Peachii -> RE: Ascended Claymore (All Versions) (4/2/2015 11:13:55)
[image][/image]Ascended Claymore This massive blade is used by those that have fully trained in the ways of the Ascended. The blade seems to be able to cut through almost anything! This item requires a Dragon Amulet. Location: Ascendant CC Price: 12,000 Gold Sellback: 1,200 Gold Level: 80 Damage: 74-102 Element: Bacon Bonuses: Block +4, Dodge +4, Parry +4, Crit +10, Magic Def +5, Pierce Def +5, Melee Def +5, WIS +6, END +6, INT +13, DEX +13, STR +13, Bonus +10 Resists: Health -3, Immobility +4, Bacon +10, Water +11, Fire +12 Rarity: 55 Item Type: Scythe Damage Type: Magic/Pierce/Melee Equip Spot: Weapon Category: Weapon