The berserker killer -> Instead of Energy for some moves, Quantity (12/14/2014 22:10:11)
I was thinking that some skills really should not require energy to use if you are not a mage. Skills that use items like Stun Grenade, EMP, poison grenade, even bunker buster should have a limit as opposed to energy. This way they can be used multiple times without such the cost. They would still scale accordinlgly however in order to use them you will need to purchase them. It will be like the +6 cores but they will be valid for 100 uses instead of 30 . Lets be honest here, 620 base mp seems like a lot and everyone can raise it but its such a waste. I have not seen anyone effectively be able to raise their mp since CH massacre build got nerfed. At least with this bounty hunters can finally effectively max their stun grenade, same with plasma nade, mercs can buy RPG shells (bunker bullets) and use it without killing their energy, same with artillery strike maybe, and maybe some other moves you guys might have in mind. It just made no sense to me as to why Stun grenade, at 105 dex, only does 597 damage for at least 300+ energy. Edit: I think it goes without saying that Mage energy moves need a little buff if this were ever implemented. they need a buff now anyway. At least lower the cost of energy moves. It shouldn't cost that much since energy is supposed to be their specialty. Merged identical threads. ~WhiteTiger