Lower Varium Packages (Full Version)

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lcheezy -> Lower Varium Packages (4/17/2015 23:25:48)

It would be nice if you could get varium based on how many points u choose ofc. for ex i only have 300 artix points would it be possible for me to buy a certain amount of varium ? only

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: Lower Varium Packages (4/18/2015 1:02:21)

Of all the things I criticize EpicDuel for, the package's are out of their hands. I believe its up to the actual Artix Entertainment (boss hog). However, they could go back to offering lower tier packages giving promos too. But they decided to force you to buy the 10,000 varium package.

Ranloth -> RE: Lower Varium Packages (4/18/2015 4:01:37)

Direct Points -> Currency transfer isn't possible, and it's not even due to Flash but how the payment system works in AE - there are other things to take into account, such as tax or charges (to AE) for using third party payment methods, both being the reason why 500 Points packages were removed once; based on what Cysero said few years back.

For lower tier packages, it's a bit tricky when it comes to "what item(s) should it have?" because cosmetic promos aren't exactly the best selling ones, and we have tried it before too - in Omega. Dread Pack worked well with Gun being coreless, because Aux made up for it - but on its own, coreless weapons aren't exactly the best selling ones and marketing time put into it, could go to waste. In other words, waste of dev time which can be spent doing something else. Unlike in AQW, where you buy cosmetic items, they also can include exclusive Quests with the item(s) which increases the value - we cannot do this in ED, unfortunately. Not mentioning bonuses against certain monster types, which also cannot be done in ED - mostly because AQW is mainly PvE and... in ED, that'd be a core so basically a standard promo.

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: Lower Varium Packages (4/18/2015 14:41:39)


This is the problem with Epicduel marketing. You focus on ONE SET OF ITEMS. Just because you offer lower tier gear, doesn't mean it has to be some of the items in the 10,000 variums package.
They could simply offer bonus gear such as An already in-game robot, a set of charged cores, or even an achievement!

A very SMALL percentage of the game is willing to pay $50 for a few promos. (Face it, variums are WORTHLESS) thats why so many people are giving them away as codes. People almost always only buy the packages for the PROMOS. All Epicduel has to do it offer some sort of BONUS ITEM/ACHIEVEMENT to the lower tiers. That will highly encourage more people to buy them! Hence, more income.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Lower Varium Packages (4/18/2015 17:48:14)


For lower tier packages, it's a bit tricky when it comes to "what item(s) should it have?" because cosmetic promos aren't exactly the best selling ones, and we have tried it before too - in Omega. Dread Pack worked well with Gun being coreless, because Aux made up for it - but on its own, coreless weapons aren't exactly the best selling ones and marketing time put into it, could go to waste.

Well having a free coreless weapon is better than nothing at all. Like if the lowest value item in the Dread pack was the gun, then it could be be included in the $20 pack with a choice of P or E.

newtena -> RE: Lower Varium Packages (4/19/2015 9:18:11)

poor guy.

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