=ED= May 7th, 2015 - EPIC MMO EVENT: LEGENDARY REVAMP (Full Version)

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Battle Elf -> =ED= May 7th, 2015 - EPIC MMO EVENT: LEGENDARY REVAMP (5/7/2015 15:56:45)



May 7th, 2015
This Friday, prepare for a Legendary update! New Legendary stats, new achievements, new Legendary gear, and a new Legendary boss are coming to EpicDuel!


Near Titan's lonely home in Frysteland, new shops have spawned that are only accessible by those deemed worthy. In these shops, Legendary players will be able to access up to three tiers of Legendary gear. The following is just a small sampling of the amazing content created by our talented Guest Artist team.
Don't worry, there's a "normal" variant of the war horse as well.
These shops will be expanded over time to continually offer the the most epic gear in Delta V. We'll try to keep the updates rares, but of a very high quality to prevent the shops from being diluted. There's also a chance items will be rotated out of the shops to make room for more items.

Legendary Achievement
Rank up with the new Legendary achievement!
Show off your status by evolving your achievement all the way up to the 12th tier! This tier is worth a nice tidy sum of Rating Points. Can you reach it?

Legendary Titan

Titan has been working out to a steady regimen of double bacon cheeseburgers and lifting mountains, and he's ready to crack some skulls.
Challenge Legendary Titan at your own risk. He was designed to be the most challenging fight in the game.
Triumphing over this impressive foe will reward you with a Legendary Titan Achievement!

Underdog Mode and Balance
As mentioned before, Underdog Mode is still in progress. We're vigorously testing and reworking the numbers to make sure it's strong enough to be noticeable, but not so strong that it negates the level advantage of the stronger opponent. More specific numbers will be avaible in the patch notes.

Tags: Nightwraith

Legendary Titan is pretty tough, good luck guys. ~Battle Elf

Darkwing -> RE: =ED= May 7th, 2015 - EPIC MMO EVENT: LEGENDARY REVAMP (5/7/2015 16:14:13)

Oh come one, the underdog mode will go live in less then a day and you still can't give us any details about it? It doesn't have to be exact numbers, but at least say what it does. Like it gives you Health Points boost, or Energy boost...something?

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= May 7th, 2015 - EPIC MMO EVENT: LEGENDARY REVAMP (5/7/2015 17:51:00)

We covered it in the Livestream yesterday. Based on the Rank difference between you and your opponent (or L38/39 vs. Legendary player) you will get x boost to your Str/Dex/Tech/Support (which is variable depending on the difference in levels/ranks) as well as a bonus to First Strike, and even Exp/Credit boost - just like level difference does.

So, for example, if you're L38 player and face L40 Rank 20, you will get the Underdog Mode - passively granting you boost to your stats equivalent to the difference between you and your opponent (scales in tiers), higher chance to go First based on level difference and Ranks are also taken into account, as well as even more Exp and Credits if you win.

Fahim -> RE: =ED= May 7th, 2015 - EPIC MMO EVENT: LEGENDARY REVAMP (5/7/2015 17:54:52)


As mentioned before, Underdog Mode is still in progress. We're vigorously testing and reworking the numbers to make sure it's strong enough to be noticeable, but not so strong that it negates the level advantage of the stronger opponent. More specific numbers will be available in the patch notes.

Sounds a bit vague from my perspective, as if they're still not ready to release this new 'Underdog Mode'.

Edit: @Ranloth - Thanks for clarifying the new Underdog mode - they could've explained that on the DN's.

dfo99 -> RE: =ED= May 7th, 2015 - EPIC MMO EVENT: LEGENDARY REVAMP (5/7/2015 20:10:28)

lol, machaar massive spam was really effective

The berserker killer -> RE: =ED= May 7th, 2015 - EPIC MMO EVENT: LEGENDARY REVAMP (5/7/2015 21:00:03)

Perhaps you guys are underestimating the power of boosts to Stats just a lotta bit. Boosting their Def and Res? No problem, but boosting stats? Well... kinda crossed the line there

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= May 7th, 2015 - EPIC MMO EVENT: LEGENDARY REVAMP (5/7/2015 21:25:27)

You're probably overestimating the boost it'll get, considering it's still not enough to offset the Ranks' power, but merely lower the advantage Ranks give in PvP. If you're hoping for something like +15 or +20 to all stats (which is like 15-20 levels worth of stat points), then don't. I won't mention boosts are scaled per Rank difference too, so the lower it is, the lesser the boost (or none at all).

iTz Ice -> RE: =ED= May 7th, 2015 - EPIC MMO EVENT: LEGENDARY REVAMP (5/7/2015 21:34:42)

How're these new boosts going to work? Will they be applied based on the rank solely rather than the ranks purchased? Or how will this new system work? Will there also be a limit where boosts vs. ranks stop stacking?

Situation 1:
e.g. Player A is Rank 100 vs. Player B Level 38; How are the stats boost supposed to work? Will it cap at 80 since NPCs boost are pretty much useless outside of battle?

Situation 2:
e.g. Player A is Rank 20, he only has bought NPCs ranks vs. Player B Rank 38. How are boosts supposed to work in this situation? NPCs Boosts won't help in any way shape or form against a Level 38 with stat boosts.

I don't get why lower levels are getting a Credit and EXP boost as another reward besides the boosts.

Lord Machaar -> RE: =ED= May 7th, 2015 - EPIC MMO EVENT: LEGENDARY REVAMP (5/7/2015 21:59:52)

^ Why level 25 gets more exp/credits when he defeats level26? Never asked yourself, or yeah wait since it has a relation with ranks it must be wrong. It's not. In fact, it is the most harmless addition of all of them, they don't affect the result of the battle, oftherwise, they help players rank up faster in order for this ranking system to be expandable.

What can I say, devs didn't chose to make the underdog mode, they were forced to do it, they had 2 solutions if they wanted to add more ranks:
- Isolate rank 60+ players so they don't face level 38/39 players = longer waiting time.
- Acknowledge that ranks give advantage just like levels do.

I hope the underdog mode is well constructed, because with a combination of 80 ranks, some builds will shine, and become more overpowered.

Concerning the live stream, ranloth and owa have said that sidearm damage now increases with dex. Let me tell you this, I don't want to misjudge this tweak, but here is the thing, strenght players will have another reason to invest more stats in dex, giving them the abilitiy to spam striking button and do a pretty high damage with side arm when kartherax is on. I'm just saying, you guys are the testers, but from my experience, this is what I think.

iTz Ice -> RE: =ED= May 7th, 2015 - EPIC MMO EVENT: LEGENDARY REVAMP (5/7/2015 22:17:06)

^ Well, level 38-39 already gain more Experience and Credits while fighting and defeating a level 40. Besides, Level 25 aren't getting boosts to remain competitive against Level 26.

Lord Machaar -> RE: =ED= May 7th, 2015 - EPIC MMO EVENT: LEGENDARY REVAMP (5/7/2015 22:34:09)

^ they don't need boosts since the difference is not that drastic, although they have a better chance to start first.
It is very normal for a level 25 to defeat a level 28-29 player, 4 level difference is tolerable with the right build, it is impossible for a level 38 to defeat a level 40 rank 80, there is already a 2 levels difference plus 80 ranks, what i am sure of is 80 ranks in this case are the equivalent of 4 - 5 levels making it 6 - 7 levels in total of difference.

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= May 7th, 2015 - EPIC MMO EVENT: LEGENDARY REVAMP (5/8/2015 2:22:52)

Yeah, we're aware of what moving Guns to Dex can cause - your Strength build thing is actually less harmful than Dex abuse TM, which so far has been trickier to work around with, due to EP control and looping skills. It scales slower than it did on Strength, to make up for Dex giving other (defensive) boosts and Strength itself also took a small hit. There are also other changes planned, which could make up for this - and indirectly nerf them builds which abuse one or two stats only. Hence why I believe the increase in Strength abusers having even more Dex, is unlikely to happen.
We held back with making any adjustments to Strike, due to everything else (in)directly affecting Strength abusers, and what we have planned so far, may prove to be just about enough - or perhaps overshot. If undershot, then we'll do another patch soon to cover that.

Underdog Mode should make the mismatched battles a little bit better to bare with, considering all the bonuses it gives. At this point, it's better than nothing and could prove to be pretty effective - we can see what it can do (and adjust numbers) but the aftermath of whether it works in practice + thousands of battles worth of data, will come from the players.

comicalbike -> RE: =ED= May 7th, 2015 - EPIC MMO EVENT: LEGENDARY REVAMP (5/8/2015 3:13:20)

well how would underdog work against a rank 188 Ranloth
also how would underdog work with rank 100 against rank 186
also if i fight titan legendary will i be able to be the underdog

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= May 7th, 2015 - EPIC MMO EVENT: LEGENDARY REVAMP (5/8/2015 5:14:52)

Your Rank 186-188 means nothing, because it caps at Rank 80 for PvP bonuses. You can't get anything beyond that, and it's highly unlikely you will.

And no, you won't be the underdog. It's for PvP, and not NPCs. You get two categories for NPCs already, in the Legendary Stats.

Darkwing -> RE: =ED= May 7th, 2015 - EPIC MMO EVENT: LEGENDARY REVAMP (5/8/2015 5:21:40)

Lol I forgot to ask, don't know if you guys said it, but will underdog mode work only to 1vs1 or all battles modes?

And I like it that strength won't have gun anymore. This is a change I like. First major nerf strength got in this game?

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= May 7th, 2015 - EPIC MMO EVENT: LEGENDARY REVAMP (5/8/2015 5:30:47)

Ideally, we want all modes to be covered by this. But for now, 1v1 will only be affected to see how it works in practice, and whether the feedback and numbers are good enough to expand onto 2v2 and Juggernaut. We are liking what we see so far, but players can usually run everything into the ground and find more flaws than we can - purely due to how many players there are.

And yeah, first major nerf to Strength. They should still perform well, but just have to reconsider whether they want to ditch other stats for sake of higher and Dex.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= May 7th, 2015 - EPIC MMO EVENT: LEGENDARY REVAMP (5/8/2015 6:11:53)

phurrrrr... More waiting for juggernaut... WOW :/

p.s: The weapons don't look anything even close to being legendary. (No offense) but ED has had much, much better weapons in the past. (IMO)

romanu -> RE: =ED= May 7th, 2015 - EPIC MMO EVENT: LEGENDARY REVAMP (5/8/2015 9:26:04)

hehe, in the last week I started to use a sword with my Tech mage builds. Time to get that staff out of the bank, my dex TM just got a great boost.

And unlike strength builds, if dex mage runs out of energy, they can be defeated rather easy. So this is good.

Lord Machaar -> RE: =ED= May 7th, 2015 - EPIC MMO EVENT: LEGENDARY REVAMP (5/8/2015 11:36:26)

Does the underdog mode count ranks in total, active and unactive.
Because some players haven't used all of their legendary points, because they haven't opened slots for them.
Also, does this mode take in consideration where the player with higher rank. E.g rank 40 player invested 10 legendary points on primary sidearm damage, and def/resis, boosts take in consideration that or they are constant no matter where your opponent have invested their points on?

The berserker killer -> RE: =ED= May 7th, 2015 - EPIC MMO EVENT: LEGENDARY REVAMP (5/8/2015 11:54:11)

=D well talk about a buff to Strength Blood Mage if anyones following along

Digital X -> RE: =ED= May 7th, 2015 - EPIC MMO EVENT: LEGENDARY REVAMP (5/8/2015 13:51:42)

Is the legendary battle available for all, or just those who are actually, at legendary status?

The berserker killer -> RE: =ED= May 7th, 2015 - EPIC MMO EVENT: LEGENDARY REVAMP (5/8/2015 13:55:42)


Lord Machaar -> RE: =ED= May 7th, 2015 - EPIC MMO EVENT: LEGENDARY REVAMP (5/8/2015 14:04:42)

^ it will cost even more less with core reduction slot, you can use it for 90 energy, that's sick. Thank god damage was lowered.

Also another question Ranloth, will the boosts increase blocking/deflecting/criting chance?

And frankly I think these boosts will benefit tank builds the most, a support build doesn't need boost in strenght.

Digital X -> RE: =ED= May 7th, 2015 - EPIC MMO EVENT: LEGENDARY REVAMP (5/8/2015 15:09:01)

OK I tried the Legendary Titan. He heals after every turn that you are alive, and creamed me in 5 turns. 20,000HP. April fools has been and gone [:(]

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= May 7th, 2015 - EPIC MMO EVENT: LEGENDARY REVAMP (5/8/2015 15:23:36)

Digi this fight isn't meant for you or me

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