Titan And Nightwraith (Full Version)

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SouL Prisoner -> Titan And Nightwraith (11/28/2014 6:37:03)

Just want a honest opinion from others. Is it just me "too weak" or these two NPCs (Titan and NW) are literally pointlessly OPED!

I seriously believe they need to be nerfed!

Anybody agree?? What are your thoughts??

Gepard Acht -> RE: Titan And Nightwraith (11/28/2014 8:08:37)

When I first came back I did notice how much stronger they are now, in fact I havent beaten them yet (again) and the last time I've tried was 1-2 levels ago..

Lore-wise it should be rather fitting, Titan IS god sorta so he should be rather difficult to fight. Not sure what NW's lore is though.
A built I tried and was very close on killing him with is a really high Technology build with minimum strength/support, I'll actually try it again in an hour or 2

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Titan And Nightwraith (11/28/2014 8:44:53)

Ya, i'm pretty aware of the god logic being strong and all. But it's little over done here. Many strong NPCs have a trick or weakness to beat them. But not titan and NW. GL(George) you need frost weapon or a tricky build. But these two NPC, only forces you to be be level 40! To even attempt to beat them. You need serious luck to beat them below level 40.

Mother1 -> RE: Titan And Nightwraith (11/28/2014 9:04:37)

@ Soul prisonor

This isn't true. I know this for a fact because I have friends in game who aren't even level capped yet they finished the lionhart mission chain which means you have to fight and beat titan to advance.

You just can't use any run of the mill build to beat these guys that is all.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Titan And Nightwraith (11/28/2014 9:13:40)


I clearly said, "You need serious luck to beat him" I did not say "it's impossible to beat him" before level cap. And Titan and NW aren't the only OPED NPCs, all other NPCs received quite an enormous buff too..

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Titan And Nightwraith (11/28/2014 11:37:25)

@Soul Prisnor

You are only level 36. Can you beat a level 40 player at level 36? No? Then why should you expect to easily beat level 40 bosses at level 36?

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Titan And Nightwraith (11/28/2014 15:46:59)

Titan can be bested by a level 35 TM in his current state as I don't believe he has received any balance changes since lionhart. Granted it is a bear to do but if I go figure out what build I was using I can do it many times over

NW on the other hand I have yet to figure out how to best him at a very underleveled state which is a shame for my lazy butt but good for the game in general.

As for the lore comment NW is the best assassin alive so maybe he could hold a candle to a god but I doubt it

nbb1315 -> RE: Titan And Nightwraith (11/28/2014 23:35:10)

THANK GOD, i thought i was the only one noticing this, I've beaten titan before but now its next to impossible for a level 35 cyber hunter...

I tried the high tech build and failed miserably, ONLY because he crits so much its not even funny...

(i know its not a questions thread but it falls into the same category as this balance issue) Any suggestions on how to beat him?

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Titan And Nightwraith (11/29/2014 2:13:19)


You literally don't find any difference between a player and NPC?

I beat other NPCs that are level 40, so??? Your question is hardly valid.

It's about the OPED NPC, level is just a number. It's not like all NPCs level of difficulty = to their level. Some NPC have lower level and yet are hard and vise-versa.

Ranloth -> RE: Titan And Nightwraith (11/29/2014 6:55:47)

Difficulty is based on the NPC (whether it's standard or Boss), as well as story-wise. You shouldn't expect any of the Dev NPCs to be remotely weak or beatable at lower level - Titan has the power of a demi-god which Caden seeks to take for himself, NW is one of the best Assassins alive, Charfade is skilled in the wormhole technology (as is her race) hence why she has transported the Dragonoid and herself to ED's Delta V, and Rabble... he's the unknown one.

Dev NPCs are designed to be around L40 in power + Boss, so won't go down easily. You are meant to struggle under L40, and find it a challenge at L40+ (Legendary Ranks). This won't be changed, since they serve their story purpose and are beatable by every single class. If level is an issue, you need to level up instead and match their level, to stand a better chance. If you need NPCs to farm, there are plenty of other ones around which are easier to beat.

FYI, overpowered means it's more or less unbeatable, assuming you use an appropriate build suited for the given situation, upgraded equipment to your level, close or at their level, no other class can beat them (if one class can't, this is an issue with the class, not NPC), and literally needing luck to beat them - which would be the same as going against L40 NPC at L30, and hoping for blocks, deflections and crit all day long, just to beat them.

Gepard Acht -> RE: Titan And Nightwraith (11/29/2014 8:00:09)

Welp I just got him, the tech build works for me so I wouldnt say that he's unbeatable at outside of level 40. Best luck to you

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Titan And Nightwraith (11/29/2014 10:45:43)


Before all this NPC overhaul, i used to FARM TITAN! And now i'm struggling to beat him once! Of course if i were to level up to 40, i might be able to beat him easily. But unfortunately the missions are leaving soon and i son't have enough time to level up! :(

Mother1 -> RE: Titan And Nightwraith (11/29/2014 10:47:20)

@ soul prisnor

unless you are talking about the nightwraith birthday mission that statement isn't correct. Event missions other than those and the halloween ones say year around.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Titan And Nightwraith (11/29/2014 10:57:25)


I'm talking about the Lionhart allinace Part 3 and Caffeine Crash.

Ranloth -> RE: Titan And Nightwraith (11/29/2014 11:01:29)

Caffeine Crash Coffee Crusader should be all PvP Missions. I do believe it's 20 x 1v1, and 5 x 2v2, followed by turning in Titan's Mug - no NPCs involved. Lionhart Alliance isn't going rare either - it's a permanent addition into the game. Ever since the Mission Log has been revamped, we aren't forced to remove older Missions before adding the new ones, hence why Event Missions don't go rare anymore, only some older minor chains like Halloween/NPC's Birthday/etc.

Edit: Whoops, mistaken Coffee Crusader for Caffeine Crash chain.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Titan And Nightwraith (11/29/2014 11:07:55)

Happy to hear that. :)

Inkwolf -> RE: Titan And Nightwraith (11/29/2014 11:22:24)

Yes, thanks for the info. I've been worried whether some of the Event missions would disappear before I managed to finish them.

Ranloth -> RE: Titan And Nightwraith (11/29/2014 11:34:39)

Mind you, I mentioned the Coffee Crusader chain being purely PvP - where no NPCs need to be beaten, so there is no connection between the discussion of Titan/NW being supposedly overpowered, and Missions being impossible to complete because of them. Coffee Crusader chain is going rare possibly on Monday, quoting:

  • The Coffee Crusader mission chain will go rare at the end of November.
  • Taken from November 07, 2014 - Birthday Bio War Rumble Design Notes.

    Other future Event Missions are a permanent addition to the game, unless stated otherwise.

    SouL Prisoner -> RE: Titan And Nightwraith (11/30/2014 1:57:07)


    Just tell me will the titans mug and Kingslayer achievement go rare now(end of November)??

    Mother1 -> RE: Titan And Nightwraith (11/30/2014 2:03:01)

    @ Soul Prisnor

    If you didn't get the titan's mug by now you are too late. The mission chain to get this item went rare already. However, if you already have the mug and need to do the missions than you have until they update tomorrow to finish the chain seeing as their was no Friday update.

    Also you can't do the the chain to get the cheevo if you don't have the mug.

    As for the kingslayer cheevo that one should be staying since there was no design notes stating otherwise like they did with the titan's mug and the Cheevo for it.

    SouL Prisoner -> RE: Titan And Nightwraith (11/30/2014 2:22:09)

    Wait what??? You're telling me i need titan mug item to get titan mug achievement??

    Mother1 -> RE: Titan And Nightwraith (11/30/2014 2:34:59)

    @ Soul Prisonor

    Yeah you do for two reasons.

    1) You had to complete the coffee crusader mission chain which gave the mug to unlike the caffeine crush chain.

    2) The mug is a required item for the final mission of the chain since you need to hand in the titan's mug to get the titan's mug achievement.

    Last mission of Caffiene crush.


    Some have been asking about the Titan's Mug item from the Artix Entertainment 12th anniversary event. Here's what will happen:
    The Coffee Crusader mission chain will go rare at the end of November.
    Those with the Titan's Mug item can complete the Coffeine Crash chain to redeem the mug for an achievement!
    The achievement will be rare because it will not be possible to get the mug if you missed the event, similar to previous anniversary achievements.
    You may keep the mug if you wish, but you miss out on all those sweet, sweet rating points.
    Got it? You've got until the end of November to complete these missions and claim your prize!


    Monday, November 17th we will be removing the Coffee Crusader mission chain PERMANENTLY. This means that the Omni Knight Blade and Titan's Mug will be rare, much like the anniversary weapons and achievements that came before. If you still haven't completed the Coffee Crusader mission chain, there's still time! Those who already have Titan's Mug can take their time redeeming the Mug for the rare achievement in Caffeine Crash mission chain.

    So if you didn't get the mug it is now impossible for you to get the cheevo.

    SouL Prisoner -> RE: Titan And Nightwraith (11/30/2014 2:39:30)

    But none of the missions are tagged rare in the wiki!! :S

    Therril Oreb -> RE: Titan And Nightwraith (11/30/2014 6:50:31)

    Questions belong in EpicDuel Q&A. This topic has gone off track and is hereby locked.
    Further questions regarding the titan mug achievement are to be asked in ED Q&A. ~Therril Oreb

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