Ice Dragon Spirit (Full Version)

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ElementalSlayerX -> Ice Dragon Spirit (11/20/2004 23:03:46)

Ice Dragon Spirit

Level: 30
Price: 1,000 107 Gold
Sellback: 400 500 53 Gold
Location: Warlic's Beginner Magic Shop; Glacius Clan Shop

Element: Ice
MP Cost: 118

Hits: 3
Element: Ice
Type: Magic
Damage: 6-20 plus 150% Stats; 6-20 plus 150% Stats; 12-38 plus 180% Stats
BTH: +7 plus Stats each

Summon the spirit of an ancient ice dragon.


Image thanks to Butterfly. Update from Kalanyr and Rayf Drayson (via ArchMagus Orodalf).

Ianthe -> RE: Ice Dragon Spirit (7/6/2008 21:56:37)

Ice Dragon Spirit

Level: 30
Price: 1,000
Sellback: 400
Location: Warlic's Beginner Spell Shop; Glacius Clan Shop

Element: Ice
MP Cost: 60

Hits: 3
Element: Ice; Ice; Water
Type: Magic
Damage: 3-22 plus 100% Stats; 3-22 plus 100% Stats, 6-31 plus 100% Stats
BTH: +0 plus Stats each

Summon the spirit of an ancient ice dragon.


Sellback from esbem. New location from Luz. Damage from Jergal. Image from Wingman. Element from .*..*..*.. New image thanks to Archmagus Baron.

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