Lord Machaar -> RE: =ED= April 15th, 2015 - A Legendary Spring! (4/16/2015 11:49:40)
The DNs are pretty vague mentioning a buff to ranking system by giving high rank players and especially strenght builds more options to enhance their build, basically any strenght build user knows that you can pull off a strenght build with its full potentials at rank 30 - 40 (10 legendary points def/resis and 10 legendary poiints primary/sidearm damage), which means a rank 30 str user is just like a rank 60 str build user, on top of that, rank 60 str build user wastes 20 legendary points on auxilliary and robot damage, so basically giving these players another 2 options (increasing field medic and decreasing energy needed for cores) will put these 20 legendary points in use means a direct buff to strenght builds from rank 40 to 60. Which means a rank 30 str build user no longer has same potentials as a rank 60 str build user (Best example is tank builds for now, a rank 30 tank build user is far less powerful then a rank 60 tank build user). quote:
OK now the Focus 5 Rank 80 will be way stronger now and of course a Rank 50 str build will work way better now. I think this is not right. They will maintain 60 ranks cap, but instead they will add more possibilities to spend your legendary points on, so tank build will remain the same at rank 60, the build which is getting a buff here is strenght build, because frankly its the one that you have wasted legendary points, if you are using it after rank 40, because the last 20 legendary points will be used on aux/bot damage which adds nothing to strenght builds, by adding 2 new options, str builds will spend these 20 legendary points on something (field medic and core energy reduction) which will make these builds OP and popular from ranks ranging from 20 to 60. These new options that they will add will only increase variety in tank builds (Not making them more OP), e.g if you are a rank 60 tank build user, you might use 10 legendary points on field medic instead of using it on your sidearm damage and so on. And that's called variety. Till here, we see a buff to strenght builds ( from rank 40 - 60 ), as for players who are using these builds from rank 20 - 40 will receive nothing, since they will still have to use their legendary points on def/resis and primary damage, we also see adding variety to tank builds from rank 40+., and a new cheevo/items/hanging area which is great and very exciting for anyone wishing to rank up, But, the question is, this is all beautiful, we were asking for a nerf for high rank players, now we see a buff, but that's okay, since I think they planned a fix,but where is the fix? what is the fix after buffing high rank players and doing the opposite of what we asked for? This will go in vain if the game remains imbalanced. quote:
NEW matching changes Juggernaut and Legendary battles Implementing an underdog mode to improve the quality of matchmaking and duels. More details on this to be announced. This is vague, I can't judge it because it's not detailed, but I'm telling you, it's a bad idea, since improving the quality of matchmaking always means isolating players with different ranks/levels (best example level 35 - 36 - 37 don't face level 40s anymore, good for players for level 35s36s37s, but pretty bad for rank level 40s who will be isolated, and even more worse, forced to face players 60 ranks more than them), and since there aren't many players, some rank ranges will be isolated (40+). I hope this underdog mode isn't based on this classic idea, and something innovative is brought up to the surface.