Symbol NG Series (Full Version)

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golden1231 -> Symbol NG Series (11/29/2014 15:05:58)


Symbol of Capability

Level: 10
Price: 50 NGs
Sellback: 45 NGs before first 24 hours, 13 afterwards
Location: Colosseum Challenge OC Chips

Equip Slot: Mod
Damage Type: None
Damage: 0-0
Hits: None
Energy: 0
Cooldown: 0
Bonuses: Defense +1, EP +7, HP +13
Special Effects: None

Description: You have shown the ability to defeat a collection of the most powerful enemies in the quadrant. Know that this will serve you well in the battles to come.
Image: None

Thanks to Bionic Bear for original entry!

golden1231 -> RE: Symbol NG Series (11/29/2014 15:06:33)


Symbol of Skill

Level: 20
Price: 100 NGs
Sellback: 90 NGs before first 24 hours, 25 afterwards
Location: Colosseum Challenge OC Chips

Equip Slot: Mod
Damage Type: None
Damage: 0-0
Hits: None
Energy: 0
Cooldown: 0
Bonuses: Defense +2, EP +14, HP +19
Special Effects: None

Description: You have shown the ability to defeat a collection of the most powerful enemies in the quadrant. Know that this will serve you well in the battles to come.
Image: None

Thanks to Bionic Bear for original entry!

golden1231 -> RE: Symbol NG Series (11/29/2014 15:06:54)


Symbol of Talent

Level: 30
Price: 150 NGs
Sellback: 135 NGs before first 24 hours, 38 afterwards
Location: Colosseum Challenge OC Chips

Equip Slot: Mod
Damage Type: None
Damage: 0-0
Hits: None
Energy: 0
Cooldown: 0
Bonuses: Defense +3, EP +20, HP +24
Special Effects: None

Description: You have shown the ability to defeat a collection of the most powerful enemies in the quadrant. Know that this will serve you well in the battles to come.
Image: None

Thanks to Bionic Bear for original entry!

golden1231 -> RE: Symbol NG Series (11/29/2014 15:07:10)


Symbol of Potential

Level: 40
Price: 200 NGs
Sellback: 180 NGs before first 24 hours, 50 afterwards
Location: Colosseum Challenge OC Chips

Equip Slot: Mod
Damage Type: None
Damage: 0-0
Hits: None
Energy: 0
Cooldown: 0
Bonuses: Defense +4, EP +27, HP +28
Special Effects: None

Description: You have shown the ability to defeat a collection of the most powerful enemies in the quadrant. Know that this will serve you well in the battles to come.
Image: None

Thanks to Bionic Bear for original entry!

golden1231 -> RE: Symbol NG Series (11/29/2014 15:07:25)


Symbol of Ability

Level: 50
Price: 250 NGs
Sellback: 225 NGs before first 24 hours, 63 afterwards
Location: Colosseum Challenge OC Chips

Equip Slot: Mod
Damage Type: None
Damage: 0-0
Hits: None
Energy: 0
Cooldown: 0
Bonuses: Defense +5, EP +34, HP +32
Special Effects: None

Description: You have shown the ability to defeat a collection of the most powerful enemies in the quadrant. Know that this will serve you well in the battles to come.
Image: None

Thanks to Bionic Bear for original entry!

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