Tag team 2v2 (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


..Jasmine.. -> Tag team 2v2 (5/1/2015 7:51:54)

I would like to suggest that we could play 2v2 by teaming up with anther player.

This will improve a better 2v2 battles, quick match making and less trolls..your thoughts??

Mother1 -> RE: Tag team 2v2 (5/1/2015 8:03:24)

Already in the FSI under buddy linking. Also this isn't a new suggestion as it has been suggested several times in the past and IIRC was vetoed by the staff already.

..Jasmine.. -> RE: Tag team 2v2 (5/1/2015 8:43:55)

well, in the past I also would have denied this but provided the current state of the game i.e., poor balance(as always) and lower player base. This will be a successful feature if added in the game.

Ranloth -> RE: Tag team 2v2 (5/1/2015 8:46:40)

It was vetoed in Omega too, when the playerbase was low already. And just to confirm it again: it won't be happening.

King Bling -> RE: Tag team 2v2 (5/1/2015 16:29:47)

this wud have made game more interesting, but you ppl dont want the game to be interesting and want it to be boring as hell so ppl leave

Satafou -> RE: Tag team 2v2 (5/1/2015 17:21:27)

Tag team 2vs2 should be it's own unique battle mode. It's exactly what this game needs in order to make it more interesting and worthwhile playing.

WhiteTiger -> RE: Tag team 2v2 (5/1/2015 18:05:41)

Since this is in the Frequently Suggested Ideas thread, and Ranloth stated it won't be coming, locking up.


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