Lord Machaar -> RE: May 22th, 2015 - Patch Notes - 1.6.46 (Discussion) (5/22/2015 22:58:57)
Not really, the matches nowadays depend on many things beside the direct advanatage given or taken such as: - Class. - Build. - Cores. (Equipement) - And most importantly, intelligence. - Luck... Underdog mode is beneficial for 5 focus builds, having the underdog mode while using support/strenght and in a second place caster TMS isn't that beneficial, since having +1 or +2 or +3 tech/dex/str while using support isn't that helpful, at best they can give +9 - 12 defense/resistance, however ranks give 30 defense/resistance, sure stats given by the underdog mode increase crit/def/block chance, but how would a support build get benefits from a deflection or a block, since it has already very low technology and dexterity. The underdog mode can't be perfect, nor make the balance perfect, because balance will never reach perfect state, but what I do know is, the game is better now.