RE: true colors (Full Version)

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Exodasbr -> RE: true colors (12/11/2014 8:10:02)

^I feel sorry for people who got a limo the hard way most.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: true colors (12/11/2014 9:16:52)

lol. limo.... I don't understand what ED genre is???(ED bizarre level 999999) I'ts got everything!! So weird and mixed up. Sci-fi, fantasy and some real world weird stuff... Not really liking the mix up. Should have just stuck to sci-fi.

The Jop -> RE: true colors (12/11/2014 9:29:42)

It's not like the limo does anything anyway, besides wasting a huge amount of credits.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: true colors (12/11/2014 9:45:54)


And now gift giving lb = battle of the riches. I'm lovin it. and so is everyone else i bet :D

The berserker killer -> RE: true colors (12/11/2014 10:14:24)

In my personal opinion, this is a great release however you have to follow up with something. This release managed to get a whole bunch of players online, fill a server, add an extra world but now you need something to make them stay. I fear that the promos wont "cut it".

I also think that everyone should have the opportunity to give a gift, even the free players and it's really disappointing to see that not everyone can participate in giving gifts. It honestly should have been set up like the War system.

Lastly I feel as if EpicDuels true colors are revealing, meaning that this is obviously a P2P system. I am not badgering the game here but what kind of Game would encourage their players to buy var to "gift", then tell them that they have to buy more var to get the promo? This "Varium" system definitely needs to be fixed to a system that will allow you to automatically obtain a promo if you have purchased a $50 or more package for that month.

And Omega? Answer this one question for me please. Why would you change from a system with passives, to a system with "cores" then implement like 4 cores for each category to an in-game, and expect us to be completely happy for a year? Then when asked "can we have more cores" you complain that it's "too difficult to create new cores. it's a long and dreadful process."? (Quote en quote).

Ndi -> RE: true colors (12/11/2014 23:44:13)

My only issue with the current gift giving system is that F2P players have no way of being able to give gifts, if gifts were converted into a miscellaneous item and could be converted in a gift for all players in a room the possibilities of gaining gifts via PvP battles would increase the current population even more.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: true colors (12/12/2014 1:40:03)



Involving f2p into gifting could have solved the begging problem, but instead they made it varium only. How it could have solved you ask???

If gifting required something called "XGems" (X = Xmass) And XGems can only be bought by varium or as a drop from 1v1, 2v2 or Jugg. This way all players would have earned the right to gift and right to receive! :)

< Message edited by SOuL Prisnor -- 12/7/2014 22:26:34 >

Just what i suggested!

@The berserker killer

Almost every game in any platform has pay and purchase in-game system. That's there means of income... And that helps free players to play for free too. Though i agree that they should have given 2-3 gifts for F2P to gift. And for more, either play PVP or buy using varium.

Mother1 -> RE: true colors (12/12/2014 1:44:03)

Many paying players complained that there were no more perks to being a varium player due to Omega snatching a lot of them away. So they made this event for paying players only so they would have another perk that free players don't.

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