Official holiday event FAQ threads (Full Version)

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Darius -> Official holiday event FAQ threads (12/24/2014 10:48:15)

I've been seeing several people with questions regarding the Frostval events in AQ, AQW, and many others, ask the same questions year after year, forcing forum staff and helpful users to have to repeat themselves time after time. So, I got the idea to have a full, comprehensive FAQ regarding holiday events in each game's respective Q&A boards, detailing all the specifics any user would need to know regarding all the annual seasonal events in AE's games. I think this would save users and forum staff from having to reiterate the same answers over and over, and make the information easy to find for all parties involved.

If this has already been suggested and refused, I apologize, but I just thought I'd state my point of view in case anyone's interested. Thanks for your time.

afterlifex -> RE: Official holiday event FAQ threads (12/24/2014 11:20:54)

Being one of thous people >.>

I think the idea is nice but in reality it may not work out as intended.

1) Assuming it is kept for use the next year it has to be updated, how much is going to depend on the game. Not too bad for AQ most likley but I have no idea how AWQ works.
edit: Or if it is around year round , it may need to be updated for each seasonal event or much of it may come down to "We don't know.".

2) If people read over existing topics as they should many questions would not have to answered as often. So making the assumption that you aren't just going to have to repeat yourself any ways doesn't work out. You just change what you are repeating.

This is all just IMO.

I think it has more merit has a guide in AQ's case than a FAQ.
ex: "Guide to Seasonal Events in AQ" , it could go into other details the FAQ many not normally cover such as items etc..

Niki -> RE: Official holiday event FAQ threads (12/24/2014 13:23:13)

The Pedias and wikis are good source for such information. Most of the questions about past events arrive from people that either don't know where to look (be it a guide, FAQ or wiki entry) or don't bother to look. A quick search in the Q&A boards during holidays could usually provide the answer. Of course, GD head mods can decide to host a special such thread.

Darius -> RE: Official holiday event FAQ threads (12/24/2014 13:36:52)

Well, OK, yeah, it's not without its flaws. How about, instead of an in-depth FAQ or a lengthy guide, just a short FAQ of commonly-asked questions to get around some of the bother of repetition? It might be good as a GD thread, too, so people can discuss it if they want. Of course, it'd apply to all the holidays, not just Frostval, since users will always have questions about AE holidays if they've never experienced one before.

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