going first (Full Version)

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The berserker killer -> going first (12/16/2014 8:50:03)

I'm not sure whether the "first turn" system got worse or not but at the moment its out of hand. I could understand someone going first if their support is within 10 points of mine, that's reasonable I guess. But if I have 64 and you have 40, and youre going first each and every time then somethings off.

Whtat do you guys think? Are you having the same problem?

SouL Prisoner -> RE: going first (12/16/2014 8:55:47)

Support isn't the only factor! Level matters too! 1st turn has always been an issue. Many suggestions were made, but nothing was implemented!

The berserker killer -> RE: going first (12/16/2014 9:05:53)

Its crazy that lower ranks nearly always have to go first against higher ranks

Mother1 -> RE: going first (12/16/2014 11:03:12)

@ the berserker Killer

Don't forget anyone going against a higher rank/leveled person is paying at a disadvantage due to not being on equal ground with their opponent. So it only seems fair that the weaker player goes first to somewhat balance that out.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: going first (12/16/2014 19:06:01)

Don't forget, that although someone may be a high rank doesn't necessarily mean that they bought all the legend points.

Daph Duck -> RE: going first (12/16/2014 20:23:59)

Hmm, I think that going first should be determined by energy points instead of support. I mean it would only make sense that if you had more energy, you'd have more power to start first right? Logic ftw [:D]

Lord Machaar -> RE: going first (12/16/2014 20:36:02)

Starting first should obey certain factors, but each factor has a different affecting %, for instance 70% for level factor and 30% for support factor.
Yet, I prefer more factors get in such as equipement factor and etc...

Why all moves to make the game balanced fail, is either the ignorance of the one who makes those balances, as he sits before his computer making adjustements based on calculations, because he never plays the game. Which personally I don't think calculations alone will be enough, and even testers and game moderators won't be able to give full necessary feed back. The one who makes the balances should play the game, because Luck in ed plays a huge factor... Critical shots, Block, Deflect, who start first, in 2vs2 we can partners, in juggernaut also... and so on.

Zeruphantom -> RE: going first (12/16/2014 21:34:49)


I mean it would only make sense that if you had more energy, you'd have more power to start first right?

How would this be determined if both players had the exact same amount of energy points?

Daph Duck -> RE: going first (12/16/2014 21:37:15)

Then whoever has the most overall exp can start because experience determines who is more energetic and experienced. Or we can do it by dextarity because barely anyone uses that anymore, whoever has more stamina/stealth will sneak the first move on their oponent DUH?

Zeruphantom -> RE: going first (12/16/2014 21:41:06)


Then whoever has the most overall exp can start because experience determines who is more energetic and experienced.

That's not true. A level 38 Commander is generally way more experienced than a level 40 Hero.

Shadow7777777 -> RE: going first (12/23/2014 20:55:51)

@Zeruphantom Do you not see the blatant sarcasm? ;)

Zeruphantom -> RE: going first (12/23/2014 21:55:44)

Do you not see how it isn't needed whatsoever? I am not very good with sarcasm in general, mind you.

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