Weapons of Change II (Full Version)

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whackybeanz -> Weapons of Change II (1/20/2015 12:16:35)

Weapon of Change II
Harmonized Regrets

Location: Battleon » Robina's Shop » Truphma Saga » 11: Weapons of Change » 2: Harmonized Regrets

After a long conversation with Alana, Eukara Vox sent her home to be with her father. What they discussed has upset her, for what she learned could potentially turn her world, and the world of four others, upside down. The discovery of the Theater fragment outside of Deren has garnered attention. Xov, and her benefactor, have been working to find the next one to prevent Eukara and the One from doing their jobs. Likewise, Bree'ha has been looking around too. Just because he pays lip service to Xov, doesn't mean everything is hers...

«Scene: Battleon School»

Eukara: (thinking) I need to talk to the Guardians, but merely going will trigger trouble. I can't send «You», I can't send Kastio...
Eukara: (thinking) Even if I could, what would it accomplish? If I am watched, it will alert Xov's benefactor and complicate things. As if they weren't already complicated enough.
Eukara: (thinking) I just can't believe... that the possibility Kastio put forth could even be possible. Have I been blind?

«You enter the scene.»

«You»: Ms. Vox, Kastio left me a message saying you needed me?
Eukara: Ah, good day, «You». Yes, I do need you. You did a splendid job recovering the Theater fragment. We have three more, two of which Kastio is tracking down.
«You»: I assume that means that you have found the next one and I should ready for a trip?
Eukara: Yes. What do you know of Scakk?
«You»: Well, he's a techno-phile. I haven't seen him in a long time though.
Eukara: He and Kastio have been talking. It seems the next fragment has much to do with Scakk. Would you be willing to go visit him?
«You»: Of course! It would be nice to see him again.
Eukara: The next fragment is musical in nature. I am not sure what exactly he has, or will have that we need, but everything points to him as the bearer of something important.
«You»: I am on my way!

«You swiftly leave the scene.»

Eukara: (thinking) Who should I trust now...

«The scene fades to black. Across some plains near Mt. Thrall, under the night sky, Bree'ha speaks to some Trakels.»

Bree'ha: We saw «You» get off of Captain Rhubarb's ship here. There is something important here.
Trakel Brute: And Xov will triumph once we retrieve whatever «You» is looking for.
Bree'ha: Yes, of course. Always for the might of Xov...
Travel Enforcer: You seem unsure, Bree'ha. Do you not want the coming of the Age of Perfection?
Bree'ha: *laughs* Trust me, that age is coming. Very soon... Just get me the fragment.
Trakels: Yes, sir.

«The Trakels leave the scene.»

Bree'ha: (thinking) Ha, Age of Perfection. I have a better name for it. A much better name for it...

«Bree'ha leaves the scene and the scene fades to black. You arrive at Mt. Thrall.»

«You»: Hey, Scakk?

«From off-screen, Scakk speaks.»

Scakk: Yes?
«You»: Ah, you're home! Great, great. Eukara Vox sent me here.

«Scakk enters the scene.»

Scakk: Ms. Vox? Now, that is a name I haven't heard in a while. What is the Lady of Moravion up to? Still instructing the little minds of Battleon, hopefully?
«You»: Yes, she is. And, a name you haven't heard in a while?
Scakk: Yes, our Orders have had some interaction along the way. Long story, «You». Perhaps another day? I'm currently working on something.
«You»: Well, you see, she sent me because you have something, or may have something, she needs.
Scakk: Now, what on Lore would I have in my possession that the Guardian of Creativity would need?
«You»: Well, she's not exactly sure. All she knows is there is something you are interested in, that she needs.
Scakk: What I'm inter--- Ooooh... How does she do that?
«You»: Do what?
Scakk: Nothing, nothing. The next time I see that honey-haired fop...
Scakk: Anyway, I think I found something to add to my collection, and how she knows... *chuckles* I think it is time for an epic endeavor.
«You»: Of course. First, a trip with Zephyros, which ended painfully. Now, one with you, which won't be pretty. I am calling it right now.
Scakk: I will return!

«Scakk leaves the scene briefly to retrieve something.»

«You»: A trip... it always starts with a trip.

«Scakk returns, holding a helmet.»

Scakk: We need this!
«You»: What... is that?
Scakk: It's Drakel in origin, but I tweaked it a bit. Improved it, if I do say so myself. Wearing this will allow us to swim deeper into the sea without any physical harm.
«You»: And you know this because you've tested it?
Scakk: Well, no, all theory. But, you and I will test it out.
«You»: Um, I don't know if that was part of the agreement between Ms. Vox and me.
Scakk: Of course it was! You aren't sent on adventures without being expected to take a chance! Now, put this on so we can get to exploring. I want to find this mysterious item.

«The scene fades to black. It's time for an underwater adventure! As you dive down, several monsters attack you.»
    Full Heal after battles #2 and #4
«You arrive at the entrance of an underwater ruin.»

Scakk: That looks like our way in. Let's go!

«You exit from the underwater caverns and arrive on dry land.»

«You»: Where are we? I swear I have never swum that long. And then, on top of that, fight sea beasts intent on eating me.
Scakk: This, «You», is Creeren, or what once was Creeren.
«You»: You mean, the island nation that sank because of the war between the brothers who are now Trigoras?
Scakk: Ah, so you're aware of that historical event?
«You»: I had to "sit" in on a lesson by Ms. Vox. Was a very... enlightening experience.
Scakk: Great! Well, the people of Creeren were very intelligent, and were quite possibly ahead of their time in many of the arts, especially those of a musical variety.
«You»: Ah, then I am here to find the creative fragment for music. So, what do you think you have found down here?
Scakk: I told you I have a collection, right? I happen to have a soft spot for old-fashioned musical instruments.
Scakk: I know, I know. I am some tech guy who can understand the Cor-Dem language, Order of Alpha and such, but there is just something about the old way of creating music that I love.
Scakk: One day I will have to show you what I have so far. However, I've been analyzing the data I've gathered about the ruins and this place...
Scakk: -which conveniently depressed in just the right way to merge with the existing undersea caves. It's possible that they house what remains of a musical theater and instruments from that time period.
«You»: So, we are hunting for something that may be here... or may not be here. And Ms. Vox is banking on that. She has a lot of faith in people sometimes.
Scakk: I know that there has to be incredible examples of Creeren musicality down there. I think I will send Zephyros a report about it, based on what we find.
Scakk: That seems to be something he would want to know about before Valencia. I tend to side with his view of the ancient world. Now! Let's explore!
«You»: Wait, wait! What am I looking for?
Scakk: Well, I am after anything musical, but I would really love to find a Varistradius. It's supposed to be the epitome of the stringed instruments.
Scakk: Its sound was rumored to be exquisite and incomparable. That is my goal. But, any instrument really, will make me happy.
«You»: Then, search we shall.

«You start looking through what was once Creeren. Click on directional arrows to navigate around the area. Each room consists of 4 BATTLES, with a Full Heal after battles #2 and #4. You arrive at an area in an underwater cavern, where there's an instrument near some rubble.»

«You»: It looks like ... a trumpet?
Scakk: It's a cornet, «You». You might need to attend a few more of Ms. Vox's lectures on music. Nonetheless, I'm sure that I can find a use for this in my work...
  • Take Cornet!
      4 BATTLES
      Full Heal after battles #2 and #4
    «You arrive at another area in the cavern, where a string instrument can be seen above a pile of rocks.»

    «You»: Scakk, is that...?
    Scakk: Yes. The object of my desires, that which has haunted my dreams for weeks on end. It's... just so beautiful...!
    «You»: ....
    Scakk: Ahem. I suppose that there will be time for me to wax lyrical later.
    Scakk: My sensors are indicating that there is something very irregular, but fits the parameters of musical instrumentation in the next cave.
    «You»: Then, let's go find it. Perhaps it is what Ms. Vox is looking for.
  • Take Varistradius

    «In the next cave, a green slimy object with several sticks poked into it can be seen. It looks like a bagpipe, but in the shape of a Xyfrag?»

    «You»: That's... unique...

    «As you swim toward the object, several Trakel Divers intercept you!»

    Trakel Diver: That will be far enough, «You».
    Trakel Diver: Thank you so very much for leading us straight to the fragment, Scakk. We couldn't have gotten through these monster-infested tunnels without either of you.
    Trakel Diver: However, you've now outlived your usefulness.

    Were you caught off guard by the Trakel ambush?
    Difficulty: 81
    Stat Used: Dexterity

    «If you fail the roll:»

    «If you succeed the roll:»
      2 BATTLES: Trakel Diver
      Full Heal
    «Once you clear the battles, you proceed with the dialogue»

    «You»: I believe we got them, Scakk.

    «From the surface, you can hear a Trakel's voice.»

    Trakel Enforcer: Don't think that this is over, «You». Lord Bree'ha will hear of this outrage!
    «You»: "Lord Bree'ha"? Shouldn't they have said "Lady Xov"?
    Scakk: Forget that, «You»! My sensors are going ballistic. There must be an object of incredible musicality in the next cave over. It might even be a masterwork!
    Scakk: «You», this is something which we absolutely cannot leave without.
    «You»: I guess we need to take one more dive before turning back?

    «Scakk begins swimming away but stops and turns around to face you.»

    Scakk: I believe so... um...
    «You»: Um?
    Scakk: There seems to be a creature of prodigious girth in the water. I am thinking that we will not get that instrument without one last fight.
    «You»: So be it. Ms. Vox needs whatever is in that next cave.
      1 BATTLE: Noah's Knife
      Full Heal
    «A strange-looking stringed instrument is lodged into the cavern ground.»

    Scakk: I've never seen one of these. There's something odd about it, but my sensors cannot tell me what it is. I believe this is what Ms. Vox needs, «You».
    «You»: This is unlike anything I have ever seen. It has to be it.
    Scakk: There are times, «You», when I think we've lost so much by losing such instruments.
    Scakk: Yes, progress is wonderful, but holding onto such "rudimentary" magnificence is equally important.
    «You»: Thank you, Scakk!
    Scakk: Don't thank me yet. We still have to swim back...

    «The scene fades to black and the Weapons of Change II shop opens. Once you leave the shop:»

    To be continued...
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave
    Weapons of Change II

  • CRT-S100 [L. 10]
  • CRT-S200 [L. 30]
  • CRT-S300 [L. 50]
  • CRT-S400 [L. 70]
  • CRT-S500 [L. 90]
  • CRT-S600 [L. 110]
  • CRT-S700 [L. 130]
  • CRT-S800 [L. 150 G]

  • Musical Stomp [L. 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130 | 150 G]

    Corrections thanks to Archlist.

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