Removal of passive skill cores? And more? (Full Version)

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Justingbieberfangirl -> Removal of passive skill cores? And more? (10/25/2014 12:51:47)

So after the recent locking of thread

Separate Passive Skill Tree!

And battle elfs response to it.

Hi everybody,

First of all, I'm locking this thread since posting in a dead thread is a violation of the =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules. Posting in dead threads is considered spam and may result in warnings.

Secondly, I've kept my eye on this thread and allowed it to remain open. There's clearly a lot of thought and passion behind these posts and that's exactly what I love to see. However, after personally talking with the ED team, the message is clear: Passives will not be returning. If you wish for further explanation, please contact the staff directly.

Just to be clear, this post was not locked based on its content. Feel free to PM me with any questions.

Battle Elf
ED GD Archknight

It got me wondering. If passives are not coming back. And passive skills have been replaced with active ones. Then when will this happen to weapons/armors. Shadow arts is basically now become Ninja reflexes. ect.

And how would you feel if the passives will be removed from items?
(Yes this has not been confirmed but it is very likely seeing as where this game is headed.)

Any way what are your thoughts on the topic of getting rid of the passives completely?

In my opinion removing passives in the first place was a mistake as it added another dimension to the game. It made classes different from one another e.g. Bhs massacre had health return but a chs massacre would normally deal more damage as they have more control of energy but now I feel as something is missing.

Remorse -> RE: Removal of passive skill cores? And more? (10/26/2014 5:32:04)

I think the whole idea of removing passives is a joke, and has a huge negative effect on class identity and variety.

I get that they didn't want passives to be a priority over other skills, but their literally is an infinite number of ways they could of fixed this rather then completely removing passives.

The potential for a well introduced class passive system could be the one thing to save the game.

The replacement skills they have implemented over passives has created this infinite energy drain cycle and as a result the whole energy system is broken.

We often here the devs mention that they like the way the game is going, and while I agree some aspects are fine, I'm sure most players will agree with me that what they have done is removed class identity and pretty much left a pool of set strategy low counter-ability builds that makes for luck/broken mechanic based gameplay.

Mother1 -> RE: Removal of passive skill cores? And more? (10/26/2014 8:28:36)

I wouldn't be surprised if they did that. To be honest they already did this when omega started to some of the old passive cores.

Jack o fire
Thorn assault

All of these were passive back in delta but when omega came along they were made into active skills

But still I have to agree with remorse on one thing. The moment they removed passives was the moment they stole away each classes identity and made quite a few of the classes trash. Tactical mercenary thanks to the change has become garbage to be honest.

Lycan. -> RE: Removal of passive skill cores? And more? (11/2/2014 11:39:34)

I guess people who reach level 40 will just have to dump a few skill points on random skills that they won't use just to make sure that the energy cost is effecient for certain priority skills.
This is just one negative of the whole removal of passives.
IMO they should just remove passives cores from weapons and make it so that weapons and armors can only have an active core. If they do this then there won't be a clash of OP weapon cores synergising class passives thus moderators can bring back passives which are the identification of certain classes e.g. shadow arts, mineral armor, reroute etc
The core system is a curse.

As wrote in another post:

I really hope the developers do something about cores. They are the bane of balance destruction. They are the reason why atleast one class has been OP or UP ever since Omega started. Free EMP grenade anyone? oh I'll just a buy a core so it's not specificly for the hunter classes. I guess no classes will be truly unique like they used to be back in Gamma because the cores just mimic certain classes skills on a basic and low level. e.g. that 'energy stealing gun active' (can't remember the name). The developers need to realise that everytime they release a core it will cause balance issues. Everytime. Because certain skill cores synergise better on certain classes eg the 'energy stealing gun active' works better on classes with no energy reduction skills. Either get rid of them or as i mentioned before, change the core count on each weopon and armor to one (active only plox)

doomkiller98 -> RE: Removal of passive skill cores? And more? (11/9/2014 19:52:47)

The fact of the matter is- The Devs took the easy way out removing passives, instead of fixing them.


Mother1 -> RE: Removal of passive skill cores? And more? (11/9/2014 20:04:00)

@ Lycan.

If they did that, anyone who has brought a weapon that had a passive core as a promo would be getting a nuclear missile shot below the belt at them. Quite a few promo's and non promo items have locked passive core and people had to spend real money to get these.

Frost armor
Beast rider armor
Delta knight

Infernal interdictor
Celtic cleaver
Azreal promo
Omega weapons promo

Stun guns

These are some of the items that would be make piles of junk if they did your suggestion.

RKC -> RE: Removal of passive skill cores? And more? (11/9/2014 20:23:05)

Yup they took the easy way into actually dealing with this. Instead of fixing the passives they just took it out so boom instant no problems for them.

Mother1 -> RE: Removal of passive skill cores? And more? (11/9/2014 20:59:15)

IIRC it was the players who suggested removing passives not the staff. I saw the suggestions for this idea back in Delta and some of my other friends told me that this suggestion was made way back in epic duel gamma.

The reasoning was that Passives were a must have for every build to work, and that if they replaced passives with actives more diversity would come due to the lack of must have skills.

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