Juggernaut. Your Opinion? (Not a question) (Full Version)

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SouL Prisoner -> Juggernaut. Your Opinion? (Not a question) (11/23/2014 8:42:45)

I'm back after almost a year and the juggernaut condition has gone bad to worst. Isn't their anyone in Dev's team who plays juggernaut and understand the obvious and basic problems with it. The leveling system!

Their's no way a level 35 jugg can beat 2 level 30 opponents. And yet they are paired so often. Currently the average chance of winning a jugg is 30-40%. No wonder juggernaut is literally abandoned.

There was a time when there was 5 server and all filled up. And now.... I don't understand, has Dev's decided to shutdown the game or what?? Can't they see what their actions have done!! It's not too late. And the only and only reason i'm spending my time typing all this is only and only for the love of the game. The game that i wish to play! The Game that it was once and the game that i loved.

Dev's needs to understand that, just releasing content is not enough reason for a player to stick around. They need to fix this for the long term. Less players?? Lets do double-ex weekend or release pointless content. This works, but only for a short period. This thread/post is not about whining or complaining. Because i clearly have suggested the solution for it. Any person can point it out.

In the end all i would really say is that "It would be really sad to see thing game completely breaking down"! So please save it from it happens! (Just hope some Dev reads this so i can die in peace, seriously)

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  • Thread moved from EDGD to Balance


  • The Jop -> RE: Juggernaut. Your Opinion? (Not a question) (11/23/2014 8:48:09)

    It's supposed to be like a challenge mode. If you win you can call yourself "the Juggernaut". You need a lot of skill and luck to beat 2 players who have levels only slightly under yours.

    SouL Prisoner -> RE: Juggernaut. Your Opinion? (Not a question) (11/23/2014 9:07:31)

    Even though u got 3 wins in Jugg, but i still answer you. Do you know/find any difference between challenge and unfair??

    Cyber Dream -> RE: Juggernaut. Your Opinion? (Not a question) (11/23/2014 9:21:19)

    I can say this, I truly miss Jugg. It's nearly impossible for us to play it now, the level gap is just to small. Of course jugg is supposed to be hard, but come on.....at least give us a chance to win. I used to get on and play jugg everyday. I never did 1v1 or 2v2! I think the reason why nothing has been done about it because jugg isn't getting the attention it needs anymore, In the game and on the forums. One solution I have for jugg is to simply lower the level gap.

    Stonehawk -> RE: Juggernaut. Your Opinion? (Not a question) (11/23/2014 14:37:31)

    Juggernaut is dead since passive is gone. When they turned passive into active, they gave all classes the power to drain energy and regain their own. On juggernaut mode, it happens twice, while you can only do it once, that's the biggest problem. Your energy won't go up and they are free to protect and heal the one being hit. Multi is weak. There's nothing making juggernaut feel confident.

    I would suggest something crazy like making lvl difference between the 2 players and the juggernaut lower and boosting juggernaut stats passively (doubling, for example) but... well that would just be a mess and lots of work to find balance. So I really don't know.

    Cyber Dream -> RE: Juggernaut. Your Opinion? (Not a question) (11/23/2014 14:47:36)

    How about if there were jugg exclusive jugg items with more stat slots, higher damage, and maybe an extra core and passive slot. How would that play out?

    Mother1 -> RE: Juggernaut. Your Opinion? (Not a question) (11/23/2014 14:51:40)

    @ Cyber Dream

    Not supported. We already have lower level jugs smacking around newbie players as it is due most not even being able to put up a fight. Image how horrid Juggernaut mode would become for those players if the strong become even stronger due to this boost.

    It would scare newbie's out of 2 vs 2, and we would have even more juggernaut unfair threads like we did in delta when enhancements existed.

    Now onto the subject.

    I feel the min levels for Juggernaut should be increased to level 30 instead of it being level 20. This way those players will have a much better chance of defending themselves, and the Juggernaut would get more of a challenge at the lower levels.

    Stonehawk -> RE: Juggernaut. Your Opinion? (Not a question) (11/23/2014 16:39:40)

    Maybe if a second skill-tree, something like a Juggernaut Skill-Tree (JST) with Juggernaut Skill Points (JSP) opened once the minimum level for juggernaut ) is reached (30 as suggested by Mother1, which makes sense), and some boosts were added there (just like the legendary points screen was added).

    I would say some passives, since they were really important on juggernaut, or an extra amount of HP/MP for each JSP on each of those stats. Or even other stuff, maybe not so strong but enough to balance that kind of game and make it fun for both the Juggernaut and the opponents as they find something challenging and different, but not unbeatable.
    I just think adding the JST feature would help a bit and bring something different to that battle mode, that is meant to be interesting and unique.

    Warmaker04 -> RE: Juggernaut. Your Opinion? (Not a question) (11/24/2014 2:21:45)

    Yeah. Why did they have to remove all the passive skills?

    Therril Oreb -> RE: Juggernaut. Your Opinion? (Not a question) (11/24/2014 2:59:45)

    I am going to step in here for a second. Let me point out that passives will never return, ever. That means bringing it up and begging for it or claiming it is necessary is NOT necessary.
    Unless staff themselves announce that they will bring passive skills back, they will not return so I will friendly ask to not beg for the return of passives. ~Therril Oreb

    The Jop -> RE: Juggernaut. Your Opinion? (Not a question) (11/24/2014 8:00:49)

    Wow, thanks for the great honor of answering me...the difference is a challenge is made to be to difficult and something unfair is meant to be one way but is not, so it's unjust, inconsiderate, etc.

    Inkwolf -> RE: Juggernaut. Your Opinion? (Not a question) (11/24/2014 9:14:04)

    So, at low levels it is too easy for the Juggernaut, and at high levels it is too easy for their opponents.

    Since it appears to be a regular pattern, it seems like it ought to be possible to change the opponent selection system or some other sort of modifier on a sliding scale, just for Juggernaut fights.

    (But I am not a programmer so have no idea how to do it.)

    SouL Prisoner -> RE: Juggernaut. Your Opinion? (Not a question) (11/24/2014 9:25:49)


    Shutting down ED is what it takes for Dev's to realize their stubbornness/mistake, then so be it.

    I never understood one thing clearly, is this game meant for other people to play or the priority is Dev's?? Your only job is to head your players request and your game will be more than successful it ever was!! But NOPE!

    I don't even understand why their's a "suggestion section" when in the end it's all "Dev's idea and their game". So many features suggested for years and none of them implemented. One of the most suggested feature is "Co-founder" but.....who cares. "Lets do everything/anything, but not that nor anything player suggested"

    Mother1 -> RE: Juggernaut. Your Opinion? (Not a question) (11/24/2014 15:18:23)

    @ Soul Prisnor

    The staff believe it or not has put in a lot and I mean a lot of player suggestions since omega started. I will list some examples

    1) Passive to active update

    This was suggestion not only in Gamma, but in delta as well players from this form. I remember reading the topic sometime ago so I know it was player suggested.

    2) Adding cost to cores

    This is another player made suggestion that was added to the game by the staff. Threads were made on this subject when active cores didn't have any cost and eventually it was put into the game.

    3) Juggernaut button

    This was suggested since Gamma by people who didn't want to go to the slayer to be able to do juggernaut. Not too long ago this was put into game.

    4) War 2.0

    Players complained about war 1.0 being boring and wanted it to be spiced up and eventually the staff made the change for those players.

    5) Making it so you get a reward for your work in the war.

    Another suggestion that was made by the players who were on the losing side but got nothing. The staff saw this and they put it into the game for them.

    So while you may not see it a lot of player suggested idea have been put into the game

    SouL Prisoner -> RE: Juggernaut. Your Opinion? (Not a question) (11/25/2014 0:10:17)


    Those are all obvious suggestions. Adding juggernaut was an obvious thing to do, but they were very "busy" so they did not do.

    Their is no suggestion implemented that was commonly suggested. Other suggestions are merely coincident. The only long term suggestion is the passive to active core, which ver much ruined the game. And talk about ruined the game, WHY the hell is TITAN SO OPED???? To beat him, you must be at least level 39-40. All NCP's are so crazy OPED! I just don't understand why?? NCPing is already limited to 100, then why make it so damn hard??

    Therril Oreb -> RE: Juggernaut. Your Opinion? (Not a question) (11/25/2014 0:44:30)

    I will make this short to answer your question SOuL Prisnor. Since this is a question some players have. After this, the thread goes back to the topic at hand, namely Juggernaut.
    As Mother1 pointed out, there have been quite a few suggestions that made it through the game.

    Their is no suggestion implemented that was commonly suggested.

    If you mean the trading, Credits to Varium and other such suggestions, they have been explained by the staff from the very beginning.
    1) The work it takes to create and implement such a feature takes too much time that is better invested in other updates.
    2) The suggestions is a gateway for scammers, abusers and other reasons that the staff want to protect their players from. Plenty of MMO's where people complain about such things happening exactly because there is such a system.
    So it is the staff's choice to not implement this.

    Suggestions that have a bigger impact on gameplay and give more to the game have a higher priority and thus will be implemented sooner even if they are not as "Commonly" suggested.

    And now I will ask everyone to get back to the topic, if you have any remarks to make about this, please PM me, Zanpakuto or Mecha Mario and we will happily help you further, but here people have to get back on topic.

    Zeruphantom -> RE: Juggernaut. Your Opinion? (Not a question) (11/25/2014 1:02:56)

    Personally, I find Juggernaut incredibly difficult, and I know a lot of other players around my level can say the same. Any battle mode that's remotely challenging will obviously put people off, therefore indicating the scarcity in terms of finding an opponent, let alone two. I myself am not a huge Juggernaut fan, however I like to give it a go from time to time, and it often takes over 5 minutes just to enter a battle, which of course is another major put off that puts players in the so-called hesitation zone; deciding whether it's worth it or not - which in this case, it's not.

    I do think the removal of passives made Juggernaut a lot more challenging to some extent, but I acknowledge that passives will not return - with this being said, Juggernaut definitely needs to be reworked; not hugely, but allowing fairness across all borders by giving higher level players some more options on how they can go about the battle would be sufficient. The best way to go into a general PvP is when the player in question willingly enters the battle, knowing under full circumstances that they have something to fall back on - some sort of chance or safety net, if you will. Nobody likes it when they have to enter a battle mode and tackle a difficult task of Juggernaut's proportion.

    Juggernaut isn't broken, but there are definitely improvements that can be made.

    Xamurai -> RE: Juggernaut. Your Opinion? (Not a question) (11/25/2014 11:00:42)

    I'm sorry, But in my opinion, And i think the opinion of 90% of level 40's Juggernaut IS broken, And no, no improvements can be made, the juggernaut battle system needs to be completely overhauled. Furthermore, The removal of passives had a slight impact on juggs, the main benefactor to jugg being so unplayable, is the fact that lower levels now have more stats, and higher levels have less.

    veneeria -> RE: Juggernaut. Your Opinion? (Not a question) (12/7/2014 22:32:04)

    Juggernaut is that challenging battle mode, where you have to overpower your enemies and outsmart them.

    The thing is, that it simply doesn't cut it well with rage and current balance.
    As often, you can run into getting extremely drained of energy in the first turns (as an example) and still having to deal with the fact that the other team will use rage against you for sure.

    But this is just an opinion. :)

    Justingbieberfangirl -> RE: Juggernaut. Your Opinion? (Not a question) (12/8/2014 9:01:05)

    Guys jeez why so negative?

    1.)In low lvls you can get quick easy free wins and in high levels just unequip all your armor and loose in 1-2 turns and get quick easy cash and xp that way. The best thing is that noone can see your battle record and that you can't be banned because of this. Since if my reason that I unequip the armor and all my weps is that i think I look better without them.

    ambien -> RE: Juggernaut. Your Opinion? (Not a question) (12/9/2014 13:11:14)

    how fix juggs real simple

    lets take 3 numbers 1 2 3 you are number2 battle starts 1 goes 1st then 2 goes which is you then 3 then 2 again which is you then 1 then 2 then 3 then 2 and so forth an so forth

    real easy fix , right now juggs is the game of the past.

    always the syfy ps it is still 2v1 but now it is fair with the unreal bot 5 focus builds

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