Our balance problem (Full Version)

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The berserker killer -> Our balance problem (12/7/2014 10:08:08)

Correct me if im wrong...but what if our problem isn't the skills that these classes have but the stats they get when you first start off? The game is so focused on being "fair" that it starts off giving each and every class different stats (like when you first class change), but when you actually start investing in skills then your stats end up looking like another classes.

Example: If you're level 40 with at least 10 ranks on primary, and wielding a sword with al of your weapon/armor stats going +35 +35 +14, then it takes 50 strength in order for you to reach 562 primary strength. Right?

Maybe the games problem is that it shouldn't be that way. THAT is whats limiting diversity.

With that being said, what i'm gonna suggest may seem absurd but it's the best idea that I think ive had pertaining to balance.

I suggest that we stay different and our NATURAL stats, being the stats you are given just as if you were to switch classes, is what should distinguish us. Let stat requirements for all skills of that category be the same but change the system so that a Mercenary and a Tech Mage with 50+35 strength won't have the same strength. The Mercenary should have the 562, and the tech mage should only have 542.

With that being said, let's pretend that a lvl 40 base character (being just a new, fresh character) starts off with 18 stats in every category, 750 strength and 620 energy. Depending on which class you change to, 10 points will be administered to a specific category/categories.

Tech Mage: The ten points will be split between Technology and Energy.
Blood Mage: The ten points will be split between Health and Strength.
Bounty Hunter: The ten points will be split between Dexterity, Strength, and health.
Cyber Hunter: The ten points will be split between technology, strength, and energy.
Mercenary: The ten points will be split between strength and support.
Tactical Mercenary: The ten points will be split between all stats.

There's absolutely no reason for a tech mage and a mercenary at the same level, with the same stats (E.G. 1400 hp, 620 energy, 50 str, 50 dex, 42 tech and 17 support) to have the same amount of strength, res and defense.

I believe THAT is our balance problem .


CodexC -> RE: Our balance problem (12/7/2014 11:43:30)

I think it's an interesting idea that's more or less realistic in a way, but this would literally limit each class to 1 or 2 builds in order to be effective. (Stat wise) But you might be on to something, what if we made certain skills scale a little bit better with certain classes based on their stats. For example; tech mage could have a majority of their skills scale with technology, and just to add diversity, some could scale with both technology and support. Or Mercenary, have a majority of skill scale with Str, and support, or mix it with dex.

In this way players are free to build whichever way they wanted to, and still be stat point efficient, however you could still have a str spam build and pull off a completely different skill tree.

The berserker killer -> RE: Our balance problem (12/7/2014 14:00:51)

true, it may be limited but people would be able to go to new horizons this way. Currently the strongest f5 build you can get is 45, 45, 101, and 45. Techmages and Cyber Hunters could be able to go beyond this threshold with 106, or even 108.

Ohhh that's a great idea too, the skills should also scale like that instead of skills that have a randomized scaling like the multi-shot on Cyber Hunters. Their multishot should scale with tech, as opposed to dex.

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