Strategy (Full Version)

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OscarAmesBH -> Strategy (10/13/2014 22:13:04)

I left this game for some years. But when I came back I didn't recognized this game, techmages and blood mages dominate all game now, but it's a different matter I would like to discuss. THE WORST THING is that battle strategy disappeared from this forum, and now most people like me have no idea what to do with their permanent class, bounty hunter for example I cant find good build and good strategy to get good percentage in solo battles, and most people also, so they just change class, and when I go to team battles I see most times only mages around me, I'll be glad if you find a resolution to this problem.

Thank you for reading!

Please don't use all caps, as it is considered spam. ~WhiteTiger

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: STRATEGY (10/13/2014 22:21:18)

For some reason I never fully understood the battle strat section was removed and all build help was moved to the Q&A section. You can also find some talks on how to use a class in the Balance section but that is not going to always be the case

Exploding Penguin -> RE: STRATEGY (10/14/2014 20:03:26)

Because for some reason the battle strategy section wasn't actually about battle strategy; it should have really been called the request a build section or something. You couldn't post your own guides or anything because the rules explicitly stated that only build requests were allowed. So they merged to remove some clutter.

WhiteTiger -> RE: STRATEGY (10/14/2014 21:17:31)

If you would like to request a build, you can do so just like you would have with the old Battle Strategy board, except now in ED Q&A. Guides were permitted when the Battle Strategy board merged with ED Q&A and are still permitted in ED Q&A. Quoting the previous head moderator of ED Q&A and the former Battle Strategy board,

When we redesigned the forum, we modeled it after a hybrid of how CR&A use to operate and how AQ Strategy currently operates. ED Strategy is primarily for build requests as CR&A use to be and allows Battle Strategy Guides (BSG) like AQ Strategy. We do not want the forum to be taken over by people posting their own builds, but we do want to encourage full-length guides. [...] We have the =ED= Battle Strategy Helpful Guides thread set up already so that, if we do see a guide of such caliber, we could add it in. This way, players would be able to find the thread if traffic pushes it down. If the guide is of sub-par quality, the policy has been to leave them alone to fall down the pages. In sum, we want limit the number of threads where players post their builds while ensuring that there is an avenue for them to do so if their thread is of high quality. At which point, I do not mind if discussion ensues over the pros and cons of build variations as long as it is related to improving the quality of the guide.

(You can see all of his comments in this thread.)

Since ED Suggestions is for game suggestions and this is a forum suggestion, I'm going to lock this thread. If you feel like there is still an issue with build requests and guides being moved to ED Q&A and would like to give feedback on it, or suggest an improvement, please post in Forum Suggestions.

Thread locked.

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