Resk -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 154 - Read the first post! (4/28/2015 11:57:41)
Fiend VS Chaos Tuga states that "Fiend Drakath has 8 attack cards with a total of 3300 damage at the cost of 26 energy. Chaos Drakath has 7 attack cards with a total of 3100 damage at the cost of 24 energy." However, that doesn't include the shield that Chaos has, or the ratios, With just attack cards, Fiend is 126 damage per energy / 412 per card Chaos is 129 damage per energy, / 442 per card so chaos is more efficient at that point, if we then include shields in, as they change mana into damage negation, we get... Chaos 3100a + 1500s for 24+9 -> 4600/33 -> 139/1 / 511/card Fiend 3300a + 1000s for 26 + 6 ->4300/32 -> 134/1 / 537/card Though this puts chaos at more mana efficient, and fiend at more card efficient, as less cards to use for same results, (if mana allows) In additon, as mentioned, due to more attack cards, and in this case 2 1/1's over a 2/3 and a 5/3 shield, while i would usually say the shield is better(because it is), due to the nature of 3 hit combos adding 150 damage, it does seem to push fiend into more reliable than chaos.... So yes, face value Chaos is better. Remembering you add 150 damage on combos, Fiend seems to push out slightly. -Resk