a new idea that can change the game (Full Version)

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theplayer357 -> a new idea that can change the game (9/18/2014 20:23:34)

my last topic is harsh. i am sorry. but this time a new idea.

we will use scientific observation this time, like any other scientists did.

first observation, i observe that i takes too long to have 2v2 battles.
then problem, is it because low traffic n low fun game.
then hypothesis, a little change can solve it.
then experimentation this should what our programmers/developer should do right now to make a little change, a 1000 possible change but only once can make a big change.
theory, jugg fighting lower level increases, gives arcade token to random 1v1 or 2v2 in random lets say 5% chance 5 in a 100 or 3 in a 100 or 1 in a 100 battle to make people happy and being fun(parallelism) should be make people happy and fun.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: a new idea that can change the game (9/18/2014 20:38:52)

It gives people more of a goal to play battles, but I doubt that people will be "happy" grinding their way just for a chance to a few tokens, much less change the game. Especially when the arcade itself isn't even an incentive for some people to keep doing the daily missions, even when it only takes about +10 minutes to complete.

suboto -> RE: a new idea that can change the game (9/18/2014 21:17:57)

I support the idea of drops in pvp.
Heres a fact about caden people love to battle him because he drops bacons.
I support the following possible drop ideas:
Arcade token 2% chance of drop
Perfect Emerald 5% chance of drop
Emerald 10% chance of drop
Flawed Emerald 15% chance of drop
wouldnt hurt to try this odds are its in a positive direction.
Would incourage players to do pvp rather then search for npcs that drop stuff.
Plus would hype up pvp for players to return.

Mother1 -> RE: a new idea that can change the game (9/18/2014 22:09:48)

@ Suboto

Fun fact. The staff said they were going to bring back drops when they could work it in to the new system.

suboto -> RE: a new idea that can change the game (9/18/2014 22:37:06)

Sweet thanks for shareing that with me Mother1 [:D] Cant wait for this

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