SonicTbear -> RE: epic duel wish list (5/28/2015 8:10:09)
I need to think of some stuff, but I do have one thing in mind. Penalizing players who act like jerks in combat. E.g. Calling people noobs, saying "u suk" but not necessarily in that way; it can be any variation of saying someone sucks, whether you have ally chat on or not in 2v2/1 saying "attack/kill/go for (level of player/player class/player name)," cursing (whether that person is losing or is being trolled by someone else), etc. Penalties such as an incurable poison DoT for about two turns or so, a loss of stats for a turn or more, decreased Defense/Resistance for a few, a random stun, a cool down added to one of your skills (active or not), a buff to your opponent, the possibility of a 1% (or lower) chance of being instantly killed by the game no matter how far you're into the battle or how much health someone has, the chance a person or both teammates in 2v2 getting insta-killed by the game regardless of whether your teammate didn't say anything rude or not, etc. This will cut down on some of the smack talk and make eight-year-olds shut up and get them to stop acting like they're so perfect, they can't be beat or think they're God or something.