Aznsul243's Doodles (Full Version)

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aznsul243 -> Aznsul243's Doodles (4/15/2015 21:30:18)

Hey guys! I just wanted to post some of the doodles I did today and maybe some in the future too. Please tell what you think about them. Thanks!


aznsul243 -> RE: Aznsul243's Doodles (4/15/2015 21:32:54)



TVTropean -> RE: Aznsul243's Doodles (4/15/2015 21:48:12)

The first image makes me remember of Algern for some reason. Pretty sword, no idea of what kind it could be.

The second image look like some kind of demon warrior of 3 faces. Will wait for the finished art, looks good.

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