Sonic Enhancement Program Mk Series (Full Version)

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Peachii -> Sonic Enhancement Program Mk Series (5/7/2015 10:12:41)


Sonic Enhancement Program Mk I

Level: 10
Price: 5,000 Credits
Sellback: 500 Credits
Location: Mogloween '14 Mods

Equip Slot: Mod
Bonuses: Bonus +1, Power +4
Special Effects: None

Description: Jack made adjustments to his program to help you in other battles. It's not able to weaken mecha like it did against The Horseman, but it should provide you with a bit of a boost!

Peachii -> RE: Sonic Enhancement Program Mk Series (5/7/2015 10:13:41)


Sonic Enhancement Program Mk II

Level: 20
Price: 10,000 Credits
Sellback: 1,000 Credits
Location: Mogloween '14 Mods

Equip Slot: Mod
Bonuses: Bonus +2, Power +8
Special Effects: None

Description: Jack made adjustments to his program to help you in other battles. It's not able to weaken mecha like it did against The Horseman, but it should provide you with a bit of a boost!

Peachii -> RE: Sonic Enhancement Program Mk Series (5/7/2015 10:14:21)


Sonic Enhancement Program Mk III

Level: 30
Price: 15,000 Credits
Sellback: 1,500 Credits
Location: Mogloween '14 Mods

Equip Slot: Mod
Bonuses: Bonus +3, Power +12
Special Effects: None

Description: Jack made adjustments to his program to help you in other battles. It's not able to weaken mecha like it did against The Horseman, but it should provide you with a bit of a boost!

Peachii -> RE: Sonic Enhancement Program Mk Series (5/7/2015 10:15:10)


Sonic Enhancement Program Mk IV

Level: 40
Price: 20,000 Credits
Sellback: 2,000 Credits
Location: Mogloween '14 Mods

Equip Slot: Mod
Bonuses: Bonus +4, Power +16
Special Effects: None

Description: Jack made adjustments to his program to help you in other battles. It's not able to weaken mecha like it did against The Horseman, but it should provide you with a bit of a boost!

Peachii -> RE: Sonic Enhancement Program Mk Series (5/7/2015 10:15:30)


Sonic Enhancement Program Mk V

Level: 50
Price: 25,000 Credits
Sellback: 2,500 Credits
Location: Mogloween '14 Mods

Equip Slot: Mod
Bonuses: Bonus +5, Power +20
Special Effects: None

Description: Jack made adjustments to his program to help you in other battles. It's not able to weaken mecha like it did against The Horseman, but it should provide you with a bit of a boost!

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