Mother1 -> RE: Suggestions Of Juggernauts (4/30/2015 15:47:53)
ok 1) While fighting against two NPC would be helpful in finding juggernauts matches depending on the situation I can't support this one. Juggernaut mode is a challenge mode which it is supposed to be harder for the Jug because they want a challenge. 2) It is already set at the limit where you can get 2 opponents that are 10 levels lower than you so part of this is already in game. But having 10 as the min 100% not supported. This would make it a real blood bath for the opponents who face lower level jugs. With this in play level 10's would always face level 20 jugs at the bare min, and at worst level 5 will face them. Not a pretty idea because you would be sending lower level inexperienced players to the slaughter house which could cause them to quit. 3) Not supported in the least. You are basically crippling the opponents especially if they invested in energy draining cores and skills. my might as well have pyro swarmed the opponents and take out their energy draining moves if you did this.