Blazing Yule Cannon (Full Version)

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golden1231 -> Blazing Yule Cannon (1/5/2015 21:11:22)


Blazing Yule Cannon

Level: 1-50
Price: N/A
Sellback: 0
Location: Opened from SC Present on January 2nd, 2015 / SC Gifts '14

Equip Slot: Front/Back Shoulder
Damage Type: Fire
Damage: 15-17 (scales)
Hits: 2
Energy: 32 (scales)
Cooldown: 3
Bonuses: None
Special Effects:
  • 120% damage
  • 1.5x HP DoT for 2 turns
  • -10 Fire resistance nerf for 3 turns, increases by -10 with each use, caps at -40; shoulders stack with each other

    Combos: When any other weapon in this set is used, the HP DoT stacks and damage increases by .5x, capping at 3x.

    Description: This cannon is burning with a fiery power! It will inflict a HP DoT effect on your foe that gains damage when any other 2014 gift is used! It will also increase your foes weakness to Fire damage! Levels with you to: 50
    Images: Blazing Yule Cannon, Attacking!

    Thanks to Ash for specials!

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