Crits should do maximun% HP (Full Version)

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edwardvulture -> Crits should do maximun% HP (12/7/2014 14:36:36)

To counter 1200+ hp 18 support 130+ strength build

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Crits should do maximun% HP (12/7/2014 15:19:39)

Supported, people aren't getting punished nearly enough for not investing in support.

Ranloth -> RE: Crits should do maximun% HP (12/7/2014 15:31:46)

You sure they don't get punished enough now? With base Support, at L40, you only get 26%* defense ignore on Rage - whereas the base is now 40% (at L1), from where it goes down by 1% every two levels. Crits still do their job of giving you that bonus damage - the last thing we need is discouraging high HP builds, like Agility used to, especially when it's high HP + Str builds having a ball at it, not all other med/high-HP builds.

* Base is at 20%, and with 18 Support, you get (18/3) = 6% more defense ignore on rage. Quite a difference from the old 45%.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Crits should do maximun% HP (12/7/2014 16:54:55)

^They still did ridiculous amounts of damage even without rage unless playing against a super low-HP tank opponent. Most effective tanks these days have a good amount of max HP making rage less effective on them. Also, using rage against no-support opponents didn't do much more damage.

I think rather than being punished for not having support, it should be that builds with more support than others has a clear advantage in certain aspects. Right now, if a support build faced a strength build, the difference in defense ignore from rage would be around 30%, which is almost always less than 100 HP extra damage every 4 turns or so. Not to mention crits don't do much damage to higher-HP strength builds as well, since crits are designed entirely to melt tanks, particularly the lower-HP ones.

Basically, there are currently tons of factors demoting the idea of low-HP builds, but very few against the higher-HP ones.

veneeria -> RE: Crits should do maximun% HP (12/7/2014 21:58:21)

Just a confirmation here, you are suggesting an damage that scales with how much health the enemy has got?

edwardvulture -> RE: Crits should do maximun% HP (12/9/2014 1:17:27)


Gepard Acht -> RE: Crits should do maximun% HP (12/9/2014 2:12:04)

Just do the old agility thing. Your def/res reduces by a certain amount by the amount of hp you have . The numbers could be tweaked lightly

Mother1 -> RE: Crits should do maximun% HP (12/9/2014 8:45:20)

@ Gepard acht

It has already been confirmed that agility in any form won't be coming back.

But to be honest I can see why. It is nothing more than a horrid band aid fix that doesn't fix the original problem and punishes players for using certain builds because they are used effectively.

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