Blockable Static Smash (Full Version)

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youbo -> Blockable Static Smash (10/24/2014 16:56:51)

Something that I find quite unbalancing is the fact that static smash AND ONLY static smash can be blocked,every other energy control skills cannot.(assimilate can,but it don't affect energy)

I suggest to either :
-make it unblockable
-make everything else blockable/deflectable with proper effect reduction

InFlamed Fury -> RE: Blockable Static Smash (10/24/2014 17:21:36)

Ok 1st off BOTH static smash and atom smash are blockable, It's not just one move.

Secondly, they are blockable because they have the highest energy drain out of all of the other skills. If you keep getting blocked, invest some more stats into dexterity so you don't get blocked, that's what it's there for.

Making it unblockable would just be OP and we would see alot more STR mercs running around with.

Also the other skills are unblockable because they only can drain so much, it's not that much compared to atom and static.

Caststarter -> RE: Blockable Static Smash (10/24/2014 18:21:04)

As this is a topic about a class-related skill instead of anything in general, the thread shall now be locked as such. Please discuss all class-related skills in their respective threads, for example in this case, the Official Mercanary Balance Discussion Thread.

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