King Bling -> New Battle Mode v2.0 ( Of the suggested post) (2/2/2015 16:04:11)
Bascially the idea of this mode is that 2 players fight a bunch of npc or bosses in a row till they players die, and then the number of waves they survived are counted. The more they survive the more credits they get and exp as well. And the top 20 survivors will be on lb or some achievement for surviving certain number of waves. This will be exciting and bring back people and yes low lvl get low level npcs and higher lvl get higher lvl npc or bosses. Note: This is not a tournament and I dint want to put it that way, and how is this illegal or hacking can be involved in it? Now consider it as a battle mode, where you link with a partner and fight, its a same version of the earlier post "A new battle mode".