more suggestions (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


goodtimer777 -> more suggestions (10/10/2014 9:05:22)

since this game is sci fi

i would also suggest to add more mutations where player can mutate into new model like exile soldier, city guard, big tuna and others, i think it will not increased the memory because the model will used is already in the game.

there is already daily leaderboard, monthly war but for weekly. lets say a micro or little war that can last average of 1 day with rewards.

there is already /fly /dance but about about /super charge /plasma bolt /berserker an existing animations that can be bought or free to used outside of the battle and .

since this game is scifi again, i remember chess960 . why not add a battle system where players have their same skills based on their class but different in the lvl of their skills. to make the battle more strategic instead of using same builds that are coped. with this battle system, players' creativity will enhanced, they will think more on what skills to used.

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