theplayer357 -> a new idea that can change the game (9/18/2014 20:23:34)
my last topic is harsh. i am sorry. but this time a new idea. we will use scientific observation this time, like any other scientists did. first observation, i observe that i takes too long to have 2v2 battles. then problem, is it because low traffic n low fun game. then hypothesis, a little change can solve it. then experimentation this should what our programmers/developer should do right now to make a little change, a 1000 possible change but only once can make a big change. theory, jugg fighting lower level increases, gives arcade token to random 1v1 or 2v2 in random lets say 5% chance 5 in a 100 or 3 in a 100 or 1 in a 100 battle to make people happy and being fun(parallelism) should be make people happy and fun.