A suggestion of mine (Full Version)

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Kian -> A suggestion of mine (1/29/2015 4:42:17)

I was thinking of a new forum status/title, the "ArchSquire". Someone who doesn't carry full ArchKnight powers (yet) but who is able to assist the ArchKnights where needed. They could also be disciples of ArchKnights before becoming one themselves. Someone who just got a new job will always be appointed to someone with more experience to learn the basics, be corrected if necessary, and to become someone who later does the same for other rookies. Something similar to that.

Skurge -> RE: A suggestion of mine (1/29/2015 8:19:57)

Hey Kian,

This is actually a pretty common suggestion. I remember making one similar to this when the AQWorlds Ambassadors had their own forum board and it was kind of messy. A forum moderator basically told us that if we're going to trust someone with the responsibilities involved with a ArchKnight, we may as well give them the position completely. It was essentially exactly what is said in the FaQ:


1) "Why don't you appoint some temporary Moderators or ArchKnights in <insert spammy board>?"

If we trust someone enough to make them a temporary ArchKnight, or promote an ArchKnight to a temporary Moderator, then we trust them enough to promote them full-time. There is no "half" or "temporary." If you feel a specific board is having problems, please let that board's Head Moderator know.

Through personal experience, I feel like learning the basics and knowing what an ArchKnight does comes very naturally when someone's ready. A lot of the older ArchKnights and Moderators help us out too. I've actually never been in a situation where I haven't had contact with a Moderator or Admin (even at obscure times) when I had questions or concerns.

Luckily, we are not scarce of ArchKnights or Moderators too, so if a particular board needs assistance, we always have ArchKnights who are willing to help out and extend their board presence!

Kian -> RE: A suggestion of mine (1/29/2015 15:13:26)

Alright, seems sensical. Thanks, Skurge!

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