

Omega was supposed to bring about more cores and from what I hear it's hard to make new cores. There is so much coding that goes along with it and WE, the player database, understands. But that doesn't mean we have to go through this entire phase with 10 or 15 ores that we can use repeatedly which is why I am suggesting this:

All cores (EXCEPT THOSE ON ULTRA RARE WEPS) should be sellable in vendbots inventory. It wouldn't take you long since you aren't creating cores, you're just selling them. Which means that all seasonal cores should be sellable.

Now some of you may say "It may devalue promos" or "it wouldn't be fair to people that bought the promos". Well my reply is "1) Theyre seasonal so theyre coming back anyway, 2) We have all already complained about most of the weapons coming back and we would just be ignored, and 3) The item that you have, itself, will not be devalued since I am not asking for the item itself to be sold. Just the core."

Please think about it guys, we can use this for next update. This can help the game as a whole. The only reason I can see not to want this is for yourself-interest but this is a community game so hopefully no one will reply off of their own self interest. After all, you're on forums so I expect everyone here to care about the community.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Please implement allcores into Vendbots inventory (9/7/2014 9:36:46)

Selling seasonal rares outside of the season I believe is marked as a no-no, however; I don't see any reason why we could not sell seasonal item cores separate from the item itself during it's season.

Now you will get all the weapon complaints that it shouldn't be separate from the weapon for reasons X, Y, and Z, but the game is a dress up game when it comes to gear so why force everyone to dress in the same outfit just to use a seasonal core

EDIT: If this were to happen the seasonal cores would most likely cost more because that is how rarity seems to work in EpicDuel

The berserker killer -> RE: Please implement allcores into Vendbots inventory (9/7/2014 9:48:20)

Of course, I don't see a reason why we cannot sell the cores either. The item itself will not be devalued. And yes, the cores should cost more however we need them. We can't go through all of omega with 10 cores available to us at any given time

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