Dragonnightwolf -> RE: the arcade well really (11/29/2014 22:13:34)
Well, constructively speaking, I do agree the arcade sell back is indeed low. I also agree that the odds of winning something in the gold league are rare. But I've won a few silver items from it. Although I will comment that comparing Nightwraith's credit wraith cannon versus the arcade's wraith cannon I couldn't help but notice there was a significant different in the level of power. 120 for the arcade, 300 plus for night wraith's birthday shop. I'd like to know exactly how it is that these two items which look authentically identical, Could possibly be different in ranges of power. Most of the arcade items i've won, I sell off (i get back usually 20 credits, which let's face it, isn't a whole lot of currency). I would think that arcade items would sell for a little more. Or at least if someone could explain to me why the arcade item's strengths versus those (like the cannon for example) purchased in a shop are weaker. I was rather surprised to learn this little fact and it puzzles me why the items in silver league may not have the same matching power ranges as those in the shop.