Adrenaline (Full Version)

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King Bling -> Adrenaline (11/20/2014 8:04:23)

Since the skill adrenaline is almost useless at the current meta phase, I here by suggest to change it a little bit, a little more like parasite, a little more "usable", the basic concept for it is:-

Same way parasite works, 5% to 15% of sucking out the enemy's rage for a certain amount of energy. The energy cost must be kept high however, because I think this suggestion may have quite an impact on mercs thats why. Share your thought on this, if you like then support it [;)]

Stonehawk -> RE: Adrenaline (11/20/2014 15:37:28)

I almost supported this, but then I thought about those points:
1- One of them will DRAIN the enemies' energy, and the other will DRAIN the enemies' rage
2- Both will give energy back (if I got it right)
3- There will be combos making it impossible to rage since SS already drains 50% rage!

So there was a suggestion I was thinking of:
1- Similar suggestion with same energy cost that it does but:
1.1- Does same damage as parasite and only drains rage to get additional rage, not energy.
1.2- Effect only lasts 2 turns instead of 3
(This implies draining someone's rage for 2 turns and getting rage 3 times, since hitting gives rage aswell)


2- Similar to the Adrenaline that already exists but:
2.1- Affects both players a team, just like the robot
2.2- Some additional defensive and/or defensive effect, even if lasting only 1 turn (the % depends on skill lvl)

Is it ok?

ffeeeee -> RE: Adrenaline (11/20/2014 18:55:41)

I support your idea stonehawk, but if not done right this could become unbalanced. I guess you could say that about most skills though. It is honestly a good idea and could make builds stray from the norm.

Supported Stonehawk

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Adrenaline (11/20/2014 19:46:57)

I was personally thinking that adrenaline should be like frenzy where it's a strike modifier, and it drains a set amount of rage on use. This would make it even harder for enemies to rage against Mercs as intimidate reduces target rage gain through reducing initial damage. It would also help the merc gain rage faster, which could be a interesting battle mechanic.

Mother1 -> RE: Adrenaline (11/20/2014 20:30:24)

@ exploding Penguin

What happens when I deflect or get blocked when Attacking A merc with this effect? Remember extra rage gain is compensation for a Block or Deflection. Having a skill that drains rage gain away whenever these effects happen with make Blocks and Deflections even worse when fighting against Merc's using this skill.

Or if it does go in it shouldn't work if the person attacking gets a block or deflection.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Adrenaline (11/22/2014 1:42:40)

I would probably make it so that if it gets blocked the rage drain is reduced by 85% (corresponding to the 85% damage mitigation from blocks) to keep it in proportion.

King Bling -> RE: Adrenaline (11/22/2014 11:35:28)

I meant would cost energy and not get energy, draining only rage** plus stonehawk your idea and others seem nice too.

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