(DF) Azan's Quests and Sagas Discussion (Full Version)

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Azan -> (DF) Azan's Quests and Sagas Discussion (3/7/2015 17:42:31)

Hey. Figured I'd do a discussion thread of my stories after 6 months.

So, this is the discussion thread for this. There's not much right now, but I'll add stuff as time goes on.

Azan -> RE: (DF) Azan's Quests and Sagas Discussion (4/25/2015 23:40:49)

I've started a new storyline, The New Hero Saga! It's a fanfiction of Ash's adventures when the Hero was frozen...

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: (DF) Azan's Quests and Sagas Discussion (5/3/2015 8:04:49)

A question about the DF Carnax Saga if I may. How does Elryn being a prisoner of the Rose affect your story?


Character: I tried to climb, but I fell and... huh... ever wondered why Twilly had a chipped ear?

I appreciate the attempt at humour, but Twilly's ear was chipped back when we first saw him and Lady Celestia for the first time.

Azan -> RE: (DF) Azan's Quests and Sagas Discussion (5/3/2015 11:36:38)

Hmm... in fact, it pretty much nullifies the story - or at least, that part of the story. :P I wrote the DF Carnax Saga last August, before I knew Elryn was in-game elsewhere.

Oops, haven't realized that part about Twilly. Will fix it, thanks!

Azan -> RE: (DF) Azan's Quests and Sagas Discussion (5/9/2015 15:43:09)

The New Hero Saga is completed! (yay!)

Tolan BloodSoul -> RE: (DF) Azan's Quests and Sagas Discussion (8/30/2015 16:39:22)


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