No Icy Chill on the new seasonals? (Full Version)

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Shadow Pwn3r Rx -> No Icy Chill on the new seasonals? (12/1/2014 16:50:11)

I understand that not all of the winter seasonal's have gotten the Icy Chill core. There's quite a few without it really, but with todays release I noticed that not a single new item had it. Isn't the point of an ice/winter weapon to be bone chilling?

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: No Icy Chill on the new seasonals? (12/1/2014 17:11:58)

Icy Chill is a core made to make defeating George Lowe easier so it would just be a wasted core slot on new weapons

Jane Mark -> RE: No Icy Chill on the new seasonals? (12/1/2014 22:22:52)

I'm not sure, but OP might be referring to whatever core applies the Energy DoT. I remember a couple of winter items having that, but they were all in one batch from one year (the items just kept showing up in following years) I don't know if devs plan on making new winter themed cores or if the new weps will get event-specific cores at all.

Mother1 -> RE: No Icy Chill on the new seasonals? (12/1/2014 22:33:03)

@ jane mark

That would be either frost bite or frost shards.

Frostbite is an old promo core that want rare and won't be coming back. This is because it was made before the promise of returning old promos was made.

As for frost shards this attack never goes out of season due to it being a common core.

However icy chill as stated is only usable against George Lowe for adding an extra 250 damage to whatever attacks you use on him.

Gepard Acht -> RE: No Icy Chill on the new seasonals? (12/2/2014 1:44:19)

To sum it up, the less Icy Chill on weapons, the better. We dont need more useless locked-core weapons

King Bling -> RE: No Icy Chill on the new seasonals? (12/2/2014 4:24:51)

Idk if you saw, but I noticed that the aux has Icy Chill core in it.

Battle Elf -> RE: No Icy Chill on the new seasonals? (12/2/2014 18:11:21)

This is really more of a question than a discussion so I'm going to lock this up. Next time, please post any questions in the ED Q&A. The Icy Chill core does an extra 250 damage against boss George Lowe, so it is unlikely to return.

Please read the ED GD Rules before posting. Locked.

Battle Elf
ED GD Archknight

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