The berserker killer -> RE: =ED= April 23rd, 2015 - PvP MMO Event: The Wasteland War (5/1/2015 13:13:40)
This war seems insanely short. Thanks to the system at hand there are many flaws. 1) The system adjusts to the amount of players in game. The more players=the longer the war. Now we have 200 players who actually play. 2) Theres no incentive to play after 5k inf. Once again, increase the cap to 100k Influence while still allowing the War Prize to be claimed at 5k influence 3) Sure, War Commanders are a luxury but they cost too much for only 10 wins and only normal bombs and they force you to replace your passive core. If you guys tested the war system properly on another database you should have foreseen something like this impeding characters and completely draining them out of their credits. What I suggest doing about this is decreasing the cost of War Commanders, or, once you raise the Cap to 100k Influence there should be another Prize. A 500 Win War Commander alongside with 200k Credits and 100 Arcade tokens. Those are realistic numbers because this is WAR. If this was just some average battle that doesn't last as long and doesn't have a huge effect on the story line of this game, then Id say 5k is good enough. However this is War. Those are 3 out of many flaws in this war. Especially the failure to bring back flags during cooldown. @Shadow- I asked ranloth and he actually said they did nothing to mess with the block % which I find really hard to believe because I played this game nearly every day for months. I spend 24+ Hours on this game at a given time and one of the things I always noticed was that 1 single Dexterity point used to make a difference between who blocks more than the other person. Even with Celtic Cleaver on. Yet lately, and this only started happening recently, I can drop my dex down to 34+35 and connect damn well near every hit including my bludgeon. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but this has to be looked in to.