TLM, Class specific weapon (Full Version)

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beaststyles -> TLM, Class specific weapon (11/2/2014 4:27:38)

Hi guyz, these are my thoughts. I understand they might be quite specific. Buy i would like to know what you guyz think.

Basically, At around about the time the black spider came out, i bought TLM for one of my characters. I decided to get the Club just because of frenzy (please correct me if this never was the requirement). Now i comeback and realize that frenzy can be used with a sword. So basically i bought a weapon which costed more and has less stats. In my opinion this has greatly reduced the value of a class specific weapon for TLM since the only skill that requires it atm is Atomic Smasher (which is rarely used due to energy costs). So currently TLM is the only class with only one skill which requires a class specific weapon. I think skills requiring class specific weapons are important for class identity. In my opinion frenzy should go back to requiring a maul.

Look forward to hearing your thoughts :)


Moved to balance. ~Battle Elf

avincentaa -> RE: TLM, Class specific weapon (11/2/2014 4:38:57)

Now that you've mentioned it, only now have i realized that. O.O

Gepard Acht -> RE: TLM, Class specific weapon (11/2/2014 5:18:01)

The thing is TLM as a class is greatly underpowered, nerfing the class AGAIN wont make it better.

Just because you feel that you've gotten the wrong weapon doesnt mean that other people have to pay the price

beaststyles -> RE: TLM, Class specific weapon (11/2/2014 5:47:19)

@Avincentaa: So what do u think? :D

@ Gepard Acht: if you read my full statement, you will find that my concern is not only about my weapon. Furthermore, this thread is not about kill/death balance. Balance is broader then just kill/death ratio. I am not asking for it to be nerfed, but to give it back its identity.

avincentaa -> RE: TLM, Class specific weapon (11/2/2014 5:52:04)

Technically, he isnt asking for a nerf rather giving an idea regarding the essence of being a mercenary-class. It would be remiss to state such a thought, Gepard Acht.

As I lack the imagination/constructive mind to provide proper thoughts, I can only agree on the idea regarding the essence of being a 'mercenary class'.

If someone goes and states this "A class doesn't have to be aligned with it's themed weapon", it is not that a class should abide with it's themed weapon, it is to provide some sort of grounds on a class.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: TLM, Class specific weapon (11/2/2014 6:04:29)

Just buff base values of a lot of TLM skills, and make them require a maul.

Gepard Acht -> RE: TLM, Class specific weapon (11/2/2014 8:48:39)

What I'm trying to say is that if you were to make frenzy require a club as-per theme, then buff the class as an overall before restricting it

Its not that I'm ignoring the "essence of being a mercenary class", it's just that I feel the class is too weak at the moment for these things to even matter
I would outright and say that even if they were to remove the club requirement for atom smasher that the class would be hard-pressed to compete against other classes on equal standing

Although technically he isn't asking for a nerf, giving frenzy the club requirement will do that
If you wanted the class to have its mercenary identity by giving them club-required skills, the class would need an overall buff in its skills or even a remake of them, just like what Exploding Penguin said

Lycan. -> RE: TLM, Class specific weapon (11/2/2014 9:16:49)

@Gepard Acht
I have a simple solution which could be very complex for the Developers to develop. And i highly, highly doubt they would even think of doing this.
Basicly refund credits for all cores and get rid of them as a whole. If that doesn't sound very appealing then maybe reduct weopon cores from 2 cores to 1 (hopefully only active cores so classes such as BH can get their passives back and not waste 40 odd skills on active-only cores on the skill tree) LOL

I really hope the developers do something about cores. They are the bane of balance destruction. They are the reason why atleast one class has been OP or UP ever since Omega started. Free EMP grenade anyone? oh I'll just a buy a core so it's not specificly for the hunter classes. I guess no classes will be truly unique like they used to be back in Gamma because the cores just mimic certain classes skills on a basic and low level. e.g. that 'energy stealing gun active' (can't remember the name). The developers need to realise that everytime they release a core it will cause balance issues. Everytime. Because certain skill cores synergise better on certain classes eg the 'energy stealing gun active' works better on classes with no energy reduction skills. Either get rid of them or as i mentioned before, change the core count on each weopon and armor to one (active only plox)

End rant.

beaststyles -> RE: TLM, Class specific weapon (11/2/2014 10:31:09)

@Gepard Acht: I never said that TLM does not need a buff. It may need a buff, but this does not mean you loose class identity in the process. (e.g. could keep frenzy requirement to club, but remove/decrease energy requirement and increase heal %).

Furthermore, please don't restrict the issue of balance to class vs class only. The subject of balance incorporates much more. What about the balance between a club TLM vs a sword TLM? Although (eg in the case of spider gear) the maul costs much more, it is far inferior to a sword in term of stats and which is worsened by it having nothing to make up for it (except the Atomic Smasher which in my opinion is not very useful) since the frenzy requirement has been removed. What I am trying to say is that a sword has stats advantages compared to a class specific weapon; whereas a class specific weapon has other advantages (skills that need them) which make up for the lack of stats and therefore balance the two items. However when this requirement is removed from skills, the balance is lost.


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